As the native thermostat card is growing bigger than a BMW’s front grill these days I’m trying to achieve a decent thermostat card that shows what I’d need. However this isn’t as simple as a thought…
I only need following things:
Current temp (as big as possible to view from a distance)
Target temp with chevrons (smaller as it’s automated anyway)
Mode switches (which change colour based on their state)
Bonus: Humidity (small)
As this seems to be the most versatile card around I guess this might be possible to achieve, however I don’t really see how and I don’t have any real coding skills nor knowledge of CSS.
Is there a way to have speed controls (for the fan speed on air conditioners) yet? I saw some people asking about this in 2019, but I’m not finding any mention of it after that.
I read along this thread but I didn’t find a solution that works for me
I have a window sensor to control if a window is open/closed
How can I change icon based on sensor state?
under sensors I added
- entity: binary_sensor.my_window_sensor_contact
off: mdi:window-close
on: mdi:window-open
Hi everyone,
I’m trying to set up the Simple Thermostat card to show in a single row just one “hvac” item (e.g., “Heat”) along with three specific “preset” items (“eco,” “frost,” and “comfort”) . Is there a way to configure this or to make the card more compact by removing unnecessary items?
Is it possible to change the target temperature displayed to not include the decimal as i change the temperature up or down in in 1⁰ increments, but keep the room temperature to 1 decimal place?
i’m trying to modify the card as shown in picture but nothing works, can anyone help me? I want to move up the sensors underneath the name (heading) and beneath them , centered to put in row the target temp and leave the controls on the lower part
Mahlzeit, ich hab mich mal mit der Heizungskarte beschäftigt und stecke jetzt fest.
Wie kann ich den zustand ändern? Ich hätte gern statt on/off geschlossen/geöffnet stehen. Geht das?