Lovelace: Upcoming Media Card

When was the last time you updated Upcoming Media Card and if you’re updating manually have you been adding to a version number to the end of the resource URL as mentioned in the readme?

It was the upcoming media card. Thank you! was thinking it was updating along with my sonarr/radarr cards in HACS.


I’m very interested in this. Did you make anymore progress with it? Would you be able to post an example, please?


I have the emby upcoming media integration installed and it seems to be pulling the movies/tv shows correctly. I’ve also installed and added the Upcoming Media Card to a dashboard. I see the latest Movies and TV shows (2 separate cards), but for some reason the images are not being displayed. I’ve disabled the adblocker I have installed just in case that was it, but they still won’t show. Any advice?

Yeah I seem to be having the same issue as those above.

Radarr working with images.
Emby working with images.

Sonarr no images.

from configuration.yaml

  - platform: emby_upcoming_media
    api_key: embyAPIkey
    user_id: embyID
    port: 8096
    ssl: false
    max: 5
    use_backdrop: true
      - Movies
      - TV shows

  - platform: sonarr_upcoming_media
    api_key: sonarrAPIkey
    port: 8989
    days: 3
    ssl: false
    max: 10
  - platform: radarr_upcoming_media
    api_key: radarrAPIKEY
    port: 7878
    days: 14
    ssl: false
    theaters: false
    max: 10

from lovelace.yaml

      - type: 'custom:upcoming-media-card'
        entity: sensor.radarr_upcoming_media
        title: Upcoming Movies
      - type: 'custom:upcoming-media-card'
        entity: sensor.emby_latest_tv_shows
        title: Recently Added Episodes
      - type: 'custom:upcoming-media-card'
        entity: sensor.sonarr_upcoming_media
        title: Upcoming TV

not sure if i’m doing something wrong or if its a bug…
Im still a noob

hmm… works fine in android app, and microsoft edge…
tried clearing cache/cookies/browsing data… same result in chrome.
so, its me, not you…
still would love any suggestions…

Turn off ad blocker?


oh son of a bitch, it worked.
i assumed since the other 2 worked…
thats what i get for assuming. RTFM… BELIVE TFM.

anyone able to share their card config that shows a more custom look with sonarr/radarr posters and/or fan art?

I’ve been trying to set up this card and everything seems to work fine except for the images. They are downloaded, but just blank.
Here’s my config:

  - platform: plex_recently_added
    name: Plex Recently Added # will create sensor.recently_added
    token: !secret plex_token
    host: !secret plex_host
    port: !secret plex_port
    max: 5
    download_images: true

The sensor shows as online and gets all the other info, but the images are not showing. Through SSH I can access the folder where they are located, and the files are there, but each image is 85 bytes and blank.

Anyone experienced the same?

Thanks in advance!

turn off ad blockers. fixed it for me.

3 posts up from yours…

Thanks for the reply! I saw that somewhere and tried it, but the issue is that it’s the downloaded images that are blank… So disabling the adblockers on the device I’m viewing lovelace won’t fix it. It’s like I should disable them in Home Assistant itself, but I’m not sure that makes much sense…

Here are some images of the downloaded images (I see you deleted the post… I must admit it was a bit rude, but you might be right and maybe I didn’t make it clear enough).


The issue is: downloaded images are blank images (at the top you can see “0 x 0 px”), so I’m not sure that’s an ad-blocker issue (it’s not that the browser is not showing the images).

Thanks for this great addon.
How can I change what lines wil be shown in the card? I see the title and line things but an example would help me out here, since I honestly don’t know if I need to config it in the sensor, ui-yaml or somewhere else?

Just to share my usages. I use a docker container to scrape Xbox game pass info and nodered to format it for this add on.

Also use nodered to scrape rooster teeth api for shows I like and use this add on to show.

1 Like

@mayker I remember there was mention of Url support in the pipeline, was that a thing and/or is it still in the works?

Hey there! Love this module!

I was wondering, is there an option for no poster/fanart? I would love to just have a list of my upcoming shows without any image associated.

Also, I would like to just have an array of the posters of upcoming movies via Radarr, with no text.

Is this out of the scope of the module?

This isn’t something that I would add, but you can create something like this on your own pretty easily. All the components I made for this card return JSON that can be used elsewhere (and any that I didn’t make may as well), using that data you can really make anything you want with a bit of jinja.

Here’s an HA markdown card using the text from all episodes with the plex_recently_added sensor, listing title and airdate:

type: markdown
content: |-
  {% for item in state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data') %}
    {% if item.airdate %}
    ## {{ item.title }}
    {{ as_timestamp(item.airdate) | timestamp_custom('%a, %b %d') }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

Here’s one showing all posters:

type: markdown
content: |-
  {% for item in state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data') %}
    {% if item.poster %} ![]({{ item.poster }}) {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

If any component you’re using for this card doesn’t return usable JSON like this, you should add it as a feature request on the components repo.

Even fancier text version with items in a list under date:

type: markdown
content: |-
  {% set prev = namespace(airdate=false) %}
  {% for item in state_attr('sensor.plex_recently_added', 'data') %}
  {% if item.airdate %}
  {% set airdate = as_timestamp(item.airdate) | timestamp_custom('%a, %b %d') %}
  {% if airdate != prev.airdate %}
    <b><u>{{ airdate }}</b></u>
    {% set prev.airdate = airdate %}
  {% endif %}
    * {{item.title}}
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

Will look something like this:



Can someone please point a newbie in the right direction? I installed the card and the sonarr sensor via HACS. Sonarr_upcoming_media works, because I can make a regular sensor card that will show me upcoming TV data in text form when I click on it. The problem is with the custom media card. The HACS install of the card created a www/community/upcoming-media-card dir with the upcoming-media-card.js and upcoming-media-card.js.gz in it. My install doesn’t have a ui-lovelace.yaml, so I created one with the following code:

       - url: /community/upcoming-media-card/upcoming-media-card.js
         type: js

I then added the following manual card:

      - type: 'custom:upcoming-media-card'
        entity: sensor.sonarr_upcoming_media

The editor adds the ’ to the type every time I save it, but I think it’s supposed to do that. At the end, I get a card with the following error:

Custom element doesn't exist: upcoming-media-card.
 type: 'custom:upcoming-media-card'
 entity: sensor.sonarr_upcoming_media

Clearly I’m not specifying the path correctly in the resources statement, but I think that’s what I’m supposed to use for HACS-installed cards. I’ve also tried /local/www/community, the full path (/usr/share/etc etc), and can’t seem to get it recognized. I know I must be doing something dumb, but I can’t figure out what. I’ve tried the resources information in a manually created ui-lovelace.yaml and in the current Lovelace view by using the raw editor. I’ve reloaded the frontend and restarted the server many times, but the custom card isn’t found.