đŸŒ» Lovelace UI ‱ Minimalist

There are 2 template files. How do you embed the Minimalist templates in your dashboard?

like this :

No, I mean the path in your Yaml dashboard, sth. like this:

button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named 00_templates/
title: Homezone

  - !include 01_panelansicht/_panel_home.yaml

my ui-lovelace.yaml

button_card_templates: !include lovelace/minimalist_templates/button_card_templates.yaml
popups_templates: !include lovelace/minimalist_templates/popups_templates.yaml
custom_card_paddy_welcome: !include lovelace/minimalist_templates/custom_card_paddy_welcome/custom_card_paddy_welcome.yaml

title: 'Home'

views: !include_dir_merge_list lovelace/views/

Mmh, ok, never before saw this way of including.

Are the popup card templates actually working?

I would use button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named minimalist_templates/

Thanks Pedolsky !
I wrote the paths as indicated in your message and it works.

I followed your custom_card. It works in the main lines but I have an error for the weather_provider.
Where does the problem come from ?

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you drop you view files in there, how do they begin? because it needs a list, do they have to start with a -?

could you please screenshot the folder and a first file in there?

Asking because right now I have my structure explicitly named, and Id love to simply drop in a view-file and it getting automatically displayed


nevermind me, I got it to work. sorry for bothering.

Very simple question:

          - type: 'custom:button-card'
            template: vertical_buttons_custom_state
              state: Bedroom
              color: red
            entity: light.light_1
            icon: 'mdi:sofa'

Can’t get the icon to be red!

Because you defined the state wrong. Insert ‘on’.

Sorry, but I didn’t understand.

Show me all code

            template: vertical_buttons_custom_state
              state: 'on'
              color: red
            entity: light.light_1
            icon: 'mdi:sofa'
            label: Bedroom
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What is your entity for the weather? Something like? sensor.****_outdoor_temperature

my entity fot the weather is :

                - type: 'custom:button-card'
                  template: custom_card_welcome_scenes
                    ulm_custom_card_paddy_welcome_time: sensor.time
                    custom_card_paddy_welcome_with_weather: weather.city ###(for example)

I tried with


But it’s a same thing


Can’t find the answer anywhere
 but how do i create a people count sensor ? :confused: I want to add the chip, but can’t find any solution. I want to add my wife and if, i have the devices tracker but i don’t know how to add a customer sensor with the right values

Thanks for your help

This thread is just becoming quite unreadable as different questions are getting mixed up :smiley:

You can create a template sensor for counting persons for example like this:

- platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Persons at Home'
        value_template: >
          {{ [states.person.PERSON1, states.person.PERSON2]
              | selectattr('state', '==', 'home') | list | count }}

Who controls the community page, is there a way to get a subforum created for this? 1,000 replies are a lot to read and search through to figure things out.

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I’ve created a card adapted from the Simple thermostat card (above), to work with my heat pump system, as the current thermostat cards don’t handle all the possibilities of the HVAC component.

The bottom row uses the widget icon component. For now, I’ve hard coded the colors of the widgets, but I’d like to match the above by only displaying color when the mode is selected. I’m unsure of how to handle it as the widget does not have state, as far as I know.

Any hint would be appreciated, thanks.
