Lovelace: Swiper card

I have now resolved all ui problems after updating to 0.81.2 but still get the message:

Custom element doesn’t exist: swipe-card.

I have updated swipe-card.js and swiper.min.js (I recreated the files and copied the code of each file from the links above).

I have the files in

I have the following in my ui-lovelace.yaml:

  - url: /local/custom-lovelace/swipe-card/swipe-card.js?v=1.1.0
    type: module

Now I am at a loss as to what to to.

I have restarted HA several times and I have emptied the cache.

I must have missed something.

Can anyone help me?

Same problem here.

I finally got it to work by updating the files from the links in post 77.

Thanks!! That’s it.

Changing type to module, and replacing the files did the trick.

I can’t get it to work properly either - the cards are placed like in a vertical stack not horizontally.
I have the newest files, copy&pasted the sample code and just changed the entities.

Any ideas? I’m using and HA 0.81.6

Love the custom add-on @Bram_Kragten. One thing I’ve noticed is the add-on doesn’t have a drop shadow like the other UI objects do:

Is there something I can do to add the drop shadow back in to make it match the other UI objects?

I’m having the same issue. Running HassOS v0.82.0 on RPI3.
All cards are stacked on top of each other. When swiping to the second panel it is empty.


I also have this same problem, but it only occurs on my front page (first view) and only on desktop (funnily enough it doesn’t stack on chrome like it does in firefox, but it doesn’t work properly). It works on later pages fine as well which is strange.

Also, if I use the progress bar on the one on the front page, it tends to cover the whole view in the color of the progress bar. It is awfully strange.

Will check if it works on the other pages … my test was done on the first page as well.
Will report in a few

Probably the resources are not loaded before the element is created, will check it.

@Bram_Kragten This is awesome! Thank you for your work on this!

Has anyone gotten this to work inside of card-modder? I can get the scrolling to work but the style seems to be overwritten (i.e. no rounded corners etc)


Sorry that the gif is so small

 - type: custom:card-modder
     background-image: url("/local/cardbackK.png")
     background-repeat: no-repeat
     background-color: rgba(50,50,50,0.9)
     background-size: 100% 68px
     border-radius: 10px
     border: solid 1px rgba(100,100,100,0.3)
     box-shadow: 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)
     type: custom:swipe-card
       spaceBetween: 8
         hide: false
         draggable: true
         snapOnRelease: true
      - type: glance
        title: Current Date & Time
        column_width: calc(100% / 6)
          - sensor.time
          - text-transform: none
      - type: glance
        title: Important Times
        column_width: calc(100% / 6)
          - entity: sensor.dublin
            name: "Dublin"
          - entity: sensor.yukon
            name: "Yukon"
          - entity: sensor.pacific
            name: "Pam"
          - text-transform: none
      - type: glance
        title: Timezones
        column_width: calc(100% / 6)
          - entity: sensor.atlantic
            name: "Atlantic"
          - entity: sensor.eastern
            name: "Eastern"
          - entity: sensor.central
            name: "Central"
          - entity: sensor.mountain
            name: "Mountain"
          - entity: sensor.pacific
            name: "Pacific"
          - text-transform: none

I have the same issue on other tabs. Has anyone been able to solve this? I’ll check if this behaviour is due to some other custom lovelace components.

Will feedback asap.

I think you need to also use card modder with the same styling on all of the cards inside the swiper.

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Thanks @teachingbirds! That worked! I also removed the top level card-modder as it was causing a weird border. Now it looks and works great!

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Thanks @Bram_Kragten for this.
I have a tab that will show on a tablet for House alarm arming and I wanted to add basic control without cluttering. The swipe works great so far.

Is there any way to add in the ability to have one swipe card trigger a swipe on another (or multiple) swipe cards?

IE: I swipe left on swipe card 1, and swipe card 2 would also shift left at the same time.

This would create some great opportunities for new UI layouts.

Also, would be neat to have an option for vertical swipe transitions.

For some reason the swiper card does not work in “fully kiosk browser” on a Fire 7.
It comes up with this error message on red background:
Custom element doesn't exist: swipe-card
It work on other browsers/devices. It’s just on Fully Kiosk browser.
Any idea?

I’m having issues with the cards not snapping in place. I’ve attached a video and my config. If anyone is able to help, I’d greatly appreciate it! What is weird is that sometimes it works perfectly, and other times it won’t snap.

       - type: custom:swipe-card
          grabCursor: true
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: vertical-stack
                  - type: custom:bignumber-card
                    title: Yesterday's Cost
                    entity: sensor.duke_cost
                    scale: 60px
              - type: vertical-stack
                  - type: custom:bignumber-card
                    title: Yesterday's Energy Usage
                    entity: sensor.duke_energy
                    scale: 34px                
                  - type: custom:bignumber-card
                    title: Average Energy Usage
                    entity: sensor.duke_average
                    scale: 33px
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: weather-forecast

i see that there is a missmatch between the config docs , and the actual code ,
in the docs it says to add the files all under same folder , but the code is expecting the files unde /js and /css folders ,

i just receiv the error : custom element doesnt exist swipe-card, and
404 error on console . https://mysite/local/custom-lovelace/swipe-card/js/swiper.min.js?v=1 404 ()