Lovelace: Swiper card

What are you trying to accomplish? It’s difficult to guess what you’re trying to do with only short code with a template I have no idea its meant to do either.

All I can tell from this code:

- type: custom:swipe-card 
        - square: false
          columns: 2
          type: grid
            - type: horizontal-stack
                - type: 'custom:button-card'
                  template: card_title
                  label: Kamer 
                - type: 'custom:button-card'
                  template: card_title

            - type: horizontal-stack 
                - type: "custom:button-card"
                  template: card_light
                - type: "custom:button-card"
                  template: card_light

Is that you have a swipe card, with in there only one grid card (so nothing to swipe). And in that grid you use the option columns: 2 which means it will put 2 cards next to eachother before it goes down a line. And in that grid card you use 2 horizontal-stacks, which each 2 button-cards. Which would mean:

The grid card will show 2 cards next to echother, in your case 2 horizontal stacks.
Horizontal stack with button-card with Kamer label and a button-card with an empty label.

Another horizontal-stack with two button-cards that have a (what I would guess) light entity.

Which is exactly what you see in the picture. A grid with 2 column option and 2 cards, with each card a horizontal-stack, that has 2 cards. So you will get:

Kamer - empty label - light card - light card.

If you want the cards to be below another card, use vertical-stack, not horizontal. You can also change the grid columns option to 1 which means all cards will be in one column, so vertical.

What I want is a title with 2 buttons below wich can completely swipe to another title with 2 or 4 buttons…

All you need to do is this:

- type: custom:swipe-card 
    - type: vertical-stack
        - YOUR EMPTY LABEL CODE (? don't know why you have that) OR LEAVE OUT
        - type: grid
          columns: 2
          square: false
            - YOUR LIGHT CARD
            - YOUR LIGHT CARD
            - YOUR LIGHT CARD
            - YOUR LIGHT CARD
    - type: vertical-stack
        - YOUR EMPTY LABEL CODE (? don't know why you have that) OR LEAVE OUT
        - type: grid
          columns: 2
          square: false
            - YOUR LIGHT CARD
            - YOUR LIGHT CARD
            - YOUR LIGHT CARD
            - YOUR LIGHT CARD

This will give you a swipe-card with 2 cards you can swipe back and forth. Each swipe card has a title and under there 4 lights (grouped by 2). If you want more lights next to eachother, change the columns option. I think this is what you’re trying to achieve.

SO basically you have a swipe-card that can swipe between two vertical-stacks. And each vertical-stack has a title card at the top, and then under there a grid with light cards.

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Yes, yes , yes. Thank you very much. That is what I want !

I’m not sure why you use a title card with empty label. If your goal is to have more distance between your title and the light cards under there, you should just change the card size (height) of your button-card and configure that properly. Adding empty cards will not help your Dashboard later on.

I was thinking that was the reason the buttons didn’ move below. But it is useless like you said

Btw I forgot: if you just want a title and don’t need a specific style, you can also use the built-in title option in grid card. Just add title: Kamer for instance and the grid will display that at the top. This way you can leave out the button-card and even vertical-stack. Just place each grid card directly in the swiper card with title option and you’ll get swipeable grids with titles.

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Is it possible to wrap the cards around back to the first when you get to the last? Or go directly to the last by swiping right on the first card?

Probably by using loop: true as a parameter. See Swiper API for options: Swiper API (

Can I somehow make this work with a single card? I have these mushroom chips that’s vary in lenght and I want them on a single row only. I can make one card per chip also but then they all be on different pages and it’s only one per page.

Here’s the config so far

type: custom:swipe-card
card_width: 250px
start_card: 1
  centeredSlides: false
  spaceBetween: 2
  slidesPerView: auto
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: template
        icon: mdi:home-thermometer
        icon_color: var(--mush-rgb-blue)
        content: >-

          {{ states('sensor.temperatur_inomhus_medelvarde_min') | round(1) }}-{{
          states('sensor.temperatur_inomhus_medelvarde_max') | round(1) }}° 
          style: |
            ha-card {
              padding: 2px; 
            .content {
              white-space: pre-wrap;
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: template
        icon: mdi:lightbulb
        icon_color: var(--mush-rgb-yellow)
        content: |-
          {{ state_attr('sensor.belysning_antal_tanda_lampor', 'text') }} 
          style: |
            ha-card {
              padding: 2px; 
            .content {
              white-space: pre-wrap;
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: template
        content: Ingen spelar
        icon_color: mdi:monitor-speaker
        icon: mdi:monitor-speaker
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: template
        icon: mdi:lock
        icon_color: var(--mush-rgb-yellow)
        content: >-

          {{ state_attr('sensor.magnetkontakt_oppna_dorrar_och_fonster', 'text')
          style: |
            ha-card {
              padding: 2px; 
            .content {
              white-space: pre-wrap;

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Hello, I wonder if someone could help me as well with something that I’m struggling. Essentially I’m looking for a simple flip-swipe between a light. and a switch. entity (using minimalist-UI).

The problem is that the button cards that represent those entities have almost the same width and height as the swiper container and even if a set their tap_action: to none , it’s still difficult on touch screens to swipe back and forth. I have to touch in a very specific area of the UI as can be seen in the pictures.

Can’t swipe here:

But I can swipe here:

Here is my code so far:

          - type: 'custom:swipe-card'   #LIVING ROOM SHELF LAMP SWIPER
              effect: 'flip'
              - type: "custom:button-card"    #LIVING ROOM SHELF LAMP
                template: card_light
                entity: light.shelf_lamp
                  ulm_name_tap_action: "more-info"
                  ulm_card_light_icon: mdi:lamp
                  ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
                  ulm_card_light_force_background_color: true
              - type: 'custom:button-card'    #LIVING ROOM SHELF LAMP POWER
                template: card_power_outlet
                  ulm_name_tap_action: "toggle"
                  ulm_card_power_outlet_name: "Shelf lamp power"
                  ulm_card_power_outlet_icon: mdi:light-switch
                  ulm_card_power_outlet_color: green
                  ulm_card_power_outlet_force_background_color: true
                entity: switch.shelf_lamp

I went through as many parameters as I could “imagine” might help such as:
spaceBetween , height , width , edgeSwipeThreshold and touchEventsTarget but either I used them wrong or they are not the ones to be used in the first place.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hey, were you able to fix this issue? I have running into the same problem

Hi. Is anyone having the same problem as me in swiper-card?

I consistently get this error when refreshing:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: this.createCardElement is not a function
    _rebuildCard swipe-card.js:19
    _createCardElement swipe-card.js:19
    i fire_event.ts:76
    u create-element-base.ts:129
    promise callback*7778/u/< create-element-base.ts:127
    u create-element-base.ts:215
    d create-element-base.ts:172
    w create-card-element.ts:99
    _createCardElement swipe-card.js:19
    _cardPromises swipe-card.js:19
    _createCards swipe-card.js:19
    setConfig swipe-card.js:6
    a create-element-base.ts:97
    u create-element-base.ts:111
    u create-element-base.ts:215
    d create-element-base.ts:172
    w create-card-element.ts:99
    value hui-view.ts:64
    value hui-view.ts:299
    value hui-view.ts:78
    i fire_event.ts:76
    u create-element-base.ts:129
    promise callback*7778/u/< create-element-base.ts:127
    u create-element-base.ts:215
    d create-element-base.ts:172
    w create-card-element.ts:99
    value hui-view.ts:64
    _cards hui-view.ts:283
    value hui-view.ts:282
    value hui-view.ts:216
    value hui-view.ts:130
    performUpdate reactive-element.ts:1329
    scheduleUpdate reactive-element.ts:1263
    _$Ej reactive-element.ts:1235
    requestUpdate reactive-element.ts:1210
    u reactive-element.ts:948
3 swipe-card.js:19:1842
    _rebuildCard swipe-card.js:19
    _createCardElement swipe-card.js:19
    i fire_event.ts:76
    u create-element-base.ts:129
    (Async: promise callback)
    u create-element-base.ts:127
    u create-element-base.ts:215
    d create-element-base.ts:172
    w create-card-element.ts:99
    _createCardElement swipe-card.js:19
    InterpretGeneratorResume self-hosted:1413
    AsyncFunctionNext self-hosted:810
    (Async: async)
    _cardPromises swipe-card.js:19
    map self-hosted:221
    _createCards swipe-card.js:19
    setConfig swipe-card.js:6
    a create-element-base.ts:97
    u create-element-base.ts:111
    u create-element-base.ts:215
    d create-element-base.ts:172
    w create-card-element.ts:99
    value hui-view.ts:64
    value hui-view.ts:299
    value hui-view.ts:78
    i fire_event.ts:76
    u create-element-base.ts:129
    (Async: promise callback)
    u create-element-base.ts:127
    u create-element-base.ts:215
    d create-element-base.ts:172
    w create-card-element.ts:99
    value hui-view.ts:64
    _cards hui-view.ts:283
    map self-hosted:221
    value hui-view.ts:282
    value hui-view.ts:216
    value hui-view.ts:130
    performUpdate reactive-element.ts:1329
    scheduleUpdate reactive-element.ts:1263
    _$Ej reactive-element.ts:1235
    AsyncFunctionNext self-hosted:810
    (Async: async)
    requestUpdate reactive-element.ts:1210
    u reactive-element.ts:948

The card doesn’t render correctly. Or, more precisely, my card includes 3 todoist cards and a markdown card, and the error shows 3 times and only the markdown card renders correctly.

But it’s strange:

  • the first time after a HASS restart, I get the errors
  • when I hit F5 to refresh, I get the errors
  • BUT if I navigate to a different dashboard, and then navigate to the one that has the swiper-card, I don’t get the error, and the card shows just fine, with all sub-cards in it.

I understand this might be a problem with the sub-cards, but I can’t tell what it is, and I can’t fix it because the exception is getting thrown in the swiper-card object… :frowning:

And my sub-cards work well when they are laid directly on the dashboard, they only break when inside the swiper-card…

The code in the part that throws the exception is this:

async _rebuildCard(e, t) { 
    let a = this.createCardElement(t); 
    try { 
        a.hass = this.hass 
    catch (e) { 
        a = document.createElement("ha-alert"), a.alertType = "error", a.innerText = e.message 


Can anybody help me troubleshoot this, please? Thanks

I’m having the same issue with the swipe card expanding forever horizontally and vertically. I adjusted the column width to percentages but then when I add cards to a column, they overlap and cover up the previous card. How did you set your rows so that cards go below each other vertically? I’ve tried vertical stack cards but the swipe problem still persists.

I have exactly the same issue here.
I’m guessing you both are on firefox ?
I’ve tried to nail down what was wrong with my config, and it turns out, it’s a problem only on firefox, when I open HA on chromium, there isn’t any problem with swiper card

Hi. Thanks for sharing your experience. And yes, I am using Firefox on Windows.

But I also get the problems on the Home Assistant Android app, I don’t know which browser it uses underneath. I don’t see the JS error in the console, because there is no console, but I get the same behaviour where my cards show broken the first time, except if I am coming from a different dashboard into the one that has the card.

So, I don’t know if the problem is something in the browser or not, but it doesn’t seem to be only Firefox…

I have a big gap between the swiper card and the rest of my cards. What could be the problem ?

I think the height of the swiper card is always equal to the highest card that is part of the swiper group of cards. So if you have a very tall 3rd card in the swipe set, also the 1st and 2nd cards will show as very tall cards, and it looks strange because you don’t see why until you swipe.

So vandaag and the 2 cards below are in the swipe. They are equal in height. But the go below is I think 1,5 the size of the whole swipe card. It makes no sense…

I don’t know, then. If you are fluent with HTML and CSS you might gain some clues from using the browser’s inspector tools. Figure out which element is filling up the space, and then trying to edit the configs to change it.