Lovelace: Slider Button Card

Yes, Either by using Card-Mod, or Action_button Mode: Custom
Everything explained in the Documentation of the Card :wink:

thank you very much

Did you try to do what you had in mind? I’m interested to use Deejayfool/hass-shutter-card as you done, for example hiding the default buttons. If yes, could you share the code you used for?

Similar to this?

type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
horizontal: true
  - type: custom:shutter-card
      - entity: cover.bed_curtains
        shutter_width_px: 100
        always_percentage: false
        name: Bed
      style: |
        .sc-shutter-top {
          width: 100px;
        .sc-shutter-position {
         background: none !important;}
        .sc-shutter-buttons {
          display: none !important;}
  - type: custom:shutter-card
      - entity: cover.tv_curtains
        shutter_width_px: 100
        always_percentage: false
        name: PC
  - type: custom:shutter-card
      - entity: cover.pc_curtains
        shutter_width_px: 100
        always_percentage: false
        name: TV
  style: |
    ha-card {
     padding-left: 10px;}
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Thank you. It works. Now the next step is to create buttons card to open, close, stop and put it at a desired percentage.
I need to to study the button-card tap_action entry how it works.

Is this card still in development? I’m looking for a way to disable the slider function if the entity is off, since im turning lights on all the time by mistake when scrolling down the page in the HA app. Quite anoying

Could you share the code for those amazing and realistics cover sliders? Thank you.

Sure. (Thought I would post in the “my-slider” thread but couldn’t find one…)

Sample for a single cover below. Glad you like it.

My final version is for 3 covers + extra buttons to control all covers at once.
In order to optimize screen estate I added a custom:state-switch to show/hide/auto-hide after timeout but code is much longer. I will (eventually) replace the generic outdoor shots with the real thing.

I suggest you open a new thread for further questions/share results so it doesn’t hijack the Slider button card thread. Cheers.

              - type: custom:my-slider-v2
                entity: cover.rollershade3
                vertical: true
                    - height: 25rem
                    - width: 100%
                    - left: 3%
                    - width: 102%
                    - height: 102%
                    - position: relative
                    - overflow: hidden
                    - border-radius: 5px
                    - background: null
                    - opacity: 100%
                    - width: 100%
                    - height: 100%
                    - position: relative
                    - background: transparent
                    - height: 100%
                    - background: url('/local/dashboard/sliders/roller_blind.jpg')
                    - background-position: top
                    - background-repeat: no-repeat
                    - background-size: 95% 97%
                    - position: absolute
                    - width: 100%
                    - left: 0px
                    - height: 100%
                    - background: black
                    - position: absolute
                    - left: 0px
                    - width: 0px
                  style: |
                    ha-card {
                      background: url('/local/dashboard/sliders/window_outdoor_view.jpg');
                      background-position: center;
                      background-repeat: no-repeat;
                      background-size: 100% 100%; 

Edit: I solved using bubble button card and adding a sub button

I’m using this card to command my speakers.

I’d like the icon to give me a selection of various sources (I think I can do it with input select next), but what I need is having a reference of what source (from a dropdown list) is actually associated to the speaker.

Is there a way to add text from the state of the dropdown list at the end of the name?

Hello, I’m trying to replicate the looks and function of HA entity dialoge sliders for covers:

Is this possible with this card? Meaning can I give it a “handle” that I can “grab” like with the dialoge sliders? And can I give the left slider that cool looking venetian blinds background?

Thanks a lot!