šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Is a workaround to install it on the rpi 5 with developer HAOS? :slight_smile: It seems to be stuck on ā€œinitializingā€ :slight_smile:

Hi every one, i have a little question.
Iā€™m trying to make a maintenance view.
(I have an adaptive interface with the control pop-up)

I will not show this popup on the main view but I would like to display the information from my sensors in more than 3 columns.

I would like to know how to display 6 columns in my maintenance view.
I think i have to modify grid-template-columns:


Hi love what you did with your irrigation set up would you mine sharing the code for the custom card I would like to set up my irrigation the same way if not much to ask.

My apologies @tonydesigns85, but itā€™s long time ago I am not using this card anymoreā€¦ and the code isā€¦ probably lostā€¦ look in my posts and you will find an alternative approachā€¦

Thank you for the quick responds I will take a look and see what I can come up with thank you again :slight_smile:

Someone can suggest a template for an action button? @tben any nice idea ?

firts solved with card script layout , but the second no guessā€¦

      - type: "custom:button-card"
        icon: "mdi:reload"
        name: System restart
        aspect_ratio: 4/1
          action: call-service
          service: homeassistant.restart

also this , results in a error , ig you have a template too.

      - type: "custom:button-card"
        template: card_generic
        entity: sensor.uptime


this works but is not following the normal template layout


hi folks, trying to implement the Welcome Scenes Card, but getting frustrated that doc donā€™t clearly show an example of how to actually use scenes with this card. This is what I have that isnā€™t workingā€¦

    - type: "custom:button-card"
      template: "card_welcome_scenes"
      #triggers_update: input_boolean.<Your_boolean>
      #entity: input_boolean.<Your_boolean>
        # ulm_card_welcome_scenes_collapse: input_boolean.<Your_boolean> #OPTIONAl --> uncomment also entity or triggers_update
        # ulm_weather: "weather.YOUR_WEATHERPROVIDER"
          entity_id: "scene.tv_time"
          icon: "mdi:television" 
          name: "TV" 
          color: "blue"
            action: call-service
            service: scene.turn_on

Where am I going wrong?


Anyone else having an issue with the bar card starting in the middle of the card? Iā€™m not sure when it started, I havenā€™t looked at this particular screen in a while so canā€™t say what update may have caused it. How can I fix it?

Hi All,

Iā€™m trying to use the button-card minimalist but I have some issues the custom_card ā€œcard_input_datetimeā€

I installed correctly all the custom cards under the directory config/ui_lovelace_minimalist/custom_cards. If I put this code under the file ui-lovelace.yaml (dashboard that can be configured only with yaml code, installed by the lovelace integration) it works correctly:

      - type: "custom:button-card"
        template: card_input_datetime
        entity: input_datetime.hvac_bagno_grande_timer
          ulm_card_input_datetime_name: "TestBagnoGrande"

But if I edit of my dashboards, which is editable through the UI Dashboard, I choose the button-card and write this code:

    type: custom:button-card
    template: card_input_datetime
    entity: input_datetime.hvac_bagno_grande_timer
        ulm_card_input_datetime_name: TestBagnoGrande

I have the error:

Button-card template ā€˜card_input_datetimeā€™ is missing!

I donā€™t understand why this happens. If I donā€™t use the ā€œtemplateā€ attribute, the custom:button-card works, like this code here:

    type: custom:button-card
    name: Studio
    entity: light.studio
        - width: 24px
        - font-size: 10px

Can someone help me please? :slight_smile: thanks!

Maybe someone knows a solution. I couldnā€™t figure it out. Tried searching here and Google.

I want to change the label to something like ā€œMovementā€ when a motion sensor detects movement and the label be ā€œNo movementā€ when the motion sensor doesnā€™t detect motion. But I can not figure out how to get this to work. This is the code:

      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: "custom:button-card"
              - card_esh_room
              - green_on
            name: Toilet
            entity: light.hue_room_toilet
            icon: mdi:toilet
              action: navigate
              navigation_path: "toilet"
              ulm_custom_card_esh_room_light_entity: light.hue_room_toilet
              ulm_card_dynamic_color: true
            label: Display Movement when binary_sensor.toilet_sensor_motion detects movement otherwise display No movement


Found it myself just now

            label: >
                if (states["binary_sensor.toilet_sensor_motion"].state == "off")
                { return 'No movement'}
                { return 'There is movement' }

Got an issue with my code but canā€™t solve itā€¦

  - type: 'custom:button-card'
    template: card_title
    name: My Title
    label: 'Subtitle'

the error says ā€œend of stream or a document separator is expectedā€ highlighting the : after the cards

Yes, I had this problem with bars starting in the middle (and other styling errors) for custom cards I made a while ago. The problem was with card mod deprecating the old notation. where you have:


(which is not under card_mod:) it should say:

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One thing that pops out is that there should be a space after : for name and path.

Thank you, problem solved!

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Hi all,
I have assembled my dashboard with UI Minimalist, following Lewisā€™ (Everything Smart Home) great Youtube video and mostly I got it working and looking the way I want.

The only thing I canā€™t seem to figure out is how to use the ā€œpillsā€ in his welcome card for navigation.

Ideall those 5 icons should take me to yet another page, e.g. one with all the lights in the house and so on:


In the code there is also a ā€œnavā€ option and I have entered the name of a yaml file I have created in the ui-lovelace-minimalist folder, e.g. light.yaml.

But the navigation does not work.

It does work when I include another view in the ui-lovelace.yaml file but this also means that another name or symbol appears in the top menu bar, which I donā€™t really want:

Is there a way to make the navigation work without having additional icons in the top menu? I would like to reserve those for the rooms only.

Thanks and regards,



Okā€¦found it.
Had to add a

visible: false

to the top of the yaml.

Where can I get the ā€œcustom_card_generic_dual_entityā€ ?

Someone knows how to have an ā€œactiveā€ icon for sensors ?

Still the same issue. The error is around the cards:

I am also getting the text for the light status.
My custom door icon and color are recognized though and I have added the door to the translation file.
What is missing to make it pick up the correct text?

If you are still experiencing this, change the theme for your interface to be one of the minimalist themes that are added with the integration.