Lovelace: Timeout to default_view

In my lovelace setup I have different views. When you launch the interface you can specify which view you want to get access to. This work fine.
After having switched to another view, I would like, after a timeout, to go back to the default lovelace view. Is that something doable?
Is this a browser action? Or can lovelace go back to its default view automagically?

This is something you can automate with browser commander:

@tom_l thank you for your quick answer.
I have read the documentation and yes, this plugin can you things related to what I am looking for. However, how to detect this timeout I was hoping for with this plugin? It seems that the trigger must be an event coming from HA. In my case, I will have not have one except if I missed something.

Damn. Yeah, that’s a problem.

Except someone has already solved it :slight_smile:

I don’t pretend to understand it. If you have questions on how it works you’d better ask there.

So assuming it works, start/restart a timer on navigation to any view other than your main one. When the timer expires it triggers an automation to navigate to the main view using browser commander.

@tom_l I have tried to install the code with the explanations provided in the other thread without any luck so far… I will ask over there thank you for the tip, though.

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I would like to give this a bump.
I’m searching for the same and I can’t get it working with the link provided by tom_l.

I’ve seen it somewhere that someone has done it but not explained how . And I dont knows where I’ve seen it … soooo.

I found this repo GitHub - BWilky/viewtimeout: Returns to default view after activity timeout that works like a charm. You can configure in your panel the default view and the time out. Really simple.
The only thing is you need to install aswell GitHub - thomasloven/lovelace-card-tools: 🔹A collection of tools for other lovelace plugins to use in order to work properly.

Is the any documentation on GitHub - BWilky/viewtimeout: Returns to default view after activity timeout as I can not get it configured to make it work and I can not find a step by step guide on how to use it.

Hi albetaCOM, I cant get this working, any tips?

Hope this helps
download the timeout.js file from here GitHub - BWilky/viewtimeout: Returns to default view after activity timeout and put it in your www directory. go to your dashboard and click the pencil top right then click on the three dots and select manage resources click the add resource button and add this line /local/timeout.js and module should already have a tick in it then click update bottom right. Then hit the back arrow top left and click on the 3 dots again and this time select raw configuration editor.
at the top paste the below code and then save.
timeout: true
default: dashboard-home <----NOTE change this to your dashboard name
duration: 12000
download GitHub - thomasloven/lovelace-card-tools: 🔹A collection of tools for other lovelace plugins to use and add card-tools.js in the www directory then go to your dashboard and click the pencil top right then click on the three dots and select manage resources click the add resource button and add this line /local/card-tools.js and module should already have a tick in it then click update bottom right

Then restart home assistant
if you were sucessfull you should be able to change a page and wait 12 seconds and it will change back automatically.

Thanks. That worked!

Awesome glad it worked out for you.

hey unfortunately I’ve followed your steps and I can’t seem to get it to go back, could you help?

Working fine for me, on bothbrowser and companion app. Make sure you installed card-tools via HACS and restarted.

This may be obvious to some, but what is the dashboard “name” referenced above? I have tried several permutations of the url and “title” to no avail. I have the configuration correct minus this one item, the resource added and card tools installed via HACS.