šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

The pop-up for some reason allows me to rapidly increase or decrease the temp - so not sure if itā€™s worth the effort. It could be the ability to rapidly increase or decrease the temperature is just because thereā€™s an additional software ā€œbufferā€ between the UI and the hardware.

Iā€™ve had the same issues with this card and the Nest thermostat. Not really sure why this is. I find myself not really using HA to change the temp on the thermostat much or if I force myself to I just do so slowly lol. Might be best to open an issue on the github page?

The other thing I donā€™t like about this card is how transparent the card is. As you can see its almost invisible with the background I use

Not sure if this is the same issue are even the same card Thermostat Card quick temperature adjustment Ā· Issue #992 Ā· UI-Lovelace-Minimalist/UI Ā· GitHub

This is was I get when trying to change the temp. Doesnā€™t matter if its a single click or double click of -/+

Waiting a few seconds it will generally work

I am working on a custom welcome card with popups. As a base I use custom_card_esh_welcome
But I have a problem with the correct path to the popup.
The popup is under

    - popup

but this

tap_action: !include /popup/proxmox.yaml

is throwing a error that the file is not found

And the next point, how can I integrate this

navigation_path: "[[[ return variables.entity?.nav; ]]]"

into something like this

tap_action: !include /popup/[[[ return variables.entity?.nav; ]]].yaml

Maybe I am short before the finish.

tap_action: "[[[ return '!include popup/' + variables.entity?.nav + '.yaml'; ]]]"

This should return

!include popup/entity.yaml

but at the moment it does not. What is missing?

I know it should be simple (shouldnā€™t everything?) but are there any instructions anywhere on how to implement the Custom Template ā€œBattery Infoā€ (or can someone supply some direction?)

This has very scant details as far as what is being added - where is the source code to download? etc.:?

Want to show you my work in progress an my dashboard. At the moment I am using the dashboard from matt, but this is more a control dashboard. I need a dashboard which provides more information. To control things is not so important, because I try to automate as much as possible.

My goal is to get a easy dashboard which provides the most important informations directly on the homescreen. And at least all other important informations, especially the ones around the smarthome should be provided after one click.
On the left side there are navigation buttons to other sites. For example my energydashboard, or a grafana dashboard.
On the welcome-card I try to get a popup on the pills.

If you want, I can share my code, as soon as I finish the dashboard.
And if there any other ideas, feel free to tell me :slight_smile:


Nice dashboard :rocket:

I see you have several posts on how to make custom popups work on the pills.

!include is not the right way in custom:button-card to load in files/templates.

Your best bet is to convert the popup.yaml file into a button card template. Store this file in the ui_lovelace_minimalist/custom_cards folder to load it in as a template.

Then you can call the popup with this command added to the code of the pill.
This similar to how all other popups in Minimalist are setup.

    action: "fire-dom-event"
      service: "browser_mod.popup"
          type: "custom:button-card"
          template: "popup_pill_1" # calls the template from popup.yaml
          entity: <your.entity>

Can you expand on what you mean?
Do I put the popup code in ui-lovelace.yaml (in the dashboard folder)? If so, how?
Or do you mean in a view (in dashboard/views folder), such as ā€œlivingroom.yamlā€? If so, where exactly?

Iā€™ve been trying for hours now, nothing works.

I tried putting the code in a file, and included it in ui-lovelace.yaml:
- !include "popup/popup2.yaml" - did not work.
Then I tried it as custom_cards/my_templates/popup_light.yamlā€¦ - did not work.

browser_mod (v2.1.3) works when I try it in developer tools. I did NOT add it in configuration.yaml, as it is added as a integration in the UI now. Itā€™s not needed anymore, correct?

Ok, so it was the code all along.

This doesnt work:

  action: fire-dom-event
    command: popup
    title: Fermer
    hide_header: true
    type: custom:button-card
    template: popup_light
      entity: <your.entity>

But this does:

    action: "fire-dom-event"
      service: "browser_mod.popup"
          type: "custom:button-card"
          template: "popup_light" # calls the template from popup.yaml
          entity: <your.entity>

Now to figure out how to make this work on the Room Cardā€¦

Nice, this does the job. But I have to convert every popup into a template, as you said. And every popup need to be a custom:button-card.
But for example, the wifi-popup is just a simple picture-card. Other popups are grids, etcā€¦

Is !include just not the ā€œcorrectā€ way, or will it not work? And if we just talk about the ā€œcorrectā€ way. Why isnā€™t it correct? I want to learn!

It can work with !include though, but your dashboard needs to be in yaml-mode and cannot be configured from the GUI. Where it can if you store your button_card_templates in the raw-editor.

Also, you have to be very precise and specific with how the code starts in the file you want to include as it follows some strict rules. Although it doesnā€™t seem to work as a result of a javascript template.
So these example files can work:

  type: "custom:button-card"
  entity: <your.entity>
  tap_action: !include popup.yaml
   # code in popup.yaml
   # action: "fire-dom-event"
   # browser_mod:
     # service: "browser_mod.popup"
     # data:
       # content:
         # type: "some-lovelace-card"
action: "fire-dom-event"
  service: "browser_mod.popup"
      type: "some-lovelace-card"

No, after content you can use any type of card :wink:


  type: "custom:button-card"
  entity: <your.entity>
  template: "popup_pill_1"

    action: "fire-dom-event"
      service: "browser_mod.popup"
          type: "some-lovelace-card"

Hope this gives you some better understanding on how to use different types of references :smiley:


I love the Person card but it was missing the option to display the room detection if im at home. So I added a variable for it. :smiley:


PS: I know this isnt that hard but it feels good getting something to work

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I am relatively new to Minimalist, great thing btw.
Is it browser_mod.popup not working in Media_player Card, as it is working in Light Card, or Iā€™m doing something wrong.

E.g. this is working as expected, popup with Light Entity Card appears:

          - type: "custom:button-card"
            template: card_light
            entity: light.living_room_1
              ulm_card_light_enable_popup: true
              ulm_card_light_enable_slider: true
              ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
              ulm_card_light_force_background_color: true
              ulm_card_light_name: Sijalica 1
              ulm_card_light_icon: mdi:ceiling-light
              ulm_name_double_tap_action: "popup"
              ulm_icon_double_tap_action: "call-service"
              ulm_icon_double_tap_service: "browser_mod.popup"
                    shorten_cards: true
                    consolidate_entities: true
                    child_card: true
                    hide_header: true
                    header: ""
                    color_wheel: true
                    persist_features: true
                    brightness: true
                    color_temp: true
                    white_value: true
                    color_picker: true
                    smooth_color_wheel: true
                    speed: true
                    intensity: true
                    force_features: false
                    show_slider_percent: true
                    full_width_sliders: true
                    brightness_icon: weather-sunny
                    white_icon: file-word-box
                    temperature_icon: thermometer
                    speed_icon: speedometer
                    intensity_icon: transit-connection-horizontal
                    type: custom:light-entity-card
                    entity: light.living_room_ceiling_lights
                    effects_list: true

But, this is not working, nothing happens:

          - type: "custom:button-card"
            template: card_media_player
            entity: media_player.lg_tv_2
              ulm_card_media_player_name : LG TV
              ulm_card_media_player_icon: mdi:power
              ulm_card_media_player_enable_art: true
              ulm_card_media_player_enable_controls: true
              ulm_card_media_player_enable_volume_slider: true
              ulm_card_media_player_enable_popup: true
              ulm_card_media_player_more_info: true
              ulm_icon_double_tap_action: "call-service"
              ulm_icon_double_tap_service: "browser_mod.popup"
                  content: "test"

Am I miss something? Thx.

Although it doesnā€™t seem to work as a result of a javascript template.

Thatā€™s the biggest problem at the moment. I have all the popups ready and working in the old dashboard. Tought I can just use them together with custom_card_esh_welcome . At the moment I only tried it with a javascript template. Maybe there is another solution.

No, after content you can use any type of card :wink:

Yes, this is possible but unfortnately not in my case. I use a template, which is copied from custom_card_esh_welcome, which is using button-card for every pill. Dont want to rewrite the whole templateā€¦

Back to the drawing boardā€¦ :weary:

Is anyone able to help me get popups working? I have been banging my head on my desk trying to get a single popup to come up but havenā€™t had it happen yet. I have dumbed it down to starting on a new page, trying both the old version of getting a popup to work, and the new version.

title: "Master Bedroom"
path: "master"
  - type: 'custom:button-card'
    template: card_thermostat
    entity: climate.thermostat
      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_popup: true
      ulm_card_thermostat_preset_mode: true
      ulm_card_tap_action: "popup"

I have tried this way with and without the tap action variable and, while it seems to register as a popup action (the default more info popup does not come up), it doesnā€™t display anything.

I have also tried the newer way with ulm_custom_popup as seen here:

  - type: 'custom:button-card'
    template: card_generic
    entity: weather.home
      ulm_card_tap_action: "popup"
        template: "popup_weather_forecast"
          ulm_popup_weather_entity: weather.home

Both have the same behavior of not doing anything when pressed. I have tried digging in the popup_templates folder to see if anything is missing and I canā€™t find out what the issue is. I did follow Everything Smart Homeā€™s tutorial at first to get my rough outline and layout sorted, but popups have been the biggest brick wall for me at the moment. Everything else is working flawlessly.

What version of browser_mod are you using? The config seems okay though.

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Thank you so much!! While I did have an up to date browser mod, I missed the part where you have to add it in your Integrations in HA.

In other words, link me your tip jar please :slight_smile:

Iā€™m a noob on Home Assistant and I would like to join two entities status on the same chip card. Is that possible?
I have this way right now (above) but want to change that like in the following picture bellow.

Your dashboard is perfect! Iā€™m in loveā€¦ I love it!
Iam also planning a dashboard like this, but fail because of the layout and the calendar.

Could you please share your yaml code here? That would definitely help me and others a lot. It would be gigantic! <3
Even if you thought you werenā€™t done yet, itā€™s adorable. Iā€™ve been following your post since you showed your dashboard here and I hope every day that I can pick up code snippets that will help me further. Please keep us active here, that would be great.

GrĆ¼sse aus Stuttgart

Hi guys. I cannot figure out where on file system is located Light Popup card? Default one:


I would like to observe its code and to add Effects drop-down if anyhow is possible.


Hey guys I have a question on how to setup a button on the dashboard that just runs a script but shows a icon depending on an other ID.

With mushroom I was able to achieve this with this here:

  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: binary_sensor.wohnzimmer_sensor_markise_contact
    name: Markise
    icon_color: pink
    icon: mdi:blinds
      action: call-service
      service: script.logikmarkise

Right now Iā€™m able to run the script but it is no changing the icon according to my sensor. This is what I built right now

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  template: card_binary_sensor
    ulm_card_binary_sensor_alert: false
    ulm_show_last_changed: false
    ulm_card_binary_sensor_name: Markise
    ulm_card_binary_sensor_icon: mdi:blinds
    ulm_name_tap_action: call-service
    ulm_name_tap_service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.logikmarkise
    ulm_icon_tap_action: call-service
    ulm_icon_tap_service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.logikmarkise
  entity: binary_sensor.wohnzimmer_sensor_markise_contact