šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Hi everyone,

Iā€™ve updated to the latest version of Minimalist UI, but now Iā€™ve got the Turkish language as my welcome card. The system languages is Dutch, so iā€™m confused now. Itā€™s with the standard Welcome Scene Card and the Custom Welcome Scene card from Everything Smart Home.

This happend to me before, but it fixed itself over a period of time. Where do I change the language used in the cards? In the repo there is not a separate languages folder.

Hi @basbrus

Mhhh strangeā€¦ the problem only occurs with ios. I will analyze it in more detail.


The displayed language is determined from 2 places.

  1. The language set in your user profile within HA

  2. The language set in the Minimalist integration configuration screen

Thanks for the quick replyā€¦but both of the selectors are on Dutch. Itā€™s still displaying the Turkish language.
Reinstalled the integration, restarted the host. Still the same.

Same issue for me. Did you find a solution?

No not yet, still the same. I tried another welcome card, but it looks like Home Assistant things Turkish is the system language.

But still, everything else is Dutch.

Maybe there is some automated translation file hooked up in the cache directory used by Minimalist.
You can check this by going to this file: /config/custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/language.yaml

This should be in Dutch, if not delete it and restart HA or reload the Minimalist integration.

Thanks, but the file was already in Dutch.

Still deleted it, restarted HA en reloaded the Minimalist integration. No result.


Can you share your code, i use same card but no popup show upā€¦


I changed the item2 of card_esh_welcome_topbar: with the following code:

        type: "custom:button-card"
        template: "custom_chip_weather_date"
        entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_weather]]]"
          ulm_card_tap_action: "popup"
          ulm_weather: "[[[ return variables.ulm_weather]]]"
            template: "popup_weather_forecast"
              ulm_popup_weather_entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_weather]]]"
#        tap_action:
#          action: "navigate"
#          navigation_path: "weather"
            - width: "100px"
            - box-shadow: >
                  if (hass.themes.darkMode){
                    return "0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.80)";
                  } else {
                    return "var(--box-shadow)";

I noticed that the custom card has been updated since then so some of the changes are not present here.

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          - type: "custom:button-card"
            template: "card_welcome_scenes"
            triggers_update: input_boolean.triggers_update
            entity: input_boolean.minimaliseren
                ulm_card_welcome_scenes_collapse: input_boolean.minimaliseren
                ulm_weather: weather.openweathermap
                ulm_language: "NL"
                  entity_id: scene.lampen_fel
                  icon: mdi:car-light-high
                  name: Fel
                  icon_color: blue
                  bg_color: blue
                  entity_id: scene.sfeer_verlichting
                  icon: mdi:car-light-dimmed
                  name: Sfeer
                  icon_color: green
                  bg_color: green
                  entity_id: scene.romantisch
                  icon: mdi:candle
                  name: Roman #OPTIONAL
                  icon_color: red
                  bg_color: red
                  entity_id: scene.slapen
                  icon: mdi:bed
                  name: Slapen
                  icon_color: yellow
                  bg_color: yellow
                  entity_id: scene.welterusten
                  icon: mdi:block-helper
                  name: UIT
                  icon_color: red
                  bg_color: red

Maybe someone can help me here, I use a dark theme for my phone but that is causing mine to look awful - is there any way to override the colors (maybe at least the background) so there is much more contrast between the buttons and the background?


First of all make sure the theme is set on your device. Based on your screenshots it is jot selected on your mobile.
Theme settings are not global but device specific. :wink:

I am working hard on my new dashboard.
I started with a grid, but now I am stuck, because the cards are longer then I want it.
grafik grafik

How can I tell the card, that it should not be higher then the grid?

Definition of the grid

    type: custom:grid-layout
      grid-template-columns: 20% 35% 35%
      grid-template-rows: 5% fit-content(100%) 35% 5% 2%
      grid-gap: 1em
      grid-template-areas: |
        "header header header"
        "welcome rooms house"
        "calendar camera media"
        "footer footer footer"
        ". . ."

bad card

      #   Calendar   #

      - type: grid
        columns: 1
        square: false
          - type: custom:atomic-calendar-revive
              grid-area: calendar
            # style: |
            #   ha-card {
            #       border-radius: 20px;
            #     }
            enableModeChange: true
            firstDayOfWeek: 1
            maxDaysToShow: 30
              - entity: !secret calendar_entity_primary
              - entity: !secret calendar_entity_family
            showCurrentEventLine: false
            showMonth: false
            showWeekDay: true
            showNoEventsForToday: true
            showEventIcon: false
            calShowDescription: true
            showLastCalendarWeek: false
            dimFinishedEvents: true
            showRelativeTime: false
            eventCalNameColor: rgba(86, 100, 86, .35)
            calWeekDayColor: rgba(86, 100, 86, .35)
            showLocation: false
            untilText: bis
            noEventsForNextDaysText: keine Termine in den nƤchsten Tagen
            showProgressBar: false
            showDescription: true
            noEventText: keine Termine heute
            showFullDayProgress: true
            disableCalEventLink: false
            disableCalLocationLink: false
            disableCalLink: false
            showDate: false
            sortByStartTime: true
            cardHeight: 3
            refreshInterval: 60

Yes - done - thank you!

Hi All.

Is it possible to get a calendar type card? I currently use the atomic calendar which is awesome!

Is it possible to show the zone in the Person Card or Person Info Card as ā€œunknownā€ if the following conditions are met?

  1. Device is off
  2. Device tracker hasnā€™t updated in the last X minutes

I suppose itā€™s as simple as doing an if-else statement in the custom card yaml fileā€¦

And similarly, for the Person Info Card, do a check if a person is moving and based on what activity is being detected (in_vehicle, walking, running, cycling etc.) show different text for ā€œDriving - Homeā€ and icon for commute. And by help of proximity sensor I guess it should be possible to see if the person is moving towards or away from home.

Although these changed could be made in the file, perhaps some of it could be of interest to include as options in the custom card itself?

Mind sharing your code for the status line? I mean where you see how many people are at home, number of open doors and lights.

Thank you

can anyone provide any guidance for a novice interested in using a grid-type layout?

i have a fire 7 i want to build a dashboard forā€¦ using the horizontal stack makes it harder to fit into the tablet in the right way. I think grid is they way to go. But how is best to work out the layout and then build the right code?

You can create a grid card in another theme and copy the code. But basically like this for a 4-column grid with no square cells.

- type: grid
    square: false
    columns: 4
      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: light.some_light
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