Lovelace: Simple thermostat card


Thanks for this card. Are there any details available of how to build it from the source?



Anyone running this card together with the Tado system? Any experience what is functional and what not?

/ Ralf

Hey @nervetattoo,

Loving these cards! I have Sensibo units and these cards work much nicer than the stock HA ones.

One issues with Sensibo (and I’ve seen it mentioned once or twice), is that setting the mode doesn’t also turn the device on.

Rather than modifying your code and have an update break it, I was wondering if there is a way to add a power toggle button of some description, please?

If you already have a way for me to do this that I’ve missed, please let me know :slightly_smiling_face:


Is there any way to support two entities for a Honeywell - TH8320ZW1000

My available entities are:


My current config is

entity: climate.honeywell_th8320zw1000_touchscreen_thermostat_heating_1
name: Upstairs Thermostat,
step_size: 1
type: custom:simple-thermostat

Which is working a bit odd as its warming up now so now using cooling - if i adjust the temp it puts it down to 4c. If i change it to im good again until heating kicks in later in the year.

entity: climate.honeywell_th8320zw1000_touchscreen_thermostat_cooling_1
name: Upstairs Thermostat,
step_size: 1
type: custom:simple-thermostat

Not sure if simple thermostat can support multiple entities?

I’ve been setting up some tados with this card, you have to configure the modes so they are equal to the tado ones:

    include: true
    name: 'Off'
    icon: 'mdi:power'
    include: false
    include: false
  Tado mode:
    include: true
    name: MAN
    icon: 'mdi:hand-pointing-up'
  Smart schedule:
    include: true
    name: AUTO
    icon: 'mdi:auto-fix'

also make sure that you adjust the step_size option to 0.1 or 1 (tado radiator valves don’t accept decimals)

In my case I only use “Smart schedule” as fully-automatic mode, “Tado mode” for manual mode and “Off” mode when I plant to stay away from for a long time. The other modes are hidden
That’s the result, very compact and nice.

Congratulations to the creator @nervetattoo !

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Congratulations @nervetattoo,
really a great job, thanks for sharing.
I would like to ask you to have the possibility to display an icon instead of the name in the entity section.
something like this:

  • entity: sensor.letto_fun_mode
    icon: ‘mdi:fan’

I have a little suggestion for this card - it would be great if we could not only add sensors to the card but other entities in general too. I for example would like to add a timer displaying the remaining time of my boost mode.

You need to have a working Node.js setup locally first.
Clone the repo and run npm install or yarn (depending on what you use) followed by either npm run build or yarn build and you should get a built file in simple-thermostat.js

Does the stock card also turn it on as you set the mode? If so that functionality can probably be ported. I don’t spend much free time on coding now that summer is coming so a PR on Github from someone would really be ace :wink: :wink:

I don’t really understand how two entities would work. Care to elaborate? You can use one of the conditional cards to use different configs for simple-thermostat based on whatever condition you want for choosing the entity, would that suffice?

That should be a simple enough enhancement. I created an issue on Github for me to remember it and I’ll see if I can add it in the next release whenever I spend some time on it again.

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A sensor is just an entity really. Does the current functionality not work for what you want? Can you show the state and config for a timer you would like to include?

The Problem is that the if I use the timer in my config as “timer.renaining_time” it only displays whether the timer is active or idle, but not the time itself. The remaining time is not saved as an attribut of the timer, I only know that if I display the timer as an entity in a regular card it displays a countdown timer. Using a sensor that displays a time works in theory, but Sensors are only Updated once every Minute and I would like to include a countdown timer that also displays seconds.

So I added support in 0.23 for what I believe you are asking for: The ability to specify both an entity and an attribute in the sensors array.

- entity: timer.test
  attribute: remaining

Now renders the remaining attribute. However, for timers specifically their actual countdown time is not part of the attributes passed to a card. You can see the same if you open the entity popover from dev_states or somewhere else. I will not spend time hunting the source code for how I can deal with timers specifically right now as it almost feels like a bug that there exists a remaining attribute that is not being updated. Perhaps someone else can chime in with whats the deal with timers?

Timers are weird. When I use a normal entities card and display a timer like so

  - entity: timer.boost_timer
type: entities

The card will actually show me the remaining time of the timer, updating every second. When I add this to your card though, it will display the actual state of the timer (active/idle). The entity card must handle the timer somehow differently (btw, I think the remaining time is calculated on the fly [by calculating with the current time and the remaining time. Only when you pause the timer, remaining time get’s updated]). So yeah, I don’t know what the regular entitiy card does different with the timer entity, but there is works :-/

@foraster: can you post your complete config for a tado thermostate please?

Thanks in advance,

Here you go, set include: false to hide the modes that you don’t want.

decimals: 1
entity: climate.atelier
  state: true
  'Off': 'mdi:radiator-off'
  Smart schedule: 'mdi:auto-fix'
  Tado mode: 'mdi:hand-pointing-up'
    include: false
    icon: 'mdi:power'
    include: true
    name: 'Off'
  Smart schedule:
    icon: 'mdi:auto-fix'
    include: true
    name: AUTO
  Tado mode:
    icon: 'mdi:hand-pointing-up'
    include: true
    name: MAN
    include: false
  - entity: sensor.atelier_humidity
    name: Humidity
  - entity: sensor.atelier_heating
    name: Power
step_size: 1
type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'

Does this card still work with your custom e-thermostaat component?

For me it has been broken for quite a while. When I try to change the temp, it flips back to the former value. I’m on the latest versions of the component and this card.

There is a known issue (not known cause yet) that I’ve yet to dive into. I have some hunches but as I can’t reproduce it and it leaves no error messages its not easy to get fixed. The best would have been for someone who knows JS well enough that has one of the components that fail to try to debug it.
Patience and it will eventually be solved though.

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@nervetattoo Is it possible to remove the card icon, circled in green? I haven’t been able to do this :blush:
Or alternatively, use entity_picture instead of an icon? (In this case I’d use the Nest logo)

And did anyone find out how to change the colour of the button circled in purple?