Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

Thanks for the help. I was able to do that, but where I am confused is how to replace the N/A value after Currently with this value from the Smoke Detector.

See my updated above answer.
Also, maybe there still needs to be a template-line. Just try out some stuff.

Hmmmm…I just cannot get it to budge. At all. Nothing about that field.

Here is my code. Even when I change the label, it does not reflect a change at all. What am I missing in the process?

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.ac_in_top_floor_living_room
  - id: temperature
    label: '{{ui.currently}}'
    template: '{{states.sensor.smoke_detector_air_temperature|formatNumber}}'
    heat: true
    'off': true
    cool: true
    heat_cool: false
    dry: false
    fan_only: false
    boost: false
    eco: false
    none: false
      name: Auto
      icon: hass:fan
      name: Low
      icon: hass:fan
    LowMid: false
      name: Mid
      icon: hass:fan
    HighMid: false
      name: High
      icon: hass:fan
    headings: false
    names: true
    icons: true
  step: column
step_size: '1'
decimals: '0'

Looks like this is working for me

          - type: custom:simple-thermostat
            version: 3
           ... some text in-between...
              - entity: sensor.smoke_detector_air_temperature
                id: temperature
                label: "{{ui.currently}}"
                template: "{{state.text}} {{unit_of_measurement}}"
              - id: state
                label: State
                template: "{{hvac_action}}"

This replaces the Currently and the State parts on the screen. The State part is needed otherwise the name changes to Operation.

That did it. I needed to put the state back in there and definitely needed the version line. It caused my dashboard to break, but then I switched back to visual editor and then back to code editor and it fixed it…no idea.

But, thank you!

You’re welcome!

This version 3 functionality is actually great stuff once you get the hang of it.
For instance, this works too: label: "{{'mdi:valve'|icon}}", it allows you to replace text by an icon.

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When I add

I get N/A for the settings. I can’t lower my set points and I don’t know why this is? Any ideas? Thanks!

I tried making it clean and simple, but removing all the mode variables left me with this green rectangle at the bottom? Any idea how I can get rid of it?

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.vent_vsr500
header: false
step_size: '1'
  temperature: true
  state: true
  step: step
    names: false
    headings: false
    icons: false

Adding this helped :slight_smile:

    include: false

Just updated to HA Core from 10.6 to 11.0 and lost my +/- buttons on my Simple Thermostat card. Reverted back to 10.3 and the buttons are back. Anyone else experience this?

They are not gone, just invisible so I assume some style changed. But you still can click them :slight_smile:

And it’s not isolated to Simple Thermostat, MediaPlayer looks the same for me.


I try to remove this state but isn’t work :confused:


          - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
            entity: climate.sejour
              name: Séjour
            step_size: 0.5
              temperature: Température
              state: Etat
              - attribute: min_temp
                name: Minimun
                unit: "°C"
              - attribute: max_temp
                name: Maximum
                unit: "°C"
              - entity: sensor.tmp_sejour
                name: Humidité
                unit: "%"
              - attribute: state
                name: State
                template: "{{hvac_action}}"
            control: false

Any idea ?


Yes, use the version 3 features: simple-thermostat/ at 9c274465b5c513e9e6a82d9670f52807ba173233 · nervetattoo/simple-thermostat · GitHub

See my examples in earlier posts.

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Thx !

          - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
            entity: climate.sejour
            version: 3
              name: Séjour
            step_size: 0.5
              - id: state
                label: Etat
                template: '{{hvac_action|translate(''state_attributes.climate.hvac_action.'')}}'
              - id: temperature
                label: 'Température'
                template: '{{current_temperature|formatNumber}}°C'                
              - label: Minimun
                template: '{{min_temp}}°C'
              - label: Maximun
                template: '{{max_temp}}°C'
              - entity: sensor.hum_sejour
                template: '{{state.text}}%'
                label: 'Humidité'
            control: false
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It’s possible to change icon color of preset whit 1 color by preset ?

EDIT : I have found solution :slight_smile:

Hi guys,

I beg your pardon but I’m unable to find how, so here to ask you support.

I have a Tuya thermostat (entity climate.) with the following “functions”:

  • Program
  • Temporary Program
  • Manual

and they are mapped to ha by the integration respectively as:

  • heat
  • fan_only
  • cool

I would love to rename the climate entity states to correct function/icon/color, as well to have the history/logbook reporting correctly the changes, but I’m unable to find any template example or documentation for the climate entity, Anyone that can help me?

I have placed the following code on configuration.yaml

- platform: template
      value_template: "{% if is_state('climate.termostato', 'cool') %}On{% endif %}"

Under Developer tools Template it appears to work correctly, but looking on the logbook is still reporting “turned to Cool”, and on the Thermostat Card as well still “Cool” state:


Am I missing something?

Nevermind, I’ve managed it in a different way.

Created a Sensor with correct names/values, excluded then climate hvac states from logbook

My thermostat ‘step’ buttons are blending with my background. Any idea how to change their colours?

I searched the thread and didn’t see anything. Thanks.

Same with me. It’s been working fine forever, and the other day after an update, I can’t see my step buttons.

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