šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Iā€™m trying to edit the visual appearance of the popups. They all have pretty extreme rounded corners and I want to play a little with that. However, I canā€™t seem to find any border-radius related css property or anything else. Where is this border-radius being set?

Hello together,
I would like to create another minimalist dashboard for my phone. Which I would like to completely redesign.

I have created a new .yaml file under ā€œui_lovelace_minimalist\dashboardā€.

But how do I include it in Homeassistant?

Same issue here.
In the empty side (the right one), if you refresh sometimes the page, you will see the error of the popup.

Currently Iā€™m using two popups, both of them worked perfectly before the last update. Now I have those errors:


So if you want color for your generic cards again: Here you are:


    icon_color: theme
        type: "custom:button-card"
          - "icon_more_info"
              type: "custom:button-card"
              entity: "[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]"
                  - background-color: "[[[ return 'rgba(var(--color-' + variables.icon_color + '),0.05)'; ]]]"
                  - color: "[[[ return 'rgba(var(--color-' + variables.icon_color + '),1)'; ]]]"

  template: custom_icon_color
    icon_color: >
        let colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow'];
        let colorCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length);
        return colors[colorCount];


- type: "custom:button-card"
  name: Download
  icon: mdi:download
    icon_color: green
    - card_generic
    - custom_icon_color
  entity: your.entity

# Random Colors
- type: "custom:button-card"
  name: Download
  icon: mdi:download
    - card_generic
    - custom_random_icon_color
  entity: your.entity


Same issueā€¦ hope there is a fix soon :slight_smile:

Mind sharing your theme adjustment to get that nice font?

Yes, here you are:

  1. create config/www/style.css and put this into:
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Quicksand');
body {
  font-family: "Quicksand", sans-serif;
html {
  font-family: "Quicksand", sans-serif;
--paper-font-common-base_-_font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif;
  1. add this to your resources:
- url: https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Quicksand
  type: css
- url: /local/styles.css?v=0.05
  type: css
  1. refresh your frontend and cache. Maybe you have to delete it manually. Thats it. :wink:

Ok I have restarted the whole installation and cleared the cache so the default installation (with ā€˜include custom cardsā€™ enabled as part of the installation).

The default dashboard does now come up - I noticed two entries; one being ui-lovelace.yaml in the dashboard folder and the other being adaptive-dash/adaptive-ui.yaml.

I want to separate the various rooms into different files and have done the following:

  • Edited ui-lovelance.yaml as follows
button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "../../custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/"

title: "Minimalist"
background: "var(--background-image)"
  !include views/home.yaml
  • Created views/home.yaml in the dashboard folder with the following content (understand I need to customise the entities etc. but wanted to get the card up first to confirm the overall folder structure)
title: "Home"
path: "home"
  - type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "card_welcome_scenes"
    #triggers_update: input_boolean.<Your_boolean>
    #entity: input_boolean.<Your_boolean>
      ulm_card_welcome_scenes_collapse: input_boolean.<Your_boolean> #OPTIONAl --> uncomment also entity or triggers_update
      ulm_weather: "weather.YOUR_WEATHERPROVIDER"
        entity_id: "<YOUR_ENTITY>"
        icon: "mdi:home" #OPTIONAL
        name: "YOUR_NAME" #OPTIONAL
        color: "blue"
        entity_id: "<YOUR_ENTITY>"
        icon: "mdi:home" #OPTIONAL
        name: "YOUR_NAME" #OPTIONAL
        color: "red"
        entity_id: "<YOUR_ENTITY>"
        icon: "mdi:home" #OPTIONAL
        name: "YOUR_NAME" #OPTIONAL
        color: "green"
        entity_id: "<YOUR_ENTITY>"
        icon: "mdi:home" #OPTIONAL
        name: "YOUR_NAME" #OPTIONAL
        color: "purple"
        entity_id: "<YOUR_ENTITY>"
        icon: "mdi:home" #OPTIONAL
        name: "YOUR_NAME" #OPTIONAL
        color: "yellow"
        entity_id: "<YOUR_ENTITY>"
        icon: "mdi:home" #OPTIONAL
        name: "YOUR_NAME" #OPTIONAL
        color: "pink"
        entity_id: "<YOUR_ENTITY>"
        icon: "mdi:home" #OPTIONAL
        name: "YOUR_NAME" #OPTIONAL
        color: "yellow"

But when I navigate to the dashboard is empty

Any idea where I go wrong here?

@tfmeier : before trying custom cart, try something easier (maybe because of the entities you have some issues and itā€™s not appearing).

title: "home"
path: "home"
#theme: "minimalist-desktop"
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: "custom:button-card"
        template: card_title
        name: bla bla bla
        label: "bing bang bong"

Thanks @adynis.

I have created a standard weather card with the correct entity and the dashboard still stays blank. Iā€™m accessing the dashboard at

title: "home"
path: "home"
theme: "minimalist-desktop"
  - type: "custom:button-card"
    template: card_weather
    entity: weather.forecast_homeassistant
      ulm_card_weather_name: " "
        - wind_speed
        - precipitation_probability
        fade: true

What Iā€™m not entirely sure about is the usage of the path variable. Couldnā€™t really find anything on path.

What exactly do we specify here and is there a need to configure anything in Home Assistant at all to match this?

According to the docs you need to provide list items underneath views: So try changing this:


button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "../../custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/"

title: "Minimalist"
background: "var(--background-image)"
  - !include views/home.yaml

The path is an extension to the URL of your dashboard view. The format is internal_ip:port/dashboard_name/path or in your case

Great. Making some progress. Thanks. I had taken this code from somewhere else.

See the updated URL using the /home/ suffix so thatā€™s clear as well now.

The only thing still going wrong is the button-card doesnā€™t load


the ui_lovelave_minimalist/custom_components/custom_cards/button-card folder is there and the button-card.js file is present as well.

Looking at the page source in the browser the button-card is loaded. Cleared the cache and used a few different browsers.

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><link rel="modulepreload" href="/frontend_latest/core.f2e094cd.js" crossorigin="use-credentials"><link rel="modulepreload" href="/frontend_latest/app.933bd729.js" crossorigin="use-credentials"><meta charset="utf-8"><link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json" crossorigin="use-credentials"><link rel="icon" href="/static/icons/favicon.ico"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,user-scalable=no,viewport-fit=cover,initial-scale=1"><style>body{font-family:Roboto,sans-serif;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;font-weight:400;margin:0;padding:0;height:100%}</style><title>Home Assistant</title><link rel="mask-icon" href="/static/icons/mask-icon.svg" color="#03a9f4"><link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/static/icons/favicon-apple-180x180.png"><meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=1099568401"><meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"><meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" 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3.9972-5.6748c0-3.3236-2.6844-6.0176-5.996-6.0176-3.3112 0-5.996 2.694-5.996 6.0176 0 2.62 1.6688 4.8488 3.9976 5.6748v7.5348l-11.192-11.232v-11.145a6.0184 6.0184 0 0 0 3.9972-5.6748c0-3.3232-2.6844-6.0176-5.996-6.0176-3.3112 0-5.996 2.6944-5.996 6.0176 0 2.62 1.6688 4.8488 3.9976 5.6748v12.807l12.363 12.407h-7.108c-0.8232-2.3372-3.044-4.0116-5.6548-4.0116-3.3112 0-5.996 2.694-5.996 6.0172 0 3.3236 2.6848 6.0176 5.996 6.0176 2.6108 0 4.832-1.6744 5.6548-4.012h11.105l17.216 17.278v30.03l-9.1932-9.2264v-11.546a6.0184 6.0184 0 0 0 3.9972-5.6748c0-3.3232-2.6844-6.0172-5.996-6.0172-3.3112 0-5.996 2.694-5.996 6.0172 0 2.62 1.6688 4.8488 3.9976 5.6748v7.5348l-13.376-13.423a6.0116 6.0116 0 0 0 0.5844-2.5944c0-3.3232-2.684-6.0172-5.996-6.0172-3.3112 0-5.9956 2.694-5.9956 6.0172s2.6844 6.0172 5.996 6.0172c0.9256 0 1.8024-0.2104 2.5848-0.5864l13.376 13.424h-7.108c-0.8232-2.3372-3.044-4.012-5.6548-4.012-3.3112 0-5.996 2.6944-5.996 6.0176s2.6848 6.0172 5.996 6.0172c2.6108 0 4.8316-1.6744 5.6548-4.0116h11.105l11.192 11.232h5.6528l11.592-11.633h10.705c0.8232 2.3368 3.044 4.0112 5.6548 4.0112 3.3112 0 5.996-2.694 5.996-6.0172s-2.6848-6.0172-5.996-6.0172c-2.6108 0-4.8316 1.6744-5.6548 4.0116h-12.361l-10.764 10.802v-13.18l12.82-12.866h20.698c0.8232 2.3372 3.044 4.0116 5.6544 4.0116 3.3116 0 5.996-2.694 5.996-6.0172 0-3.3236-2.6844-6.0176-5.996-6.0176-2.6104 0-4.8312 1.6744-5.6544 4.012h-16.702l11.963-12.006v-10.029l8.6068-8.6384a5.9544 5.9544 0 0 0 2.5852 0.5868c3.3112 0 5.996-2.6944 5.996-6.0176s-2.6848-6.0172-5.996-6.0172-5.996 2.694-5.996 6.0172c0 0.9292 0.21 1.8088 0.5844 2.5944l-5.7804 5.8016v-18.367a6.0184 6.0184 0 0 0 3.9972-5.6748c0-3.3236-2.6844-6.0176-5.996-6.0176-3.3112 0-5.996 2.694-5.996 6.0176 0 2.62 1.6688 4.8488 3.9976 5.6748v18.366l-5.7808-5.8016zm-51.78 57.58c-1.3244 0-2.3984-1.0776-2.3984-2.4068s1.074-2.4068 2.3984-2.4068c1.3248 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4068s-1.0736 2.4068-2.3984 2.4068zm17.588-18.052c-1.3248 0-2.3988-1.0776-2.3988-2.4068s1.074-2.4068 2.3984-2.4068c1.3248 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4068s-1.0736 2.4068-2.3984 2.4068zm-20.786-2.808c-1.3248 0-2.3984-1.0776-2.3984-2.4068s1.0736-2.4068 2.3984-2.4068c1.3244 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4068s-1.074 2.4068-2.3984 2.4068zm-1.9988-20.058c-1.3244 0-2.398-1.0776-2.398-2.4072 0-1.3292 1.0736-2.4068 2.398-2.4068 1.3248 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4068 0 1.3296-1.0736 2.4072-2.3984 2.4072zm49.964 2.808c-1.3244 0-2.398-1.0776-2.398-2.4068 0-1.3296 1.0736-2.4072 2.398-2.4072 1.3248 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4072 0 1.3292-1.0736 2.4068-2.3984 2.4068zm27.181 18.453c-1.324 0-2.398-1.0776-2.398-2.4068 0-1.3296 1.0736-2.4072 2.398-2.4072 1.3248 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4072 0 1.3292-1.0736 2.4068-2.3984 2.4068zm-10.392 19.255c-1.3248 0-2.3984-1.0776-2.3984-2.4068s1.0736-2.4068 2.3984-2.4068c1.3244 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4068s-1.074 2.4068-2.3984 2.4068zm11.192-57.364c-1.3244 0-2.3984-1.078-2.3984-2.4072s1.074-2.4068 2.3984-2.4068 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4068-1.074 2.4072-2.3984 2.4072zm-13.191-15.645c-1.3244 0-2.3984-1.0776-2.3984-2.4068 0-1.3296 1.074-2.4072 2.3984-2.4072 1.3248 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4072 0 1.3292-1.0736 2.4068-2.3984 2.4068zm-15.989-9.628c-1.3244 0-2.398-1.0772-2.398-2.4068 0-1.3292 1.0736-2.4068 2.398-2.4068 1.3248 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4068 0 1.3296-1.0736 2.4072-2.3984 2.4072zm-25.582 0c-1.324 0-2.398-1.0772-2.398-2.4068 0-1.3292 1.0736-2.4068 2.398-2.4068 1.3248 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4068 0 1.3296-1.0736 2.4072-2.3984 2.4072zm-20.785 9.2268c-1.3244 0-2.3984-1.0776-2.3984-2.4068 0-1.3296 1.074-2.4072 2.3984-2.4072s2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4072c0 1.3292-1.074 2.4068-2.3984 2.4068zm15.189 14.843c-1.3244 0-2.398-1.0776-2.398-2.4068 0-1.3296 1.0736-2.4072 2.398-2.4072 1.3248 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4072 0 1.3292-1.0736 2.4068-2.3984 2.4068zm33.976 1.2036c-1.324 0-2.398-1.078-2.398-2.4072s1.0736-2.4068 2.398-2.4068c1.3248 0 2.3984 1.0776 2.3984 2.4068s-1.0736 2.4072-2.3984 2.4072z"/></svg><div id="ha-launch-screen-info-box" 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This really should display, right?

Hey @Stimo I am having the same issue. Did you manage to get it solved?

I havenĀ“t been able to take a look at this yet, but there is an issue regarding this

1 Like

Fixed. #943

How i can force an aspect ratio on the custom camera card?

Since the doorbell is another aspect ratio, it looks weird.

I tried fixing it myself in the css file, but didnt work

Managed to fix the issue I reported 4 days ago. The issue was invalid entities coupled with caching. Definetly been a learning curve but I was expecting this not to be a smooth ride (which is why I went this route as opposed to the mushroom route)ā€¦

I have a Denon AVR in my house I would like to integrate into my minimalist dashboard. Looking at the available cards I can see the media_player card but supplying the one entity I have of the Denon I only get volume control and start/stop/previous/next. Enabling the popup (ulm_card_media_player_enable_popup = true) doesnā€™t do anything


but no ability to control the rest of the AVR like in the following picture.


How can I implement this in minimalist?

Just checking in if anyone has had success with input_datetime entities. Trying to use the card_input_datetime and still having issues. Hoping some one else is using it?

Hello! I have been really enjoying this UI! I do have one question for anyone who can help. Is there a way to do a tap_action: call-service anywhere on a light card? When I add it, the only place I can tap to get it to work is on the card itself. If I tap the icon or name nothing happens. It doesnā€™t seem like I can call a service from a custom tap action in the variables either. I have tried several ways but certainly could be missing something. Thanks for any advice you can provide!