Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

This is what I have for Currently:

              - entity: sensor.anna_temperature
                id: temperature
                template: "{{state.text}} {{unit_of_measurement}}"
                label: "{{ui.currently}}"

Were you replying to me?

Yes, it should show in the top-right of the message when someone is replying to someone else.

The problem is that doesn’t replace the “currently” temperature, that is what i would like to achieve.

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Please show us your code.

Here it is:

  type: custom:simple-thermostat
  entity: climate.radiator_livingroom_dx
    name: Radiator livingroom dx
  decimals: '1'
  unit: °C
  step_size: '0.5'
  control: false
  faults: false
    step: row
      headings: false
      icons: true
      names: false
    - entity: sensor.livingroom_average_temperature
      id: temperature
      template: '{{state.text}} {{unit_of_measurement}}'
      label: '{{ui.currently}}'
  - entity: sensor.seasons_boolean
    state: cold
type: conditional

You’ll need to add the line version: 3 otherwise the special format is not recognized.

See here for details on how to write yaml with version 3 enabled: simple-thermostat/ at 9c274465b5c513e9e6a82d9670f52807ba173233 · nervetattoo/simple-thermostat · GitHub

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I can’t get to change the color of the active mode, it is always green.

Either in the theme:


  # Fonts
  primary-font-family: 'Raleway,sans-serif'
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  # Icons
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  # Popups
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  # Alarm
  alarm-color-armed: 'rgba(247,53,67,1)'

  st-mode-background: '#20293c'
  st-mode-active-background: '#1A89F5'

Or in the card itself:

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.netatmo_salon_casa
name: Calefacción
decimals: '1'
step_layout: row
show_header: true
  temperature: Temperatura
  state: Estado
    headings: false
    names: false
  step: row
  temperature: true
  state: true
  _names: false
  _headings: false
    some_mode: false
    another_mode: false
      name: Apagado
      name: Auto
      icon: mdi:calendar
style: |

  ha-card {
            --st-font-size-xl: 24px !important;
            --st-font-size-title: 20px !important;
            --st-font-size-m: 15px !important;
            --st-mode-active-background: orange !important;

  .body {
    padding-bottom: 0px !important;

  name: Casa

Captura de pantalla 2021-12-13 a las 22.46.29

I had the same issue with --st-mode-active-background not applying. See my issue posted and closed yesterday with how I resolved it.

Is it possible to get the actual measured temperature between the arrows?
And then when you change the setpoint with the arrows, it shows the setpoint for a few seconds. Just like many physical thermostats do?

I have a weird problem configuring my thermostat (insteon via mqtt)

I do get the following message when changing temperature
Failed to call service climate/set_temperature. some but not all values in the same group of inclusion ‘temperature’ @ data[]

I’m using this thermostat to heat the house as I do not have/need A/C, So I assume only the low value would be required.

When I add a simple thermostat card with the default value, all work as expected. If I set the left side temperature, the HVAC work fine.

But because I do not need cooling, I try to hide the target_temp_high. And I get the mentioned error when I set the following.

    hide: true

note that I also tried ,


but I get an “NaN” value

How would I hide the mode which shows between brackets in the State? This is the build in sensor of the Climate device, (OTGW connected to boiler is only able to heat)

Using the default thermostat card it doesn’t show the mode.

SOLVED: Digged a bit deeper and read may other articles, getting a slightly better understanding of how HA works.

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.therm
  name: Thermostaat
  state: true
  - attribute: hvac_action
    name: Status

I’ve created the following card using the simple thermostat card for use with my Honeywell Evohome (UK). What I’d like to be able to do is set the Preset to “permanent” when I change the temperature of a thermostat. Any advise on where I begin with the code?

Here is a copy of the code so far

Here is a picture of the presets unhidden. Basically I always want the preset to always be set to permanent when selecting a new temperature.

I have the same problem trying to remove the high set point. Any solution?

@Twillist i think you need to set both in setpoints, one is hid and the other is shown:

    hide: true

else look at your climate entity attributes if there are other setpoints to configure.

This is what I get with that code. It looks like what I want but I get an error when hitting the up and down buttons

Hello everyone.

Im also using custom:simple-thermostat. I issuse is with multiple radiators. I mean, im having group of 2 radiators, and its not working with that custom card. Ive tried add 2 radiators to that card but its also didnt work. Here`s my code for one radiator.

Thank You in advance:)

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.pokoj_rozowy_kaloryfer
  step: row
    headings: true
    icons: true
    names: true
    some_mode: false
    another_mode: false
  - entity: sensor.pokoj_rozowy_czujnik_temperatury_temperature
    name: Obecna
  name: Pokój różowy
  temperature: true
  state: true
step_size: '0.5'
decimals: '1'

Figured it out. Had to use setpoints like this:


I have the same question, I would like the color to follow the theme color set in user settings

Anybody have an idea how to do that?

right now I have blu an green as accent color but still have orange buttons in simple thermostat on heater