🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist

Strange, it works on my setup in light and dark mode.

This is my themes-file i have in use: minimalist-mobile.yaml · GitHub


Hi again, the chip_icon_state card doesn’t update the state of the provided entity. I have no clue whats wrong. In the “normal” card everything works :frowning:

Any help is much appreciated

          - type: 'custom:button-card'
            template: chip_icon_state
              ulm_chip_icon_state_icon: '☕'
              ulm_chip_icon_state_entity: group.espresso
              action: call-service
              service: switch.toggle
                entity_id: group.espresso

Love this!!! reminds me of Smartthings

I would guess it relates to this: `triggers_update` doesn't accept javascript templates · Issue #35 · UI-Lovelace-Minimalist/UI · GitHub

In your card you can just add:

triggers_update: group.espresso

How do I add so that I can change color of my lamps? Using Light Slider Card (collapse) right now…

Can you tell me the magic behind the recently used (zuletzt verwendet) row in your dashboard? :slight_smile:

:+1: great that did the trick. I had put it in the card template, but that wasn’t working

I have the samt thought. I’m thinking about a small button to have under or next to my sliders that triggers different colors or brightness. But Im not that great with building templates…

the other way is that someone implements popup sliders.

v1.0.0-beta.7 :rainbow:

Hi guys, it took a while, but here once again a new release. Yippie!!
Unfortunately, @Paddy0174 hasn’t been active on Github or the forum for over a month now. We have been trying to reach him via private messages. However, without success. At this point, no matter where you are, love to @Paddy0174 :orange_heart:. We all hope you are doing well!

Since all the bug reports and pull requests have piled up, @TBens has kindly granted some contributors the rights to manage the UI github repo. Please bear with us if things don’t run smoothly at the beginning. We still have to learn how to manage a github repo ourselves.

Unfortunately, @TBens has not been able to give us permissions to the wiki page, or its repository, which is why it is not yet as up-to-date with this release. So you should have a close look at this release message and the corresponding commits to avoid misunderstandings.
We are also trying to get permissions for the wiki page to bring it up to date as soon as possible.

But now, without further ado, to the new release. We hope you enjoy it and thanks to all contributors!

:warning: Breaking Changes

@saxel has done an excellent job of reworking the Vertical buttons custom state.
However, a few old habits had to be cut off, concerning the specification of the variables for the colors of the vertical_buttons.
If any of you have used this before, you should take a look at @saxel’s pull request to get a better understanding of the new configuration:

:wrench: Code enhancements

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fix card_media_player_with_controls variables access. @matrixx567 (#62)

Can you post the code please :slight_smile: :slight_smile: ?

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If anyone interested, I fixed the PS4 custom card. Also made a custom media player card that fixed some issues with Sonos + added the volume level after the attribute.source.


Really cool! It would be great if you could create a pull request in the repo to share your changes and additions with everyone (if you want). :slight_smile:
Pull requests · UI-Lovelace-Minimalist/UI (github.com)

Will be glad to share it with the community! Going to take a nap now and will make a pull request tomorrow. Btw, the Chips with mdi support is great! :wink:

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Great work @CM000n :heart:

How did you keep the padding with swipe-card? Can you share your swipe-card config?
This reduced the space between cards to zero: :confused:

    - type: custom:swipe-card
      start_card: 1
        grabCursor: true
        centeredSlides: false
        slidesPerView: '3'
      - type: 'custom:button-card'

@anon36468094 how do you get the lights count chip?

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This is how I configured my waste collector entities to only show when less than 5 days in the future:

      - type: "custom:auto-entities"
          type: "custom:button-card"
          template: custom_card_paddy_waste_collection
          - sensor.afval_rest
          - sensor.afval_pmd
          - sensor.afval_papier
          - sensor.afval_glas
          - sensor.afval_gft
            - attributes:
                daysTo: "> 5"
        show_empty: false
          method: none
        unique: true

I can’t see what I’m doing wrong here, but with this configuration, no entity shows up. As if the attribute is not read.
If I play with the filter in order to show entities, the custom button-card doesn’t recognize the entities-id. In case you wonder: the entities names are correct, I can show them in a horizontal stack.


I think the easiest way is to create template-sensor like this:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: All Lights Currently On
        value_template: >-
          {{ states.light|selectattr('state','equalto','on')|list|length }}

Or when you just want to count specific lights, create an light group with those lights an count only the lights within this group

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: All Lights Currently On
        value_template: >-
          {{ expand('group.all_light_entities')|selectattr('state','eq','on')|list|count }}

Sorry for the late reply, like @Noah mentioned i first made a lights group and used a template sensor as my entity for the chip_state_icon.

Great work! :slight_smile:

Saw that there is something ongoing regarding popup cards? I would love it to change colors / color temperature or to rotate covers. When would this be available or could there something be shared here?