I thought I would share my custom cards, I would like your feedback on these.
The dev branch will be used for the bleeding edge and could have bugs, but if you find any issues in the master or dev brach please submit a git issue, and I take a look.
I did these for myself, but I hope you like.
guides are here
If your having issue with these cards, make sure you have all the necessary frontend integrations installed.
first you need to have installed UI Lovelace Minimalist
, if you have not installed it yet click here to install it.
Then restart Home Assistant.
Then to go to , then click on
, then make sure that Include custom card resources it's depending on.
is UN-CHECKED, and click SUBMIT
then, goto to HACS → frontend and install these:
my-cards is one integration that might not be in HACS repository click on the link to install it
Then restart Home Assistant again, then you can proceed to add my custom cards, by downloading them and upload the folders to Home assistant folder /config/ui_lovelace_minimalist/custom_cards