šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

I have a small issue. I decided to use some conditional chips in a second chips row.
But, when there is 1 chip displayed itā€™s OK, but starting from 2 chips it goes badā€¦
3 chips
2 chips
I think this is the horizontal stack + conditional combination that does this spacingā€¦

Any solution ? I tried some card-mod things but never find any way of having chips left alignedā€¦

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Could you share some code so we can check whatā€™s going on (or better said, wrong in this case)?

Iā€™d suggest you start tagging your changes to the Github repository. I know it can be daunting, to learn these Github things. :slight_smile:

If you want, just send me a PM, we could develop a small workflow for you, that runs smoothly afterwards and all your changes would be tracked and signed with a release tag. That way everybody can check the latest changes and work accordingly. :slight_smile: Iā€™d be happy to help, your work is so exceptional, Iā€™d love to give something back. :slight_smile:

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thank you for your sharing.
Could you share your list_items_climate? @djacid
Could you share your list_items_favorite? @tpx01
As well as an example of using the button card? big thanks

@tben hoe does sensor.present work? I canā€™t get my head around what the link is between the sensor.present and the input_select. I would like to copy your scene button, thanks!

Added the code to the original post, thanks for noticing. Here it is if you donā€™t want to scroll.

        - box-shadow: none
        - padding: 0px
        - grid-template-areas: '"item1 item1 item2"'
        - grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr
        - grid-template-rows: min-content
        - column-gap: 7px
      - background-color: transparent
      - box-shadow: none
      - padding: 0px
      - grid-template-areas: '"item1 item2 item3"'
      - grid-template-columns: 1fr 3fr 1fr
      - grid-template-rows: min-content
      - column-gap: 7px

I will try to add a video to demonstrate the use of this card.

@tben small tweak for the media_buttonā€¦ I created a widget that allows to change the button (pause/play) based on actual status. This enhances the usability as in the case of Sonos there is not really an ā€œoff stateā€ (it remains Paused forever).

New widget:

      action: toggle
    color: var(--google-grey)
    show_icon: true
    show_name: false
    size: 20px
    icon: >
          if (entity.state == 'playing') {
            return 'mdi:pause';
          return 'mdi:play';
        - box-shadow: none
        - padding: 0px
        - background-color: 'rgba(var(--color-theme),0.05)'
        - border-radius: 14px
        - place-self: center
        - height: 42px
        - grid-template-areas: '"i"'
        - color: 'rgba(var(--color-theme),0.9)'

then this code change in your button:

                  action: call-service
                  service: media_player.media_play_pause
                    entity_id: '[[[ return variables.entity ]]]'
                type: 'custom:button-card'
                entity: '[[[ return variables.entity ]]]'
                template: widget_play_pause
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Trying to figure out why this is actually called a scene. I think the intent was to be able to toggle between different states of a person? Thatā€™s probably also how ā€œthe systemā€ is able to detect if you go to sleep or not?

Can you share the code for the custom button card? Its not lining up correctly for me and Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m missing

sorry to bother you again, I think there was too much copy paste in the widget_temperature template.

Yes I can share !

    - cards:
        - template: bordures
          type: custom:button-card
        - card:
            entity: sensor.open_doors
            template: pilule_open_count
            icon: mdi:door-open
            type: 'custom:button-card'
            - entity: sensor.ppl_at_home
              state: '0'
            - entity: sensor.open_doors
              state_not: '0'
          type: conditional
        - card:
            entity: sensor.open_windows
            template: pilule_open_count
            icon: mdi:window-open-variant
            type: 'custom:button-card'
            - entity: sensor.ppl_at_home
              state: '0'
            - entity: sensor.open_windows
              state_not: '0'
          type: conditional
        - card:
            entity: binary_sensor.machine_a_laver
            template: pilule_appliances
            icon: mdi:washing-machine
            type: 'custom:button-card'
          - entity: binary_sensor.machine_a_laver
            state_not: 'off'
          type: conditional
        - card:
            entity: binary_sensor.seche_linge
            template: pilule_appliances
            icon: mdi:tumble-dryer
            type: 'custom:button-card'
          - entity: binary_sensor.seche_linge
            state_not: 'off'
          type: conditional
        - card:
            entity: media_player.maison
            template: pilule_gh
            icon: mdi:cast-connected
            type: 'custom:button-card'
          - entity: media_player.maison
            state_not: 'off'
          type: conditional
        - template: bordures
          type: custom:button-card
      type: horizontal-stack

Gives :

Removing conditional gives :

    - cards:
        - template: bordures
          type: custom:button-card
        - card:
          entity: sensor.open_doors
          template: pilule_open_count
          icon: mdi:door-open
          type: 'custom:button-card'
        - card:
          entity: sensor.open_windows
          template: pilule_open_count
          icon: mdi:window-open-variant
          type: 'custom:button-card'
        - card:
          entity: binary_sensor.machine_a_laver
          template: pilule_appliances
          icon: mdi:washing-machine
          type: 'custom:button-card'
        - card:
          entity: binary_sensor.seche_linge
          template: pilule_appliances
          icon: mdi:tumble-dryer
          type: 'custom:button-card'
        - card:
          entity: media_player.maison
          template: pilule_gh
          icon: mdi:cast-connected
          type: 'custom:button-card'
        - template: bordures
          type: custom:button-card
      type: horizontal-stack



I see this behaviour only while in Edit Mode - try coming out of that and see if the allignment fixes itself.

I use yaml mode so no edit mode to leave.

well, Iā€™ve got some of it to work, by removing some old Lovelace dashboards that were created from the web interface instead of YAML.
now the icons get the general shape but not the colors, for example, the binary sensor that is supposed to be blueā€¦any ideas?
Screenshot 2021-08-12 141018

Looks like the theme is not showing.

Have you included the provided theme in your view?

Or you can set the theme as default for your user.

Iā€™ve tried to change to one of the themes, none of them works for me
Screenshot 2021-08-12 142254

Hmm :thinking:

@tben did say he changed some names and variables.
Can you double check that the colors in your template match the ones defined in the theme?

      - styles:
            - color: 'rgba(var(--color-blue),1)'
            - background-color: 'rgba(var(--color-blue), 0.2)'
            - background-color: 'rgba(var(--color-background-blue), var(--opacity-bg))'
            - color: 'rgba(var(--color-blue-text),1)'
            - color: 'rgba(var(--color-blue-text),1)'
        value: 'on'

The --color-blue-text and --color-background-blue should be defined in the mobile_light.yaml file.
In the first iteration, these variables were called --couleur-bleu (in french) I think.

Otherwise, iā€™m out of ideaā€™s :frowning:

Yeah Iā€™m sorry for all these bearking changes, Iā€™ll be careful from now on :confused:
I renamed and added quite a few variables

volets ā†’ cover
prise ā†’ outlet
movement ā†’ binary_sensor
personne ā†’ person
bordure ā†’ edge
titre ā†’ title

google-red-500 ā†’ google-red
google-green-500 ā†’ google-green
google-yellow-500 ā†’ google-yellow
google-blue-500 ā†’ google-blue
google-violet-500 ā†’ google-violet
google-grey-500 ā†’ google-grey
couleur-rouge ā†’ color-red
couleur-vert ā†’ color-green
couleur-jaune ā†’ color-yellow
couleur-bleu ā†’ color-blue
couleur-violet ā†’ color-purple
couleur-gris ā†’ color-grey
couleur-rose ā†’ color-pink
couleur-theme ā†’ color-theme


Hi @tben and everyone else.
This looks truly amazing and I would love to implement this for my HA set up.
Unfortunately most of what I can find on this forum isnā€™t suited for some like me, who doesnā€™t have a lot of coding or HA experience. Although I understand the basics of this, I always feel like the Installation read meā€™s and guides start somewhere in the middle.

Any chance you have some resource/guide, other forum posts, or anything else about the very general set up of using a custom lovelace UI like this? I just need a place to start :upside_down_face:

Thanks a lot and keep up the nice work!