Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

Brilliant card this but I think I’m being stupid.

For some reason I can’t select a lower temperature using the buttons.

Say my current house temp is 19c I can’t select anything lower.
If I set the target temp in my actual thermostats app to say 15 I can then select 16, 17 etc but can go lower again

That is probably related to the HA Integration you are using to control you thermostat, not to this card.

Try adding the below to your card. I had a similar issue with the Infinitude thermostat plugin and I believe this is what fixed my inability to lower the setpoint.

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That’s done. Thanks :smiley:

Now I just need to figure out how to remove the state from showing down the left column. Have added outside temperature and humidity

Hi there,
Is it possible that the corners of this card are also rounded like in the pictureScreenshot_18

Sure it is, use card-mod to configure it to your needs and wishes. :slight_smile:

PS: If you have questions about that, you should ask in the card-mod thread. :slight_smile:

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If anyone is interested, I was able to color the icon and the temperature when in heating mode.

While NOT heating :

While heating :

Here is the yaml :

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.entryway
    icons: true
  step: column
header: null
control: false
step_size: '0.5'
style: |
  ha-card.heating .current--value,
  ha-card.heating ha-icon.header__icon {
    color: red;

is there a way to dynamically set icons sensor based on states, instead have a fix icon? I can’t got it inside the card using icon template in yaml

I am sure it must be in this thread or the config github. I just for the life of me can’t find it!

This is my current card:


I was wondering how I can cut out some of the fan modes that are being displayed as it is just too many. Ie. Skip auto, medium, very-high, etc.


    some_mode: false
    another_mode: false

Customize is your friend here. :slight_smile:

        - 'off'
        - 'cool'
        - 'dry'
        - 'fan_only'
        - 'off'
        - 'vertical'


Thanks @binaryMind & @paddy0174 for the replies. I ended up going with this which works perfect for me:

              heat_cool: false
              dry: false
              auto: false
              medium-low: false
              medium-high: false
              very-high: false

Just to add a little context, sorry, should have done that before. :slight_smile:

“Customize” changes the behaviour all over, where as “control” is only changing that one card. :slight_smile: So if you, like me, never use the heating function, you can disable it at all. Makes sense in my case, as I don’t want to change the behaviour in every view, where I setup a thermostat-card. :slight_smile:

Is it possible to display a attribute state for Status: ? Now it shows the state of my entity: climate.vicare_heating but i want to use attribute “active_vicare_program” instead. So i want to change the part after Status: where it now shows “Inactief (Auto)”.


Please have a look at:

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Sorry, anyone got an idea on this?

Hi everyone,
is there any way to remove the current temperature? I am using the simple-thermostat for a thermostatic valve that does not report current temperature (I take it from another sensor) and this is what it shows (not very nice):

Did you see my link in the post above? You should be able to use you sensorvalue as the value for Currently I think.

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Hi CalcU,
Did you find an answer to this?

This is exactly what I have been looking for to override the Currently temperature. However, I am having trouble making it work. I want to replace the default Currently with this sensor:

I was thinking it was as easy as this code:

  - id: temperature
    label: '{{ui.currently}}'
    template: '{{sensor.smoke_detector_air_temperature|formatNumber}}'

Am I missing something?

Edit: I failed to include version: 3. However, when I do, my entire Lovelace goes blank. So…a new problem.

Version: 3 should not be needed anymore, this functionality is present in the release-version.

Regarding your problem, see in examples/, under: “Use a different entity as context”.

Something like:

  - id: temperature
    label: '{{ui.currently}}'
    entity: sensor.smoke_detector_air_temperature