Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

You’re right, thanks. Added now

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Anyone know how suppress the main icon? icon: ‘false’ use to work and the main title use to align to the left…inline with any other boxes with above or below this o e.

Ignore this…seems to have resolved itself…cheers

Can someone post a full config of their new 2.0 setup? I’m having issues with getting mine to work correctly. Guess that’s the last time I blindly update an addon.

      include: false
      include: true
      include: true
      include: true
      include: false
      include: true
entity: climate.z_wave_plus_thermostat_thermostat_mode
  step: column
    type: list
header: FALSE
  - entity: sensor.kate_bedroom_temp_sensor_temperature
    name: Kate Temp
  - entity: sensor.ryan_bedroom_temp_sensor_temperature
    name: Ryan Temp
  - entity: sensor.master_bedroom_temperature_temperature
    name: Master Bed
step_size: 1
type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'

Can you be more specific about what you are struggling with? And perhaps a screenshot of the result given the config?

This is all I’m getting. Prior to 2.0, I had off/head/ac and then a list of the entity sensor temperatures as well.


Strange. I found a potential bug, but that should have resulted in a complete crash, not what you are seeing. Any way. Try to update to 2.0.1 and see if that helps. Make sure you clear your browser cache.
I’ve tested your scenario (hide some hvac actions, hide header, sensors as a list) and it works fine.

Pretty new to Lovelace but got this card working. One thing I would like to do is hide the home/away preset. Is there some code that I can pop in there to do this? I fumbled my way through github it wasn’t able to figure it out.

I’m having an issue with the controls for the operation mode and presets not displaying properly. From what I can tell, this should work.

Any ideas would be great.

type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
entity: climate.my_ecobee_2
step_size: '0.5'
icon: 'mdi:power'
  temperature: true
  state: true
  - entity: climate.my_ecobee
    attribute: current_temperature
    icon: 'mdi:home-thermometer-outline'
    name: Temperature
  - entity: climate.my_ecobee
    attribute: current_humidity
    icon: 'mdi:water'
    name: Humidity
      name: false
      icon: 'mdi:home'
      name: false
      icon: 'mdi:home-outline'
      name: false
      icon: 'mdi:bed'
      name: false
      icon: 'mdi:home-floor-b'
    Work at Home:
      name: false
      icon: 'mdi:briefcase'
    _name: Mode
      name: Make it cold
      icon: false
      name: false
      name: false
      icon: 'mdi:fire'
      name: false
      icon: 'mdi:snowflake'
  step: column

I’m seeing the same thing with any control elements when trying to set names or icons.


Seems I introduced a bug for overriding names/icons, fix is released just now


Fix doesn’t appear to have worked. Still no change for the config I posted above.

Share the attributes of your entity and I can probably spot the problem

Attributes below. This was working flawless before the 2.0.0 updates. Not sure what changed.

  - heat_cool
  - heat
  - cool
  - 'off'
min_temp: 7
max_temp: 35
min_humidity: 15
max_humidity: 50
  - auto
  - 'on'
  - Home
  - Away
  - Sleep
  - basement
  - Work at Home
current_temperature: 19.9
temperature: null
target_temp_high: null
target_temp_low: null
current_humidity: 46
humidity: 38
fan_mode: auto
hvac_action: fan
preset_mode: basement
aux_heat: 'off'
fan: 'on'
climate_mode: Home
equipment_running: fan
fan_min_on_time: 20
friendly_name: My ecobee
supported_features: 95

This corrected itself with core version 2021.04.01. All good now.

Is there a way to show NO icon for a given state?

            cooling: mdi:air-conditioner
            heating: mdi:fire

When my system is idle I prefer no icon. V1 allowed me to use the code above. I’ve also tried false and ``, but still showing default radiator.

EDIT: Figured it out. RTFM. Added header: before icon: and updated indentation.

is it possible to get rid of the text between the parenthesis for the state?

After upgrading (via HACS) to the latest version, and reading thru the updated config instructions multiple times, I’m unable to see my cards. They’re simply missing / not showing on the front end. Current configuation:

        - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
          entity: climate.6900_kitchen
          style: |
            ha-card {
              padding-bottom: 0px !important;
            ha-card header {
              padding-top: 15px;
              padding-bottom: 2px;
          decimals: 1
          step_size: 1
            name: Home - Kitchen
              fan: mdi:fan
              cooling: mdi:air-conditioner
              heating: mdi:fire
            state: true
            - entity: climate.6900_kitchen
              name: HVAC Mode
            - entity: climate.6900_kitchen
              name: Away is
              attribute: preset_mode
            - entity: climate.6900_kitchen
              name: Fan mode
              attribute: fan_mode
            - entity: sensor.6900_kitchen_last_changed
              name: Changed
#            - entity: climate.6900_kitchen
#              name: Fan is
#              attribute: fan_action
            - preset: false
            - hvac: false

Any help / suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!

An update should never screw your current settings so you have to re-write all your cards that you have made for every single Lovelace wall panel on the house. how can I change the name of the card now? previous mode is not working.
At least a chart of all the changes and how to re apply them now on the new version should be at least present in GitHub. Not very profesional from my opinion, to roll updates this way, don’t take me wrong, I love that there is support and that new features are implemented, but you can screw users and make them re code their cards, after a new upgrade.

That’s why we developers create change logs when we implement yet another feature requested by the community, but I guess nobody reads these. You should, to avoid these kind of surprises.

Anyway, you can always roll back to the previous version that worked for you, so what’s the real problem?