šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

many many thanks! I wll sit down at the computer right away. This will be my night :smiley: ā€¦thank you very much! Wow nice!!!

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Does anybody else also have issues with the label from the person card? Since the last update i always have ā€œundefinedā€ as status. If i click on the card then i can see the correct status ā€œHomeā€; ā€œWorkā€; etc.

Here is the code

 - type: 'custom:button-card'
          template: card_person
            ulm_card_person_entity: person.christoph
            ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture: true
            ulm_card_person_battery: sensor.iphone_battery_level
            #ulm_address: sensor.iphone_geocoded_location

If i uncomment the ulm_address then i get the exact address, but i just want the Zone as label.

Iā€™ve been looking into the card yaml code to figure out the amazing ways that custom button card has been used. One thing Iā€™m not sure about is the following:

- margin-top: "[[[ return !variables?.entity_1 ? '-24%' : '-10%'; ]]]"

I get that it translates as ā€œif thereā€™s no entity 1, return -24%, else return -10%ā€, but what does the ? mean after variables but before .entity? i.e. !variables? <-

I also see it in other places like this:

entity: "[[[ return variables?.entity_1?.entity_id; ]]]"

Plus, whatā€™s the difference between these two? ie question mark at the end of variables vs exclamation mark at the beginning?

        variables: "[[[ return variables?.entity_2; ]]]"
          - operator: "template"
            value: "[[[ return !variables.entity_2; ]]]"

Thanks for that :hugs:

Can someone help me? In the beginning of using Minimalist my yaml code changes are applied immediately. But since a few HA updates every code change I need to restart HA for the changes to take effect.
How can I fix the installation so I dont need to restart HA everytime I change something?

Hey Guys, I made a custom card for light groups and it works great so far. But I found a issue with larger screen sizes. I did a bunch of debuging on the issue and narrowed it down to grid-area being set (and I cant figure out how to unset it). Does anyone know how to unset the grid-area of a card? I made a separate post with more info but have not had a response so figured I would ask here.

Any help is appreciated,



Is an ā€œoptional chainingā€ operator and returns ā€œundefinedā€ instead of an error when the variable or a part is not set.

Read: return entity_2 when not undefined (linking of chains and variables)

Read: if variables.entity_2 is false or undefined ā†’ return true (condition)

@Mitssz You should always be able to reload Ui Minimalist from the dev-tools, to see the changes in your dashboard make also sure to reload the dashboard with the 3 dots in the upper-right corner of your dashboard. FAQ - UI Lovelace Minimalist For more info.

@PartemImperium I have took a look at your code. Maybe try changing the full last styles part to something like this:

              card: #TODO: Look into if minimalist has any way to have a array of cards in a grid.
                type: grid
                square: false
                columns: 2
            - padding: "0px"
            - grid-template-areas: "lights"
            - display: "flex"
            - justify-content: "start"
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Does anybody else have problems with browser mod popups? In certain, I cannot get Thermostat Popup to work and Iā€™m not sure where to trace this. I already cleared browser cache, restarted browser few times, removed Browser Mod integration, restarted Home Assistant and added integration again, same behavior on all devices, the empty popup:


That pointed me in the right direction. With that as a starter I ended up on the following.

            - padding-bottom: "0px"
              - width: "100%"
            - grid-template-areas: "lights"
            - display: "flex"
            - justify-content: "start"

It works great. No more empty section. Thanks for the help/pointing me in the right direction.

I am running into a new issue now but dont think it will be as easy to fixā€¦ In the normal lights card (inside the auto entities on the bottom part) if the name of the light is longer than the width of the card it just overflows (and the slider follows its width). I found that unsetting the overflow on the inline styles for #name fixes it (because it has a ellipsis class on it that has overflow hidden). But because that is a card in a nested custom_field I dont think I can modify the styles like we did here or use card_mod to add a css style. Is it possible to modify these nested custom_fields card styles or will I just have to rename my lights to be shorter?

Hello, itā€™s me again :smiley:

Iā€™m now, thanks to you, a big step further. There is still a lot to do on my dream dashboard.

Now I have a small request, if it were possible.
Could you please post me your code custom_card ā€œcustom_card_se7enair_welcomeā€ here?

That would be great! Iā€™m sorry for bothering you again!

Thanks and regards :smiley:

At the moment there is no difference to the custom-scenes-card.
I tried to exchange scenes with popups. But so far no sucess.

Hello everyone. I am missing the color temperature indicator within the light popup card after update. How can I get it back?!

i working on a custon chip icon state that will change background color if state is ā€œonā€

here is my code :

  template: chip_icon_state
    - value: 'on'
          - background-color: >
                return "rgba(var(--color-red),1)";

but no color change.
Where am i wrong ?

PS: i refresh lovelace-minimalist and so on.

I have timers that I adjust with a input_number shown as a slider. Is there or can we get a numeric slider for minimalist?

Did you get a solution to this? Iā€™m trying to do something similiar (without using templates)ā€¦
Hereā€™s my code - but colour never changes.

        entity_id: media_player.mass_bose_home_speaker_500_2
          - green_playing      
          action: toggle 

Here is my solution. I donā€™t know if itā€™s the best writting but it works.

  template: "chip_icon_state"
      - color: >
          [[[ return states[variables.ulm_chip_icon_state_entity].state == 'off' ?
          'grey' : 'darkgreen' ]]]
      - background-color: >
          [[[ return states[variables.ulm_chip_icon_state_entity].state == 'off' ?
          '' : 'rgba(var(--color-green),0.05)' ]]]     

has anyone ever played with the navigation bar of the is-tapbar-theme?

iĀ“m tyring to get something like this


changing the icon to blue, and have a little bar above the icon for the active tap

Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™m the only one with this issue. I use the card_thermostat and the popup that gets loaded seems to mess something up. The slider of the thermostat card (which is just a default card from Home Assistant) is really funky to use. The slider keeps dragging if you click or tap it once until you magically tap somewhere else. If I load that same thermostat card in the normal view, without a popup, it works perfectly and stays on the position when you let go. Is anyone else facing this too?

Hello, i use the custom_card_person_chip, but iā€™d like to change the label (text) with icon.
Is it possible and if itā€™s, how can i do it ?

I already wrote here that I have empty popup. This morning I saw that ui minimalist update is available and updated it. Now when read your post, I checked again and whoala - my popup is not empty any more :stuck_out_tongue: , but slider behavior is same as yours :frowning_face:. When you click the slider and drag it to another position, it keeps following the mouse when you release click as well. It stops once when you click to some other place, and most of the time that temperature position will be applied (sometimes it miss temp apply completely). This is for desktop. I would add on top that behavior on touch screen is little different. Slider will stay in place as soon as you release your finger from touch screen, normally, it has no what to follow any more, but temperature will not be applied ever. Temperature will be applied only if you tap with finger on some position on slider and this have to be very precise tap. I believe that something is messed with drag and drop, i.e. drag isnā€™t released once when person release left mouse button, instead of that continues dragging.