🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist

Anyone can help with the update of custom cards? I followed the instructions, authorized Github access, selected the custom cards to be updated, restarted HA, but still no updates on the cards. I also checked the logs, but only the weather radar card is claimed, no additional entries about HACS. Did I miss something? How should we see the progress? Thanks in advance for the instructions.

Can you share the code to the alarm card? Please and thank you.

How did you go?

Terrible :slight_smile: will need longer sorry, haven’t been able to progress it at all!

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No worries mate, take your time, you’re the one doing us all the favor by sharing it :wink:

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I’ve now created a custom chip with the following code but it doesn’t seem to do the trick:

    - "chips"
    - "ulm_actions_card"
  entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_weather]]]"
    ulm_card_weather_enable_popup: true
    ulm_language: >
        return hass["language"];
  triggers_update: "all"
  label: |
      const event = new Date();
      const options = {month: 'short', day: 'numeric' };
      var locale = variables.ulm_language;
      let formatted_date = event.toLocaleDateString(locale, options);
      var state = states[variables.ulm_weather].state;
      var icon = {
        "clear-night": "🌙",
        "cloudy": "☁️",
        "exceptional": "🌞",
        "fog": "🌫️",
        "hail": "⛈️",
        "lightning": "⚡",
        "lightning-rainy": "⛈️",
        "partlycloudy": "⛅",
        "pouring": "🌧️",
        "rainy": "💧",
        "snowy": "❄️",
        "snowy-rainy": "🌨️",
        "sunny": "☀️",
        "windy": "🌪️",
        "default": "🌡️"
      return (icon[state] || icon["default"]) + ' ' + formatted_date

I call the popup with this code within the custom_card_esh_welcome:

        type: "custom:button-card"
        template: "custom_chip_weather_date"
          ulm_card_tap_action: "popup"
          ulm_weather: "[[[ return variables.ulm_weather]]]"
            template: "popup_weather_forecast"
              ulm_popup_weather_entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_weather]]]"

I just get an empty popup coming up:

Trying to get going on UI minimalist using the official doc followed Prepare & Download - UI Lovelace Minimalist

I have created a new HA instance (HAOS 8.4, core 2022.8.1) on a VM to verify this process.

This is what I’ve done:

  • Installed HACS
  • Installed HACS integration browser-mod
  • Installed HACS integration UI Lovelace Minimalist
  • Restarted HA
  • Settings | Devices & Services | Add Integration | UI Lovelace Minimalist
  • Restarted HA
  • Settings | Devices & Services | UI Lovelace Minimalist | Configure:
  • (ticked) enable creation of a dashboard entry in the side panel
  • (ticked) Enable adaptive Dashboard with popup splitview
  • (ticked) Include custom card resources it’s depending on
  • Submit

I see two dashboard entries

but get “Custom element doesn’t exist: button-card / auto-entities / grid-layout”

Checked HACS and all these cards are installed.

Checked the my profile the theme is set to minimalist-dekstop

Added this to configuration.yaml

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

One thing I wasn’t sure what to do at the message of the HACS card installs "since you are not using Lovelace in storage mode you need to manually add the resource with these settings...; i.e.
Where am I supposed to add these resources?

Is there anything else I am missing?

Try to add an entity to your card

Thanks, it worked!
However the size of the map is not correct on Chrome on my mac. When the popup appears the size is correct but then the height is increased.

I also notice that the map displays past data, I thought it woud show rain forecast.

Anyone has an idea how I can get rid of the dashboard? I deleted the yaml file, called the lovelace-minimalist service and restarted home assistant without any success.
I want to delete it for all users not just hide it for me.


//EDIT: My fault. I simply deleted the dashboard directory. Now its gone.

Found a nice way to add battery level to a minimalist ui card somewhere in this thread some time ago, so decide to make a template for easier use.
Hope it’s helpful.

The idea was to use the attribute battery or battery_level from the entity used in the card. But you can also define the battery entity below the variables section by using:

  ulm_battery_entity: sensor.example_battery_level


    - ulm_battery_entity:
        - position: absolute
        - right: 6px
        - top: 6px
        - width: 25px
        - height: 25px

    info: |
          if (variables.ulm_battery_entity){
            const battery = Math.round((states[variables.ulm_battery_entity].state)/1);
            const radius = 20.5; const circumference = radius * 2 * Math.PI;
            return `<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"><circle cx="25" cy="25" r="${radius}"
            stroke="green" stroke-width="3" fill="none"
            style="transform: rotate(-90deg); transform-origin: 50% 50%;
            stroke-dasharray: ${circumference};
            stroke-dashoffset: ${circumference - battery / 100 * circumference};" />
            <text x="50%" y="54%" fill="var(--primary-text-color)" font-size="16" font-weight= "bold"
            text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">
            ${battery}<tspan font-size="10">%</tspan></text></svg>`;}
            const battery = Math.round((entity.attributes.battery || entity.attributes.battery_level)/1);
            const radius = 20.5; const circumference = radius * 2 * Math.PI;
            return `<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"><circle cx="25" cy="25" r="${radius}"
            stroke="green" stroke-width="3" fill="none"
            style="transform: rotate(-90deg); transform-origin: 50% 50%;
            stroke-dasharray: ${circumference};
            stroke-dashoffset: ${circumference - battery / 100 * circumference};" />
            <text x="50%" y="54%" fill="var(--primary-text-color)" font-size="16" font-weight= "bold"
            text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">
            ${battery}<tspan font-size="10">%</tspan></text></svg>`;}

card example:

- type: "custom:button-card"
    - "custom_card_vacuum"
    - "battery_info"
    ulm_card_vacuum_name: Saugroboter
    ulm_card_vacuum_camera: "camera.roborocks6maxv"
    ulm_popup_entity: "input_select.saugroboter_raum"
  entity: "vacuum.roborocks6maxv"
      - height: 140px
      - padding-top: 12px #21px



I cant get the Weather Popup to work, other popups like Light works perfect.

Don’t know what I am doing wrong, am I missing something?

  - type: "custom:button-card"
    template: card_weather
    entity: weather.smhi_home
      ulm_card_weather_name: "Göteborg"
        - precipitation_probability
        fade: true
        template: "popup_weather_forecast"
          ulm_popup_weather_entity: weather.smhi_home

Anyone that can guide me?


I am trying to get the power outlet popup to work but am just getting a blank popup when tapping on the card. here is my code which I copied and changed to my own sensors.

  - type: 'custom:button-card'
    template: card_power_outlet
    entity: switch.dehumidifier_plug
      ulm_card_tap_action: "popup"
      ulm_icon_tap_action: "popup"
      ulm_name_tap_action: "popup"
      ulm_card_power_outlet_consumption_sensor: sensor.power_outlet_livingroom_consumption
      ulm_card_power_outlet_name: Power Outlet Livingroom
        template: "popup_power_outlet_stats"
        entity: switch.dehumidifier_plug
          ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1: sensor.dehumidifier_plug_energy
          ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2: sensor.dehumidifier_plug_energy
          ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor: sensor.dehumidifier_plug_energy
          ulm_popup_power_outlet_entity: switch.dehumidifier_plug

Any suggestions?

I want to make one adaptive dashboard for both iphone and wallscreen(pc with touchscreen). How can I do this since the adaptive page do not show up on the phone. Eksample is the adaptive funkction to display rooms. Someone with an example or two?:slight_smile:

I’ve had this before a couple of times - every time I update I dread what it breaks. Because more than one it leads to the below, as it did now for I guess the 4th or 5th time. Flushing the fron-end cache doesn’t help, usually I need to dive into the debugger to see what broke now. Also, how do I get rid of dashboards that were created without me asking for them? These are broken too by the way, they all look pretty much like this:

First error I get is missing static translations containing some seemingly random gui I didn’t have before. Ring any bells? Rather not repeat the url here in case it is related to some secret.

having some difficults deciding if i want to go for a room setup or a device room setup, is there a place to get some ideas for how to design the layout of minimalist ui?

Hey mate!

Friday check in LOL, any update?

Haha keeping me honest, love it! On holidays sorry, will have to do it next week but will just put it up as is anyway so you can check it out

HAHA, thanks mate!

Appreciate it :slight_smile:

I’m having problems with the popup.
When I use it, it is really a popup and not positioned on the right as in the video.


  - view_layout:
      grid-area: "card2"
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "card_light"
    name: Buitenlamp voordeur
    entity: light.up_down_light_rgb_cct
    icon: mdi:coach-lamp
      ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
      ulm_card_light_enable_slider: true
      ulm_card_light_enable_popup: true
      ulm_input_select_option: light 1
      ulm_input_select: input_select.minimalist_ui_switch


type: "custom:state-switch"
  grid-area: "popup"
    # only show when screen-width is larger than 1100px
    mediaquery: "(min-width: 1100px)"
# add your input_select
entity: input_select.minimalist_ui
default: "default"
transition: "slide-down"
transition_time: 500
# options set in the input_select
  light 1:
    type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "popup_light_brightness"
      ulm_popup_light_entity: "light.up_down_light_rgb_cct"

I have installed layout-card and state-switch 1.9.3