Lovelace: Upcoming Media Card

What error messages show up in the log?

Not sure, when I rebooted, Hass wouldn’t load at all until I removed the sensor from the config and restart my Docker container. I didn’t see any errors in the logs that pertained to that. I can try it again.

Use docker logs -t <container name> to view the log in realtime after you start it

Two questions -

  1. I have max: 7 but only get 5 returned items - why is that?
  2. Any ways to make the fanart boxes a little smaller?

That means there are only 5 upcoming episodes for the time frame you defined in the trakt sensor and not 7.

I have exactly the same issue with the sonarr card.
Works perfectly on iphone.
Shows everything but posters or fanart in chrome.

no posters

I tried with sonarr on local ip on http
I tried with sonarr via reverse proxy https
Both work perfect on safari, but no such luck in Chrome

Disable your adblocker when on your home assistant page

Thanks man - for some reason I overlooked that part of it. Appreciate it.

For the radarr upcoming card.
" This fix will only work if you do not use fanart view. I would be interested in knowing what movie is causing this issue as it would help me track it down. If you could share the results from a direct connection to the radarr api and the sensor’s data it would be helpful. If you’re more comfortable sending this to me via PM on the HA forums, don’t hesitate to do so."

I am using fanart and it is working properly. The only movie in the list is Legally Blonde 3. I can get the api data when I get home if needed.

Yeah, looks like that movie just doesn’t have a backdrop (fanart) image file yet. Try the other fix I put on the github issue and let me know if that works alright.

Disabling addblocker did the trick. Thanks for that and the great card.
Addblock plus and Ghostery, in fact.
But why would the pictures track as adds?

data: >-
  [{"title_default": "$title", "line1_default": "$episode", "line2_default":
  "$release", "line3_default": "$rating - $runtime", "line4_default": "$number -
  $studio", "icon": "mdi:arrow-down-bold"}, {"airdate": "2020-02-13T03:00:00Z",
  "release": "$day, $time", "flag": true, "title": "The Magicians (2015)",
  "episode": "Apocalypse? Now?!", "number": "S05E05", "runtime": 45, "studio":
  "Syfy", "rating": "\u2605 8.5", "genres": "Drama, Fantasy", "poster":
  "", "fanart":
  ""}, ...

I have no isues on itself

One of the lists used in your adblocker is too aggressive and is blocking anything with “banner” in the URL that isn’t hosted on the site you’re currently using (HA site). It wouldn’t block them on because that is the originating URL.

1 Like

Is there a way to resize the display cards so one can see more data without needing to scroll?

Not yet, there is currently a PR for it but I haven’t had a chance to check it out.

Ok thanks!

little lost here as my cards show nothing but the title I gave them.

I have:

upcoming-media-card.js in /config/www/custom-lovelace/upcoming-media-card

ui-lovelace.yaml in /config

  - url: /local/custom-lovelace/upcoming-media-card/upcoming-media-card.js?v=0.1.1
    type: js

title: Vermillion Home
  - title: Overview
  - title: Home Media
      - type: custom:upcoming-media-card
        entity: sensor.plex_recently_added
        title: Plex Recently Added
      - type: custom:upcoming-media-card
        entity: sensor.radarr_upcoming_media
        title: Upcoming Movies

proper files in custom_components/plex_recently_added/

sensors in sensor.yaml

- platform: plex_recently_added
    name: Recently Added Movies # will create sensor.recently_added_movies
    token: !secret token
    host: !secret host
    port: 32400
    - movie

verified the created sensors are producing output. also a few images have been pulled into

You’ve used the name config for the sensor (copy and pasted from the docs). Check out the comment next to it

So that would be the name you add to the cards config: entity: sensor.recently_added_movies

making progress, but images arent loading consistently

I’m trying to use this with Plex.
Installed both cards as described.
This link works (I see xml text):

All blockers are turned off. I even use a browser that never had any blockers and I still can’t see anything. All I see is the title of the card. Running latest AH 106.2
Any ideas?

EDIT: I do get an error:
2020-02-29 17:03:49 WARNING (SyncWorker_12) [custom_components.plex_recently_added.sensor] No Metadata field for “Documentaries”

But in my states, I can see everything. Forgot to say that.

What’s your config for the component and card look like?