🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist

me too :sweat:

Yes, the same here.

e.trim is not a function :cry:

I fix this error by putting hyphens in the variables.


Pretty cool - it´s working! :+1:

So, it is all in understanding YAML.

Hello guys!
When I do modifications to the dashboard I always have to restart home assistant to get it to show. Is this correct? Is there a faster way to do it?

Developer Tools → YAML → grafik

After that, you have to refresh your Dashobord - three dots in the right top corner…

I’ve done that a million times but nothing ever happens. I run in docker if that could have anything to do with it?

After that you have to refresh the dashboard

Wow… I’ve looked for that longer than I dare say. Thanks a lot, this will make developing so much quicker! :blush:

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How do I show value from entity’s attribute instead of entity itself?

Code below used to work in version 1.3.6 but not anymore after updating to 1.3.7 or 1.3.8.

  - type: 'custom:button-card'
    template: card_generic
    entity: sensor.nordpool_price_level
      ulm_card_generic_name: Electricity Price
      ulm_translation_state_unit: '[[[ return entity.attributes.price_level_description ]]]'

Entity nordpool_price_level contains numeric value to be used in automations and price_level_description contains more descriptive value (low, moderate, high).

Just use ulm_translation_state instead

Thanks, this worked. Not sure where I got that ulm_translation_state_unit but it used to work until last update.

Hi everyone,

Context: I’ve been a HA user for over a year, build dashboards utilizing lovelace-mushroom. However, I now find myself needing more than just what mushroom can offer. My preference is to build my main dashboard using the UI, occasionally tweaking some cards in YAML mode. I aim to avoid getting lost in extensive YAML files, as changing layouts/orders seems faster and easier this way.

Ideally, I’d like to combine the best of both worlds: using the UI-controlled dashboard while integrating custom components from Minimalist, such as card_room or custom_card_haven_washer.

So, my question is: Is it possible to add a “manual” card to a UI-controlled dashboard and configure a Minimalist card there? When I attempted this, I encountered errors:

Button-card template ‘XXX’ is missing!


In (preconfigured) minimalist YAML dashboard the same config is working :person_shrugging:

Is it even possible…?
What can I do to achieve this?

Thank you community :pray:

Hi every one,

i have a little question with the counter lighrts/Covers custom card.
Where i have to put this custom counting custom card?

@jeanini Typically in configuration.yaml.

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Today I am using the Scenes card (card_scenes_welcome) for controlling scenes, thus I feel that I would like to have a bit more control of the layout and that the font size is a bit small (first row on the image above).

So I played around using Vertical Button Card for the same purpose (second row on the image above) and I noticed that I can just add my scripts (that activates my scene) to the entity and it works.

      - type: 'custom:button-card'
        template: card_vertical_button
        entity: script.l2_apply_scene_movie
        name: Movie
        icon: mdi:movie-open
        show_last_changed: false
          ulm_card_vertical_button_state: On
          ulm_card_vertical_button_color: red

What I have not managed to do is to give a bit of color to the vertical buttons, as you can see in the snippet above I made some tries using the ulm_card_vertical_button_state and ulm_card_vertical_button_color as variables but it does not seem to work.

Anyone have any idea or suggestion how to have colors on the vertical buttons?

I have the same problem.

All working in a non-minimalist dashboard, but no idea how to get sidebar-card working with minimalist :frowning:

I’m struggling to understand why my UI looks terrible. On the welcome screen, the colors are not displaying correctly and the padding is misaligned. Can someone suggest a fix?