Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

how did you upgrade?
I’m using HACS but I see that last available release is .25

@woody4165 did you fixed this issue ?

I haven’t tried yet last version
I will try tomorrow and let you know

Just appears In HACS in the drop down when I checked.

I see .26 only selecting “show beta” in HACS.
BTW, upgraded to .26 beta but I still have no mode buttons.
is there anything I’m missing?

Try resizing your browser I noticed they drop off for me in the app and also on my android tablet. Working on desktop though

Maybe an issue with breakpoints?

tried “desktop mode” on chrome on my phone (full HD display) and nothing changed

I also just installed the .26 beta and do not see any mode buttons on my laptop using chrome.

Restart Home Assistant and remove cookies / cache and test in Private browsing mode to avoid any cache issues. The 0.26 schould work.

done, done and done… no way

Same here… no way (v0.25)

How can i get modes ? :frowning:
Thanks !

I am still not seeing the modes either

0.25 together with HA 0.96+ will not show modes.
You need 0.26 for this. At least to have chance.

I am on 0.97.2 and have version 0.26 and I am unable to see the modes. I’ve tried clearing the cache, removed cookies and incognito view and still not showing.


Same for me: running 0.97.2 and (beta) 0.26 of simple thermostat (via HACS).
Also do not see any modes.

Lovelace YAML Config (excerpt), running a TAOD thermostat:

#                     Living room - Tado temp                   #
        - type: custom:simple-thermostat
          entity: climate.wohnzimmer
          name: false
          step_size: 1
          decimals: 0
            - entity: sensor.wohnzimmer_humidity
              include: true
              name: 'Off'
              icon: false
              include: false
              icon: false
              include: false
              icon: false
            Tado mode:
              include: true
              name: MAN
              icon: false
            Smart schedule:
              include: true
              name: AUTO
              icon: false

Do i miss any big change?

/ Ralf

Non-standard modes seem to disappear with HA 0.96
But at least Off you should see.

Really no non-standard modes anymore? That would be bad, as many products have own modes.
I also do not see any “Off”…

/ Ralf

Seem to. I lost them also for my Eurotronic. Fortunatelly I do not need them.

And they can be reached via presets.

I’d be more than happy just to see the standard ones :slight_smile:

Could you explain what you mean by “reached via presets” ?

I currently use this card inside a popup card on a tablet view and if I am unable to change modes through the use of this card it then unfortunately would not have much value for me.