šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Oops, that was my change. I just put up a pull request to fix this. Good catch!

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The colors are in the custom componentā€™s directory.

Pick one from that list or make a new one

Is it possible to change the cards to a different color or to be more transparent? As you can see in the screenshot they are a really dark grey/black but when a light is on they become transparent. It would look better to have all the cards a lighter color or even a slight transparent

Hereā€™s an example of what Iā€™m trying to a achieve

Doing both options can lead to double loading of JS files and create some hiccups with loading the resources. Either install them by yourself with HACS or choose to let in Minimalist UI integration taking care of that. This is also mentioned in the installation guide of the wiki.

Just let HACS handle the resources, as this can also lead to double loading of the resources.

After making sure resources are not loaded double itā€™s best to clear both your browser cache and fronted cache by clicking CTRL + F5 and the three dots in the upper-right corner of the dashboard and select renew page. There is also an FAQ available on the wiki which gives solutions to the problem you occur.

Hello, maybe someone uses a humidifier(zhimi.humidifier.ca4), a ventilator (dmaker.airfresh.a1) and an air purifier(zhimi.airpurifier.mb4) the fan card dont wont work Everything is integrated via xiaomi miio. I canā€™t make a card. Maybe someone uses such devices or can share an example of a card. thanks

Really sorry but my config is a little bit different than yours.
I havenā€™t the folder ulm_templates :

Do I have to create it manually ?
If yes could you also share a file in colors folder ?


Maybe a stupid question, but where do I insert this exactly? In the yaml for the dashboard? Have this inserted, however, the font is not displayed smaller. Example:

          - type: "custom:button-card"
            template: "card_title"
            name: "Information"   
          - type: "horizontal-stack"
              - type: "custom:button-card"
                template: "card_graph"
                  ulm_card_graph_color: "var(--google-red)"
                  ulm_card_graph_name: Temperatur
                  ulm_card_graph_entity: sensor.multisensor_wohnzimmer
                  ulm_card_graph_type: fill
                  ulm_card_graph_hours: 24
                    - font-size: 8px

Or do I need to create a separate template for this?

Thanks and greetings

this is correct.
maybe refresh your browser.

please share your codeā€¦

this might be a noob question, but how do i change the backround of the Lovelace
I already made a copy of the theme and tried to edit the backround path to my desired picture

lovelace-background: 'center / cover no-repeat url("/local/dark.png") fixed'

Donā€™t know how you have yours setup but Iā€™m using multiple views (tabs). I wanted a different background for each so I added the following to the top of each yaml view

  background: >-
    center / cover no-repeat

Donā€™t know if that is the correct way but it worked. If you are just using a single view then adding that to your ui-lovelace.yaml should work.

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thank you
I was editing the wrong file all the time :man_facepalming:

Been messing around with this and after some googling I was able to make some progress with getting the cards to be either transparent or changing the color.

However it doesnā€™t play well with some cards. Specifically the welcome card with nav and the graph card

Iā€™ve tried making changes to the cards but canā€™t get them to go transparent. Anyone suggestions?

Hey guys,

Im having issues with the Apexcharts custom card.

Had a few issues getting it set up, but got past that, now it shows nothing. Assume that means the card it self is ok. But data is not.

Im trying to use it for showing my printer temps

      - type: entities
          - entity: sensor.octoprint_actual_bed_temp
          - entity: sensor.octoprint_actual_tool0_temp
        title: 'Printer Temperatures'
      - type: "custom:button-card"
        template: "custom_card_apexcharts"
          chart_type: "line"
          graph_span: "1d"
            entity_id: "sensor.octoprint_actual_bed_temp"
            icon: ''
            name: "Bed"
            color: "red"
            max_value: 100
            entity_id: "sensor.octoprint_actual_tool0_temp"
            icon: ''
            name: "Hot End"
            color: "yellow"
            max_value: 300

As you can see here, temps do have values. But the card just will not show anything, no error, nothing.

Any ideas?

So i ran into issues working from a fresh install of HAOS, and following instructions here: Prepare & Download - UI Lovelace Minimalist

Whether i was pre-installing the modules, or using the 'Include Custom Cards" when setting up the Dashboard, the screen would always throw a ā€˜Custom Element does not existā€™ error.

After hours, i worked how to solve the issue by manually adding in all the Resource URLs (i had assumed that installing front end resources via HACs would automatically manage the Resource URLs).

So my question is, was this problem caused by HACS? or something else? I also dont understand why ā€˜Include Custom Cardā€™ option didnt do anything for me (i tried this, and not installing manually the resources).

Software Versions

  • HA OS 2-22.4.7
  • HACS 1.24.5
  • Latest version of Lovelace resources

Sorry missed a part of the path custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/card_templates/colors

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Hey @LRvdLinden

How to get the custom icons like Tesla logo?


Install this on hacs: GitHub - elax46/custom-brand-icons: Custom brand icons for Home Assistant

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Iā€™m using Simple Icons, itā€™s also available via HACS: GitHub - vigonotion/hass-simpleicons: Use Simple Icons in Home Assistant

best way to add security cameras? Like a small live feed?!