šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

and the template for chip_custom_navigation?

sorry. my bad.

  template: chips
    action: navigate
    navigation_path: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_navigate_path; ]]]"
  show_icon: true
  icon: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_navigate_icon; ]]]"
      - grid-template-areas: '"i"'
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Works great! Thank you!

I added that template into my own template file ā€œcustom_cards_kaherdin.yamlā€ inside a new folder in \minimalist-templates\
Since the reference is per folder

button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named minimalist-templates/

this new custom folder will be included.
And my custom file wont be overwritten when the project updates.

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Looks awesome :heart_eyes: share it please if you can ^^

Already made place for thad!!


Let us first finish it, after that Iā€™m happy to share it.

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v1.0.0-beta.8 :rainbow_flag:

Hi guys, there was really a lot of activity on the repo this week. Thanks again to everyone who participated and gave feedback.

Besides some code optimisations and bug fixes, we also have two new features on board this week:

@schumijo and @bavo are busy developing and implementing pop-up cards. Support and feedback are always welcome. If you want to find out about the current state of work, you are welcome to visit the corresponding PR on the repo: https://github.com/UI-Lovelace-Minimalist/UI/pull/42

Unfortunately, we still havenā€™t heard from @Paddy0174 in the meantime :cry:. This means that we still donā€™t have access to the repo for the wiki page and it is partly very outdated compared to the current code. So the best documentation you currently have is the code itself.

A note to all developers:
We have heavily refactored our code and now use pre-commit + yamllint to ensure a consistent and clean code style. We also recommend that you always use the ā€˜devā€™ branch as the basis of your development, due to the current rapid and consistent development in it.

But now have fun with the new version and have a nice sunday

:rocket: Features

  • #80 More-info function light card and Custom auto-color light cards @basbruss
  • #89 improved ā€œcard_batteryā€ card @vncnt-dev

:gear: Code enhancements

  • #74 Add yaml linter and pre-commit hook to GitHub actions @CM000n
  • #78 Add unit on chip @schumijo
  • #85 Add rounding and german translation to schumijo car card @CM000n
  • #84 Rework thermostat card to new templates @schumijo
  • #92 Introduce padding with card-mod-view-yaml @CM000n
  • #95 Update issue templates @CM000n
  • #99 Make guest counter optional on chip_presence_detection @CM000n
  • #103 Fix guest presence counter @checkerschaf

:beetle: Bug Fixes

  • #87 Fix custom zones on person card @CM000n
  • #102 Set opacity-bg to 0.1 in light themes @CM000n

:congratulations: Translations

:heart: Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

@CM000n, @KaherdinTristan, @basbruss, @checkerschaf, @jmoransalama, @schumijo, @vncnt-dev


first, thank you for your great work!

Maybe an option to think about moving to a new repo, maybe with an announcement and the hope that @paddy0174 will read this and get in touch with us.
or we could already move to a new repo and shift back.

so the Wiki is outdated, what about the install page? Should I wait for a updated Wiki?

PS: If you (or anyoneā€¦) interested PM me so i can send the code and we can finalize the card. I donā€™t have allot of time the next few weeks so will be great if anyone can help a little.

Can you create a pull-request on the github repo with your code?
Or PM me, then I shall create a pull request for you.

This will allow us to continue to develop together :slight_smile:

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Ah perfect! Just send a DM to @CM000n to ask if he can help me release my other finished cards. I will send you a DM with the code from the last unfinished Room Card. :wink:

I do have a room card of my own which I shared here before:

This allows me to toggle all the lights in the room from the home screen of my lovelace.
It would be great if we can integrate this functionality into the new room card :wink:

Because yours is way prettier :smile:

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I have already made a request to GitHub support to see if we can get the rights over the UI organization If @paddy0174 continues to be inactive. Depending on how this turns out, we can then evaluate further steps.

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What do you mean with ā€œinstall pageā€?

I think yourā€™s is not looking bad at all. :slight_smile:

But like i said, i have not allot of time the next few weeks to finish the card so thatā€™s why i asked if someone interested doing the last part (adding the right state iconsā€¦).

Is there any way to reduce the height of the graph card to half?

Whatā€™s up with icons turning black and white? image

I know this has happened to me before in HA (not just with these cards/theme) does anyone have a clue whatā€™s causing it?

I created an issue on Github for this:
Chips template icon not colored on desktop browsers Ā· Issue #110 Ā· UI-Lovelace-Minimalist/UI (github.com)