🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist


This will be fixed when the next release is launched :wink:

This is the vertical button card: Vertical Button Card - UI Lovelace Minimalist
Note: the image is wrong on the wiki

I searched the topic and I saw that there are others that have this problem with the tpx01 aircon card. Have anybody succeeded using this?

I don’t have any other custom thermostat cards installed right now. Thanks!


Have you also set the entity outside the variables section?
Based on the code this is needed, but it is not reflected in the documentation.

- type: custom:button-card
  template: custom_card_tpx01_aircondition_with_buttons
  entity: climate.livingroom
    entity: climate.livingroom
    name: A/C Livingroom

Thank you so much! That was the problem!

But I don’t think that this is all because now I ended up with something like this:


Now the more-info tap it’s working but the card looks like this.

This should be what you’re looking for:

Using it my self with the following code:

            - type: 'custom:button-card'
              template: card_power_outlet
              entity: switch.tueroeffner
                text: '[[[ return `Soll die Tür geöffnet werden?` ]]]'
                ulm_card_power_outlet_name: Türöffner

I already tried it but for I don’t know what reasons it doesn’t work. When I press the button it directly make the action without confirmation.

If I recall it correctly, this works on the most outer part of the button. Not for the icon or name. Can you please confirm?

I had a typo. Now it works and works on the whole button. Thank you!

Does anyone know if the just published Browser mod breaking changes affect Minimalist? I know for a fact Minimalist will no longer work correctly without it for quite some time now.


I was wondering exactly the same

I am wondering the same

Thanks for the reply and sorry for the long delay before I’m asking another question. But do you know what catagrou I should be in on the site? I’ve asked this question on so many different pages and you’re one of the only responses I ever got

There’s no such thing as a history for browser caches. But there is such a thing as a cache per url. So maybe you just flushed the cache for the internal url and not the external one, or vice versa? Or maybe you have other urls to access the same instance?

Would that cause this to happen? I’ve tried my phone and multiple computers. This os a copy and paste of my main explanation

Here are the three examples I’m having trouble with. Before and after pictures. Soon as I hit refresh everything looks fine but this keeps coming back even on a new computer that I’ve never gone to Home Assistant. It’s driving me nuts


Hey mate,

Any updates?

When you use Minimalist with popups, the new Browser Mod updates will undoubtedly affect you.
We are working to make Minimalist fully compatible with the new Browser Mod Framework.

For now, it’s best to stay on the old browser_mod version (below 2.0.0) and wait for the Minimalist release with the needed fixes to update both simultaneously.


V1.1.2 :rainbow_flag:

This release will add support for Browser Mod 2.0 for the use of the popups.

Be aware: Only update if you also update Browser Mod to version 2.0 or higher (no backward compatibility)

:warning: Breaking Changes

  • Only compatible with browser_mod v2.0.0 or higher
  • The popup Power outlet is now controlled with a variable instead of adding a template
- type: "custom:button-card" 
    - card_power_outlet 
    - popup_power_outlet 
    ulm_card_power_outlet_consumption_sensor: sensor.metered_wall_plug_switch_power_3 
    ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1: sensor.metered_wall_plug_switch_power_3 
    ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2: sensor.metered_wall_plug_switch_electric_consumed_kwh_2 
    ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor: sensor.metered_wall_plug_switch_power_3 
  entity: switch.metered_wall_plug_switch_2


- type: "custom:button-card" 
    - card_power_outlet 
    ulm_power_outlet_enable_popup: true 
    ulm_card_power_outlet_consumption_sensor: sensor.metered_wall_plug_switch_power_3 
    ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor1: sensor.metered_wall_plug_switch_power_3 
    ulm_popup_power_outlet_sensor2: sensor.metered_wall_plug_switch_electric_consumed_kwh_2 
    ulm_popup_power_outlet_graph_sensor: sensor.metered_wall_plug_switch_power_3 
  entity: switch.metered_wall_plug_switch_2


:sparkles: Code enhancements

:sparkles: Custom Card enhancements

:speech_balloon: Translations

:memo: Documentation

:heart: Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

@MatthewSean, @TomasMonkevic, @basbruss, @delcara, @github-actions and @lryjnks


How do you made the calendar card?
I am looking to switch over to Minimalist, but want to check if everything I need is possible. The calendar is one of the most important cards for me.

Thanks for the update. Popup are not displayed correctly for me on mobile.
Is there anything that needs do be changed in the configuration?


No you don’t have to change things in the configuration except when using the power outlet popup (see breaking change).

Also make sure you run the latest version of browser mod and clear all the caches on the app and browser.

If that does not help you can always make an issue on github with more information over the setup regarding the popups you are using :wink: