🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist

Thanks! Just noticed by replicating it in a dev-environment that the icon is not loaded properly due to some rework done in the latest release to the pills. I have found a solution and will push it to the PR I mentioned earlier :smiley:

I have another question guys.

In the card_light.yaml i cannot decide to use a “none” tap_action.

Even if i place this code:

- type: "custom:button-card"
  template: card_light
  entity: group.luci_sala_cucina
    action: none
    ulm_card_light_name: Sala
    ulm_card_light_icon: phu:bulb-group
    ulm_card_light_enable_slider: false
    ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
    ulm_card_light_force_background_color: true

If I tap it will always toggle the light.
How can I solve it?

The card is constructed of multiple layers(items). Each item needs its’ own tap_action to be clickable. Otherwise some parts will do nothing like the icon or the name and other parts will toggle.

Doing this will only set the tap_action for the outer part of the card.

To disable all tap_actions it’s best to make a custom light card by copying the original template and change the name to custom_card_light and set all tap_actions to “none”

I’m looking to do something similar to this but the opposite. I’m looking to use the tap_action to open the cards popup (light or media player). I see that mostly all that cards have it set to hold_action to open the popups and the tap_action displays the normal more info page. How can I change to a tap_action to open the popup? I tried modifying the card-templates but nothing seemed to work.

I just noticed my wife on the iPhone does have the weather chip in the welcome card. So somehow it’s related to Android app and web. :thinking:

The android-app uses the same engine as chrome to convert css and javascript. This engine is somewhat different than the ones from apple (safari) and mozilla (firefox) :wink:

But as stated here I have found a workaround. So it will be fixed with release v0.0.7 :smiley:

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This goes the same way. Make a customcard from the original one and alter the tap/holdactions just by changing each tap_action into hold_action and vice versa without changing the actions underneath.

Can’t wait for the next release already!

Hoping @madir could help (or anyone for that matter):


I made some modifications to your fabulous room card but am having trouble getting the light percentage to show without decimals. Here’s the snippit from the custom card:

label: |-
      if (variables.room_card_label) {
        return  '<ha-icon icon="mdi:thermometer" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"></ha-icon>' + (entity.attributes.current_temperature || entity.attributes.temperature || entity.state || '-') + '°C' + ' | ' 
        + '<ha-icon icon="mdi:lightbulb-outline" style="width: 18px; height: 18px;"></ha-icon>' + (states[variables.lighting].attributes.brightness / 2.55 || '-') + '%' + ' | '
        + '<ha-icon icon="mdi:ph" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"></ha-icon>' + (states[variables.ph].state || '-') + ' | '
        + '<ha-icon icon="mdi:flask" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"></ha-icon>' + (states[variables.salinity].state || '-') + ' | '
        + '<ha-icon icon="mdi:flash" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"></ha-icon>' + (states[variables.power_consumption].state) + 'W';
      } else if (entity.state == "on") {
          return variables.ulm_on
      } else if (entity.state == "off") {
          return variables.ulm_off
      } else {
        return entity.state

I pass a “lighting” variable to the card, and it’s the line here with the calculation that gives me trouble:
states[variables.lighting].attributes.brightness / 2.55

As soon as I add brackets around this first part and then try to round the number off with round(0), it breaks everything.

(states[variables.lighting].attributes.brightness / 2.55) | round(0)

Any suggestions?

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Here is my work in progress, inspired by Minimalist! Moved from “chips” to a “chip bar” to show notifications for the relevant screen, and a swipe card and conditional cards to select rooms.


Can you share the raspberry card? Thx.

Can you share your setup?
Really nice work you have made :slight_smile:

Wow! Just wow! Would love if you shared your yaml :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Sure thing, but only in return for fixing it up for me :slight_smile: A few things don’t work:

  1. I can’t pass the color variables to the radial graph entities, currently using static hex values but would like to pass rgb.
  2. I would like the radial graph to take up a little more space in the card, not as a % of the overall card but larger within the 60% it is currently allocated.


    entity_1: ""
    entity_1_name: ""
    entity_1_color: ""
    entity_2: ""
    entity_2_name: "" 
    entity_2_color: ""
    entity_3: ""
    entity_3_name: "" 
    entity_3_color: ""
  triggers_update: "all"
  color: auto
  variable: spin
  spin: false
  show_name: false
  show_state: false
  show_label: false
  show_icon: false
  show_last_changed: false
  show_entity_picture: false
    action: none
  aspect_ratio: 2/1
      - grid-template-areas: '"entity_1_card radial" "entity_2_card radial" "entity_3_card radial"'
      - grid-template-columns: "40% 60%"
      - grid-template-rows: "1fr 1fr 1fr"
      - border-radius: "var(--border-radius)"
      - box-shadow: "var(--box-shadow)"
      - padding: "2px"
        type: custom:apexcharts-card
        chart_type: radialBar
        style: |
          ha-card {
            border-radius: "var(--border-radius)";
            box-shadow: none;
            padding-bottom: 0px;
            padding-top: 0px;
          show: false
            floating: false
            align: top
              fontSize: 2px
              fontWeight: bold
            foreColor: rgb(148,148,148)
            offsetY: 5
            show: false 
          - entity: "[[[ return variables.entity_1 ]]]"
            name: "[[[ return variables.entity_1_name ]]]"
            color: "#01C852"
          - entity: "[[[ return variables.entity_2 ]]]"
            name: "[[[ return variables.entity_2_name ]]]"
            color: "#E91E63"
          - entity: "[[[ return variables.entity_3 ]]]"
            name: "[[[ return variables.entity_3_name ]]]"
            color: "#FF9101"
        type: "custom:button-card"
            - box-shadow: "none"
            - border-radius: "none"
            - padding-top: "1px"
            - padding-bottom: "1px"
          - "card_generic_swap"
          - "[[[ return variables.entity_1_color + '_no_state' ]]]"
        entity: "[[[ return variables.entity_1 ]]]"
        name: "[[[ return variables.entity_1_name ]]]"
        type: "custom:button-card"
            - box-shadow: "none"
            - border-radius: "none"
            - padding-top: "1px"
            - padding-bottom: "1px"
          - "card_generic_swap"
          - "[[[ return variables.entity_2_color + '_no_state' ]]]"
        entity: "[[[ return variables.entity_2 ]]]"
        name: "[[[ return variables.entity_2_name ]]]"
        type: "custom:button-card"
            - box-shadow: "none"
            - border-radius: "none"
            - padding-top: "1px"
            - padding-bottom: "1px"
          - "card_generic_swap"
          - "[[[ return variables.entity_3_color + '_no_state' ]]]"
        entity: "[[[ return variables.entity_3 ]]]"
        name: "[[[ return variables.entity_3_name ]]]"


      - type: 'custom:button-card'
        template: radial_icon_info
          entity_1: sensor.disk_use_percent_home
          entity_1_name: "Disk"
          entity_1_color: green
          entity_2: sensor.processor_use
          entity_2_name: "CPU"
          entity_2_color: pink
          entity_3: sensor.memory_use_percent
          entity_3_name: "Memory"
          entity_3_color: yellow

Sure, give me a week or so to finish off a few more views and will then share. My code is likely very inefficient though, lots of custom cards when I doubt I really need them, but its as good as my knowledge allows me :slight_smile:


Sure thing, going to look at it this weekend. :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot for your reply, I will give that a try!!!
Appreciate your help and contributions!!

Hi @massaquah ,

I have to send all kudos to @madir , who shared his configs earlier in this topic.
He built a great looking card, that I have taken and only slightly adapted to my liking.
I am sure if you take a look at his post that you will be able to built a similar view to mine.

Thanks to you @madir !!



I am not a coder, just learning!

I don’t see if you have light entity? or variable in you code…

this may be of help:

                    } else if (entity.state == "on"){
                      if (entity.attributes.brightness != null){
                        var bri = Math.round(entity.attributes.brightness / 2.55);
                        return  variables.ulm_card_light_area + " | " + (bri ? bri : "0") + "%" ;

hi all,

I have am working on a slider, autofill card !!
1.shows all lights in the room in a slider
2. top level is all lights in the room. with on/off all.
3. pop up

the code is not yet clean but sharing the result.