🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist

I posted my code a few comments above

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How do you made the qr pop-up card? or is it a image?

Just an image. There are like a million websites that can generate a wifi qr code for you.

I needed a Person chip as well, I quickly created this as a custom card:


Looks good. I also would want the zone icone as a option or as a bubble notification for the chip.


On the card_room, is there a way to change the icon on the 4 sub-icons that appear on the right side? Looking at the Living Room card, the icons on the right are outlets (entity type is switch), but since they control lights I wanted to change their icon. I tried using icon under entity_1, but it didn’t work. I saw an example in the documentation where it’s different but it doesn’t show the yaml to do it.

you can use the customize.yaml file

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very nice chip. I’ve copied from your repo.
Thank you

I had a similar thing, and by experimenting found out that changing the header text changes the height of the title somehow. This is annoying and I do not know a real fix, but I worked around it by changing the title a little bit. I discovered this by making both titles the same. You could try to do the same to test it: If I’m right, the misalignment will disappear.

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That’s not a bad idea, I’ll try to get something working next week, I might just split up the person chip into 2 different ones, a simple (the one that I have now) and a more advanced with the options you mentioned

wow this looks awesome, can you give us more info?

Especially also the fashion popup I would like to adopt

Is there any way to hide the chip card on desktop devices? I only want to show them on mobile devices. Thanks!

Thank you, that worked perfectly!

That would be cool

Check out the state switch card that might work

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Can somebody point me to - or share with me - their Lovelace config file? I’d like to copy paste one to better understand it. I am trying to start from 0 but it’s just way harder than just starting with an example. I see tben’s original files up there but unfortunately they are in French and white I do speak French my install is kept in English.


You might find this resource useful.
Minimalist cards usage

Thanks a lot, indeed this helps. However, not all work for me as described. For example:

          - type: 'custom:button-card'
            template: card_light
              ulm_card_light_enable_slider: true
              ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
              ulm_card_light_force_background_color: true
              ulm_card_light_enable_popup: true
              ulm_card_light_slider_collapse_name: Table Left

This code does give me a button, with color and background color forced. However, it has no slides, no popup and the name is not correct. See attached picture the top two buttons:

This should be:

ulm_card_light_name: Table Left

The slider is only working when the my-cards-slider-card is installed either manually or by ticking the box in the integration config. Installation - UI Lovelace Minimalist
The pop-up only works when you have installed browser-mod.
You also need to include the line below to your configuration.yaml file to make browser_mod active.


Hope this helps you a bit :wink: