Lovelace UI all tabs gone

Hi all,
Home Assistant newbie here. I installed HA on a Raspi 3B+ a few days ago and I am going through the first steps. HA version is 0.99.2. Yesterday I spend most of the day creating a nice UI. I used the build in configurator - mostly the raw editor - and everything looked great until… Well until I decided to call it a day and shut the whole system down. When I started it this morning, all the UI configuration was gone. All the tabs (views) I created are gone, many of the cards I experimented with and deleted are back. I see a bunch of badges at the top, which I removed yesterday. I don’t even see the three dots to configure the UI in the upper right corner!
The interesting thing is that a tablet running Ariela still shows the tabs and the cards I created. It’s just the view in the browser that is broken. I rebooted and restarted HA several times…
Any ideas what went wrong? Where does HA store the UI configuration created with the internal configurator?


Edit1: After digging around in this forum, I found out that the lovelace configuration is stored in .storage/lovelace in JSON format. If everything else fails, I can probably use a JSON to YAML converter to store everything in ui_lovelace.yaml and change to YAML mode. But it would still be interesting to find out why this happened.

Are you sure you set lovelace as default in Dev Tools/info?

Ok, so this a bit confusing… Until now I just clicked on “Overview” and then I could modify the UI. Now I went to Developer tools / Info. Here I found a link: “Go to the Lovelace UI” which takes me to the correct page to modify the UI. Below this is a button: “Remove states as a default…”. When I click it, it changes to “Set states as default…” but the “Overview” button still shows the IP:8123/states page. Is that correct?

Ok it works now. Was probably just the browser cache…

Thanks for the hint!

If you have a bookmark you need to update that too.