šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Iā€™m trying to set a custom name for a sensor via the yaml code.

          - type: 'custom:button-card'
            template: card_binary_sensor
              - ulm_card_binary_sensor: true
              - ulm_card_binary_sensor_name: Port 80
            entity: switch.fritz_box_6591_cable_lgi_port_forward_ha80

but it wont display the name set in the varibale. it keeps the name of the entity

does anyone know how i can fix this?

Donā€™t use hyphens before the set variables. Variables are not list-items but object/directory items.

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Hi all!

I tried lookin for an ansewer in all above posts, but was unable to find one.
Is it possible to override the action behaviour of a chip?
I tried the below code, but nothing happens when I click the chip:

          - type: "custom:button-card"
            template: chip_icon_state
              ulm_chip_icon_state_entity: input_boolean.shower
              ulm_chip_icon_state_icon: "šŸšæ"
              action: more-info

To use a tap_action without service data the entity must be specified outside the variables part.

          - type: "custom:button-card"
            template: chip_icon_state
            entity: input_boolean.shower
              ulm_chip_icon_state_entity: input_boolean.shower
              ulm_chip_icon_state_icon: "šŸšæ"
              action: more-info
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Ah man! ā€œSo simple!ā€
Youā€™re awesome :slight_smile:

I have a problem with some tap/hold actions in cards.
If i tap on card or icon - toggle action works, but if i tap on name - toggle action doesnā€™t work.
Popup also doesnā€™t work. Please, help.
One of my card:

- type: "custom:button-card"
        template: card_light
        entity: light.kitchen_light
          ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
          ulm_card_light_force_background_color: true
          ulm_card_light_name: "Light"
          ulm_card_light_enable_popup: true

custom_actions.yaml (same in /config/custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/custom_actions/custom_actions.yaml):

    ulm_card_tap_action: "toggle"
    ulm_card_hold_action: "popup"
    ulm_card_double_tap_action: "adaptive"
    ulm_icon_tap_action: "toggle"
    ulm_icon_hold_action: "popup"
    ulm_icon_double_tap_action: "adaptive"
    ulm_name_tap_action: "toggle"
    ulm_name_hold_action: "popup"
    ulm_name_double_tap_action: "adaptive"

Error in dev console:

Uncaught button-card.js?hacstag=146194325342:425
ButtonCardJSTemplateError: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'return' in 'var action = variables.ulm_name_tap_action;

  if (action == 'adaptive'){
    return {
    at new Function (<anonymous>)
    at Je._evalTemplate (button-card.js?hacstag=146194325342:425:9295)
    at Je._getTemplateOrValue (button-card.js?hacstag=146194325342:425:9964)
    at button-card.js?hacstag=146194325342:547:3849
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at n (button-card.js?hacstag=146194325342:547:3791)
    at Je._evalActions (button-card.js?hacstag=146194325342:547:3910)
    at Je._handleTap (button-card.js?hacstag=146194325342:547:4643)
    at Je._handleAction (button-card.js?hacstag=146194325342:547:4488)
    at N.handleEvent (button-card.js?hacstag=146194325342:1:9239)

This will be fixed in the following release V1.1.4. #988

This is what I get

title: ā€œTestā€
path: ā€œtestā€
- type: grid
square: false
columns: 4
- type: custom:button-card
entity: light.front_light
- type: custom:button-card
entity: light.front_light
- type: custom:button-card
entity: light.front_light
- type: custom:button-card
entity: light.front_light

If you do indentation correctly it should work.

  - type: grid
    square: false
    columns: 4
      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: light.front_light
      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: light.front_light
      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: light.front_light
      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: light.front_light
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Can you share the template of solar panels pls?

EDIT: Please ignore everything below, it seems that I still changed something in custom_card_esh_welcome.yaml (but I donā€™t remember that :innocent: ). I just copy/pasted content of custom_card_esh_welcome.yaml from github to my local file again and weather popup is working as expected:

Hi guys. I just started with Minimalist, sorry if this already been asked, but this thread is hugeā€¦ :innocent:
I followed Lewisā€™s tut on YT (Everythingsmarthome), so basically, I have very similar conf as him for now.

This is the beginning of my home.yaml:

title: "Home"
path: "home"
  - type: "custom:button-card"
    template: "card_esh_welcome"
    triggers_update: "input_boolean.minimalist_dropdown"
      ulm_card_esh_welcome_collapse: input_boolean.minimalist_dropdown
      ulm_weather: weather.openweathermap
        nav: "house"
        icon: "mdi:home"
        name: "Kuća"
        color: "blue"

And template, i.e. custom_card_esh_welcome.yaml is unmodified.

If I click on weather inside HOME:


I get following (empty) popup:


I believe this is normal behavior and that something else needs to be setup, but since I just started, could someone point me in right direction what file should be edited and where, in order to get something useful in popup. E.g. Weather Popup , or if this isnā€™t possible, then at least default HA Weather Forecast card.

I understand how would I accomplish Weather Popup if this would be weather card, but Iā€™m not certain where to make edits in case of this custom card where weather is just one part of it.


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Hey guys,
Quick question, Iā€™m a little new to this, but Iā€™m loving learning all about CSS!

I recently made a new page for my dashboard, but wanted to add a few color variables, as there werenā€™t any pre-made that I liked for my application.

My desktop runs the ā€œminimalist-desktopā€ theme, so I went to that .yaml file, and found all the colors available! So, I added one, refreshed the system, and it worked beautifully.
However, now all my edits are gone from that file, and thatā€™s fine because there werenā€™t many made. But I seem to have made a mistake, and things were overwritten?

Is there a way to keep my additions to this file from being overwritten? Or should I create a new ā€œthemeā€ file with my own colors, and just copy everything else from ā€œminimalist-desktopā€?


@basbrus This may important enough of a fix that its worth doing a release ASAP :upside_down_face:

WHAT GREAT WORK! BIG FAN HERE, minimalist is great!

Hereā€™s my first effort at the main screen - other screens still exist but they are lamely populated and not ready for their coming out party :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve noticed with the Nest integration, 1. if you try to tap the + or - too many times in succession (in other words, more than twice in a row or so) you will get an error message that it cannot accept any more commands because there are too many at once - and 2. holding down the button does does not increment it eitherā€¦

I have a suggestion to resolve bothā€¦ (well definately the second but maybe not the first so much)ā€¦

Sorry I donā€™t have the time to try to implement this right now, but can someone try the changes I suggest below to the code?

If the command to the thermostat is just a ā€œ+1ā€ or ā€œ-1ā€ for the button presses, then change each command going to the thermostat to change the temperature to the exact corresponding number instead, because -

For #1 above, update the logic such that:

  • When the user is rapidly tapping the button every command is NOT sent to the thermostat, but only the first tap would immediately send a command to the thermostat, and then queue up the thermostat commands generated until the tapping stops, then immediately send the command for the last tap - and empty the rest of the queue, not sending the other unnecessary commands (unless the same logic can be applied without using a queue, maybe just a counter to keep track of the exact temperature to send for the last tap)?

For #2 above, update the logic such that:

  • REMOVE any code that sends a message to the thermostat when the button is pressed (donā€™t freak, just bear with me here)!
  • Send the message to the thermostat for the temperature change only once when you lift your finger off the button instead - because the change might be more than one degree, BECAUSE -
  • When you hold your finger down on the button, it would increment the number once for every 1/3 or 1/2 of a second while it is still held downā€¦!!! (If you want to get really fancy, it would increment faster if you hold it down longer, but I donā€™t think that applies here as it might actually be counterproductive as the range of numbers is pretty smallā€¦)

How can I get the popup that would show a MUCH more elegant circle which allows me to drag the one or two points shown there? I thought I saw that in one of the cards but it was a different thermostat card that doesnā€™t work for my Nest integration I donā€™t thinkā€¦?

For Nest, set up (spin up) a Homebridge container in docker and add the Next integration to that. Then add Homebridge to HA via the HomeKit integration. I found it to be really stable that way, even with rapid taps.

So basically Homebridge (used to make non-HomeKit compatible IoT devices work with HomeKit) is what will communicate with Nestā€™s servers; then Home Assistant just chats with Homebridge.

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Hi Guys

Yesterday I did some Updates in HACS and testet the Welcome Card not Custom.
The Following is the Result of my .yaml configuration:

Do you Guys have any Idea what could be the Problem?

Thanks for your help.

The Code in the .yaml file is this:


You made something very clean and pretty for a Dashboard ā€¦

Thank you but can you elaborate? ā€œsoon upā€ ?

Sorry, fixed type and added some details. Check again