šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

try and add this repository to HACS and install it GitHub - AnthonMS/my-cards: Bundle of my custom Lovelace cards for Home Assistant. Includes: my-slider, my-slider-v2, my-button

I donā€™t know how but I missed it in the config file
- url: /hacsfiles/my-cards/my-cards.js
type: module

np, glad you got it working.

Iā€™ve got an odd issue Iā€™ve not seen anywhere yet. Iā€™ve had my room cars setup on my home dashboard for a few months and a few devices connected over zha, well I made the switch yesterday to z2mqtt and now the device temperatures on the room card are showing in celsius rather than the Fahrenheit that my system is set to. If I click on the device it is showing the correct numbers through the graph card.

I found quite a few issues with the default room card, this is why i modified it. try it should work fine.

if you need any help ask over there Iā€™ll do my best to help you out.

1 Like

Hello, has anyone encountered my problem? The popup cards donā€™t stop on the right side of the screenā€¦ I have no idea why, I followed the steps on the official page.
The dash is under construction, so I made some tests with some cards.
Here is my main yaml file

type: "custom:layout-card"
layout_type: "custom:grid-layout"
  # Tablet portrait
  grid-template-columns: "1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr"
  grid-template-areas: |
    "text text text weather weather weather"
    "welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome"
    "title1 title1 title1 title1 title1 title1"
    "card1 card1 card2 card2 card3 card3"
    "title2 title2 title2 title2 title2 title2"
    "card4 card4 card5 card5 card6 card6"
    # Mobile
    "(max-width: 800px)":
      grid-template-columns: "1fr 1fr"
      grid-template-areas: |
        "welcome welcome"
        "person person"
        "title1 title1"
        "card1 card2"
        "card3 card4"
        "title2 title2"
        "card5 card6"
        "card7 card8"
  grid-area: "main"
  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "text"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "card_title"
    name: "This is the adaptive <br>dashboard provided by <br> UI Minimalist"
    label: "Find instructions to add <br> cards on the wiki"

  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "weather"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: card_weather
    entity: weather.home_2
      ulm_card_weather_name: "Lugoj"
        - wind_speed
        - precipitation_probability
        fade: true

  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "welcome"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "card_esh_welcome"
    triggers_update: "input_boolean.test_card"
        ulm_card_esh_welcome_collapse: input_boolean.test_card
        ulm_weather: "weather.home_2"
          nav: "house"
          icon: "mdi:home"
          name: "House"
          color: "blue"
          nav: "lights"
          icon: "mdi:lightbulb"
          name: "Lights"
          color: "yellow"
          nav: "security"
          icon: "mdi:shield"
          name: Secure
          color: "green"
          nav: "network"
          icon: "mdi:nas"
          name: Lab
          color: "purple"
          nav: "network"
          icon: "mdi:flask"
          name: Lab
          color: "red"

  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "title1"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: card_light
    entity: light.hall
      ulm_card_light_enable_slider: true
      ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
      ulm_card_light_force_background_color: true
      ulm_input_select_option: light 1
      ulm_input_select: input_select.minimalist_ui_switch

  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "title2"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: card_media_player
    entity: media_player.spotify_cosmin
      ulm_card_media_player_name : Livingroom Nvidia Shield
      ulm_input_select_option: mediaplayer 1
      ulm_input_select: input_select.minimalist_ui_switch
  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "card1"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: card_thermostat
    entity: climate.salus_thermostat
      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_collapse: true
      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_controls: true
      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_hvac_modes: true
      ulm_card_thermostat_enable_popup: true
      ulm_input_select_option: climate 1
      ulm_input_select: input_select.minimalist_ui_switch

  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "card2"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "card_title"
    name: "Put here your <br> second card"
    label: "grid-area: card2"

  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "card3"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "card_title"
    name: "Put here your <br> third card"
    label: "grid-area: card3"

  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "card4"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "card_title"
    name: "Put here your <br> fourth card"
    label: "grid-area: card4"

  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "card5"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "card_title"
    name: "Put here your <br> fifth card"
    label: "grid-area: card5"

  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "card6"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "card_title"
    name: "Put here your <br> sixth card"
    label: "grid-area: card6"

And Here is the popup file

type: custom:state-switch
  grid-area: popup
    mediaquery: "(min-width: 1100px)"
entity: input_select.minimalist_ui_switch
default: "default"
transition: "slide-down"
transition_time: 500
# options set in the input_select
  #  Devices
  ##  Lights
    light 1:
      type: "custom:button-card"
        - card_light
      entity: light.hall
        ulm_card_light_enable_popup: true
        ulm_card_light_color_palette: select.wled_color_palette
  # light 2:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_light_brightness"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # light 3:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_light_brightness"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # light 4:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_light_brightness"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # light 5:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_light_brightness"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # light 6:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_light_brightness"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # light 7:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_light_brightness"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # light 8:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_light_brightness"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # light 9:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_light_brightness"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # light 10:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_light_brightness"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  ###  Mediaplayers
    mediaplayer 1:
      type: "custom:button-card"
      template: "popup_media_player_infos"
      entity: media_player.spotify_cosmin
  # mediaplayer 2:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_media_player_infos"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # mediaplayer 3:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_media_player_infos"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # mediaplayer 4:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_media_player_infos"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # mediaplayer 5:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_media_player_infos"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  ### Thermostats
    climate 1:
      type: "custom:button-card"
      template: "popup_thermostat_temperature"
      entity: climate.salus_thermostat
  # climate 2:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_thermostat_temperature"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # climate 3:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_thermostat_temperature"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # climate 4:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_thermostat_temperature"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  # climate 5:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_thermostat_temperature"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  ### Power
  # power 1:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_power_outlet_stats"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  #   variables:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor:
  # power 2:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_power_outlet_stats"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  #   variables:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor:
  # power 3:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_power_outlet_stats"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  #   variables:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor:
  # power 4:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_power_outlet_stats"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  #   variables:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor:
  # power 5:
  #   type: "custom:button-card"
  #   template: "popup_power_outlet_stats"
  #   entity: <your_entity>
  #   variables:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2:
  #     ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor:

  ## Rooms
    livingroom: !include "../views/livingroom.yaml"
  # bedroom: !include "../views/bedroom.yaml"
  # bathroom: !include "../views/bathroom.yaml"
  # garage: !include "../views/garage.yaml"
  # lights: !include "../views/lights.yaml"


This actually didnā€™t correct the issue like was hoping it would. Iā€™m not sure where the issue lies

If you edit the entity and look at Unit of Measurement whats it set to ?

also, try changing this from your FĖš to CĖš, and then back again make sure the click box is set for Update the unit of all sensors

Double check if you have version 1.9.3 of state-switch instead of 1.9.5 :wink: (also mentioned in the documentation)

You need to change the theme on your phone to UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Oh, it seems that I skipped the info with the correct version of state-switch. I downgraded and now it is working. Thank you.

Hi, did you find a solution?
or can anybody else help setting up a vertical button card?

in my case I want to use it for the waste collection entities.

I tried to use either the vertical_buttons or the card_vertical_button templates but the problem is that there is no entity ID or the state is missing. neither for light nor for sensor entities I canā€™t figure out how to show both of themā€¦

only thing whatā€™s working is to use the custom_card_paddy_waste_collection template, but not as a vertical buttonā€¦

would be great if someone could help!

many thanks

Just add the state to the label field:

type: custom:button-card
template: card_vertical_button
entity: sensor.bio
label: "[[[ return entity.state; ]]]"

Amazing, that worked pretty well!
only thing I had to add was the name.

name: Bio

Is it possible toā€¦, ehmā€¦ possible is nearly everything :yum: but how can I change the colors for the icons?

I used a template set for the upper cards, but this isnā€™t working

best thing would be to use the styling from the scenes card but couldnā€™t change the setup yetā€¦

think that would be a good idea for a custom card with something like fading colors when value_days_to = 1 or 2 or indicator or somethingā€¦

thanks for any helpšŸ‘

changing colors worked with

- color: ā€œvar(ā€“google-red)ā€

for each card

But Iā€™m not sure if this is the best way

Hi everyone,

does someone has a clue what kind of code I need to add so my temperature is displayed in the room card? Currently it says ā€œon Ā°Cā€.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-28 um 20.44.48

This is my code:

    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: 'custom:button-card'
            - card_room
            - red_no_state
          name: Wohnzimmer
          entity: light.licht_wohnzimmer
          icon: mdi:sofa
          label_temperature_entity: sensor.klima_wohnzimmer_temperature
            action: navigate
            navigation_path: /ui-lovelace-minimalist/wohnzimmer
            label_use_temperature: true
            label_use_brightness: false
              entity_id: light.licht_wohnzimmer
                - yellow_on
                action: toggle

I know the wiki says it should be provided by an entity state or attribute. Iā€™m just lost where to enter this. I do have a temperature sensor allocated to this room.

Thanks in advance!

Check Custom Card Room - UI Lovelace Minimalist at the very bottom it tells you how to get the label to display the temperature and not just the state.


this is for the custom card, but I am using this one:


your using

    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: 'custom:button-card'
            - card_room
            - red_no_state
          name: Wohnzimmer
          entity: light.licht_wohnzimmer
          icon: mdi:sofa

entity: light.licht_wohnzimmer, this need to be your temp sensor not the light enitity

oh wow, I should have a break and check the other day before asking for help. Thanks!

Is there a way to format the temperature to be without decimals by any chance?