Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

Has anyone figured out if it is possible to change the order of the modes? Edit: Specifically Fan modes!
I am using the hvac control and it seems like the order is locked to what the entity reports for that attribute.
The problem is that the Mitsubishi heat pumps have a very strange order.

    heat_cool: false
    fan_only: false
      name: Quiet
      name: 1
      name: 2
      name: 3
      name: 4

Which is shown as in the picture below.
I would like to have the order: Auto, Quiet, Low, Medium, Middle, High since that is the order they are actually used when stepping through the speeds with the original remote.


Edit: Saw it was reported in Issue #185 already and that the hvac_modes was fixed previously!
Modes are not displayed in the order configured · Issue #185 · nervetattoo/simple-thermostat · GitHub

I don’t get the hang of this setpoint thing. What’s the use case and can I misuse it for generating an additional preset?
I’d like to have an additional button for the minimum temperature (just thermostats, no hvac included) so I can get with one click from let’s say 20°C to 5°C (10 minutes prior to opening the windows for the morning air).

With a rather lengthy YAML (and heavy card_moding) I stripped the card down to this (the wind icon and the 5°C are on purpose):

Just make a preset button out of the fas:wind 5°C… ???

Hello there!
First of all - it’s a really beautiful card. Thank you for maintaining it for more than 3 years now.

Is it possible to change the temperature value on the top right corner depending on the state?
Here are some good and bad situations:

  1. The action is set to off - everything is fine. The thermostat and the card show 0°C and the preset changed to manuell.

  2. The preset away is selected. The thermostat is set to 17°C but the card stuck with the last value.

  3. The preset max is selected - fine again. Thermostat and card get the same value with 30°C. The action changed to heat also.

  4. The preset or action automatic is selected. The thermostat is set to 21°C but the card stuck at the last value again.

Is there a chance to get the same value on the thermostat and the card in all situations?

The number on the card comes from your heating Integration, that one should update the number, then the card will display the correct number.

I would assume that the correct number shows up after a while?

Hi, I can’t get my simple thermostat card to behave like it was 1 month ago, I can’t get back the background colors of the buttons neither change the active mode color background.

the most annoying one is the green auto mode.

any help will be appreciated


type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.netatmo_salon_pabellon
icon: mdi:fireplace
decimals: '1'
show_header: true
name: Estufa
step_layout: row
  temperature: Temperatura
  state: Estado
  - entity: sensor.netatmo_salon_pabellon_current_temperature
    name: Mesilla
  - entity: sensor.netatmo_pabellon_cocina_pabellon_humidity
    name: Humedad
    headings: false
    names: false
  step: row
  temperature: true
  _names: false
  _headings: false
    some_mode: false
    another_mode: false
      name: Apagado
      name: Auto
      icon: mdi:calendar
  name: Estufa
  icon: mdi:fireplace
style: |

  ha-card {
  --st-font-size-xl: 24px !important;
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  # Main Colors
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  # Card
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  # Toggle:
  paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: 'var(--accent-color)'
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  # Radio Button
  paper-radio-button-checked-color: 'var(--accent-color)'

  # Popups
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  # Tables
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  # Badges
  label-badge-background-color: 'var(--background-color)'
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  # Mini Mediaplayer
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  mini-media-player-accent-color: 'var(--accent-color)'

  # Alarm
  alarm-color-armed: 'rgba(247,53,67,1)'

  # Card-Mod #####################################################################
  # Uncomment the Code below if you have card-mod installed and want blur effect #

  # card-mod-theme: noctis
  # card-mod-more-info-yaml: |
  #   $: |
  #     .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__scrim {
  #       backdrop-filter: blur(15px);
  #       -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(15px);
  #       background: rgba(0,0,0,.6);
  #     } 
  #     .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__container .mdc-dialog__surface {
  #       box-shadow: none !important;
  #       border-radius: var(--ha-card-border-radius);
  #     }
  #   .: |
  #     :host {
  #       --ha-card-box-shadow: none;
  #     }

#ST thermostat:
  st-mode-active-background: 'var(--accent-color)' #Background color for active mode button
  st-mode-active-color: 'var(--text-color)' #Text color for active mode button
  st-mode-background: 'var(--accent-color)' #Background color for inactive mode button
  st-toggle-label-color: 'var(--accent-color)' #Text color for toggle label

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Thanks, I have been looking and tweaking trying to find this solution for a few days now! Worked perfectly

Unfortunately not. The number doesn’t change after multiple hours.
I’m getting the values from my zigbee2mqtt mosquito broker.

The manual value is stored in “current_heating_setpoint” and the auto value is stored in “current_heating_setpoint_auto”.

Ok. Sorry I’m not an expert on this card :slight_smile:
Did you look at the version 3 options?

Maybe there is something in there that helps you?

I just found this and setup a new card, and I’m seeing similar problems as well. No icons for the temperature set, or on my buttons for modes and presets either. Text on the buttons is darker and harder to read on my current theme as well.

this card is as good as dead, the last commit in repo is from 15.11.2021 The only chance is adoption by another dev.

Hi all !
I’m using two generic thermostats, one for heating and the other for cooling.
Is it possible to have them together in one simple thermostat card ?
If so, please tell me how ?

somehow I lost the +/- on my thermostat… how do I check what theme variable has a conflict here?

didnt see the card officially has --st variables for that, so must be a global theme setting, but even in default there’s nothing:

all that happens is a gray circle when hovering the hotspot…

dont have anything on the layout for step control in my config, but even when adding:

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.front_room
header: false
  step: column

they dont show. If I change that to ‘row’, the grey circles do change position, so thats working alright. No +/- however…

I did still have this:

  _names: false

but that is no longer an option? cant find that anymore in the docs… taking it out doesnt make a difference though :wink:

Mine are there in 2022.4.1. The simple thermostat is inside a horizontal stack card, which is in a panel.

thanks. Ive had it like that for ever, and am sure they were there… the controls I mean. Just not sure when they disappeared, but I only noticed just now. And no errors in the inspector.

Ive just tried with a minimal setup of just the card and the entity, and the result is identical. really odd

Hi this was an issue in old HA versions
Please upgrade to last one and this will be fixed

1 Like

Old Ha versions ? Or old STC versions.

I am on dev nightly, so hardly ‘old’ ha version…

Will check to be sure if I have the latest STC though, thanks for making me aware…!
seems you’re right, I was using 2.4.1 . doesnt happen very often I skip an update :wink:


thank you very much again, cant believe I made such a stupid user error… really sorry

I can I disable displaying the Target Temperature and the Up and Down Arrows?

I have read most of the above and skimmed over a lot and did not see anything that helped.

But have you read the docs? Its in there, search for setpoint.

@nickrout Thanks. Yes I have also read the docs, but it was not obvious to me how to accomplish what I wanted. I even entered the examples for setpoints and added hide for both, but it did nothing except put N/A where the temperature would be displayed. I finally tried

setpoints: false

and that worked.

I tried

    hide: true

and that seemed to work. Yours is simpler!