Lovelace: Upcoming Media Card

You’d have to ask the user that posted that first screenshot, looks like they’re using card-mod to edit the styles or modifying the card in another way. That is not the default look of Upcoming Media Card. Be sure to share here if you find the answer, I’m sure others would like to know as well.

I asked him, wiaiting for an answer. I thought it was custumizable directly on the card settings.

At this point I think that he modified the js of the card.

Anyway sure: I will post the solution if I find it!

Hey mayker, having an issue where radarr fanart shows up but no sonarr, inspecting elements in web browser i can see that it is pointing to the url with the fanart and the url does work.

edit: nevermind i see the issues above and see why it doesnt load them now

is it possible to display the year in which the movie aired?

Not currently, but there is already a feature request for it.

ok thanks, would love to see it!
Is it possible to choose the source of rating shown in the card?

Anyways great work, coffee is on the way!

Thanks, for the coffee!

The ratings (at least for the components I’ve made: Plex, Radarr, Sonarr) are grabbed directly from the API of the app. I know Plex allows you to change the rating source, unsure on the others. So you would need to change it in the app’s settings if it’s an option.

Thanks, gonna check it soon

Just ugraded to 115.2 from 112 and I’m getting this error trying to display kodi movies…

Platform error sensor.kodi_recently_added - No module named ‘homeassistant.components.media_player.kodi’

Probably best to make an issue on the github for the kodi component. Link in the first post here. That’s one I didn’t make.

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The version in HACS is currently broken for HA >= 0.115.0. I rewrote the component and moved it to a new repo and it’s still awaiting approval to show up in HACS. In the interim you can manually install it by cloning the repo ( and copying the kodi_recently_added folder into your cusom_components directory. Make sure to checkout the README as the setup and configuration has changed now that kodi is setup via the integrations page in the UI.

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Updating the readme and the first post here to link to the new repo.

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Thanks! I was going to open a PR to update the README after the repo was in HACS, but this works too.

Did you ever get an answer there? From what I could glean from his github, it looks like there’s some CSS at play, too.

Yep, I confirm that he also uses CSS there. But no, no answer!

Good Evening All.

Currently have the following error with the Radarr upcoming card:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] radarr_upcoming_media: Error on device update!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 346, in _async_add_entity
    await entity.async_device_update(warning=False)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 471, in async_device_update
    await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.update)  # type: ignore
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/radarr_upcoming_media/", line 187, in update
    if days_until(movie['inCinemas'], self._tz) > -1:
KeyError: 'inCinemas'

Notice the KeyErro: InCinemas. I am currently using Version of Radarr. If i remember version 2 was working 100%. Could it be due to the version i am using

This was reported on github, I’m aware of it, just haven’t got around to fixing it yet. Soon.

Thanx. Will wait until the fix is in place. Thanx again. Awesome cards :slight_smile:

I don’t have it in front of me atm, but I figured this out last night. In my case (maybe yours, too), I was using the Kodi Recently Added component instead of Plex. Changing a few poster CSS values from rece.* to kodi.* near the end of the lovelace config got me about 90% of the way there, then it was just some scaling and position adjustments. Hope that helps.

I havent had any luck in the past few months with my upcoming media for sonarr and radarr working.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at HTMLElement.set hass [as hass] (upcoming-media-card.js:15)
    at HTMLElement.value (chunk.fbc61a1121b07fc4a2f0.js:44136)
    at HTMLElement.value (chunk.fbc61a1121b07fc4a2f0.js:44574)
    at HTMLElement.<anonymous> (chunk.fbc61a1121b07fc4a2f0.js:44136)
    at n (app.4ab9da5a.js:1)
    at chunk.fbc61a1121b07fc4a2f0.js:13591

My sonarr data looks like this:

  - title_default: $title
    line1_default: $episode
    line2_default: $release
    line3_default: $rating - $runtime
    line4_default: $number - $studio
    icon: 'mdi:arrow-down-bold'
  - airdate: '2020-10-09T04:00:00Z'
    release: '$day, $time'
    flag: false
    title: The Boys
    episode: What I Know
    number: S02E08
    runtime: 60
    studio: Amazon
    rating: ★ 7.0
    genres: 'Action, Comedy, Crime'
    poster: ''
    fanart: ''
  - airdate: '2020-10-12T02:00:00Z'
    release: '$day, $time'
    flag: false
    title: Fargo
    episode: The Pretend War
    number: S04E04
    runtime: 50
    studio: FX
    rating: ★ 9.1
    genres: 'Comedy, Crime, Drama, Thriller'
    poster: ''
    fanart: ''
friendly_name: Sonarr_Upcoming_Media

My Card looks like this

 - type: custom:upcoming-media-card
        entity: sensor.sonarr_upcoming_media
        title: Upcoming TV

My Config looks like this:

 - platform: sonarr_upcoming_media
    api_key: <API_KEY_HIDDEN>
    host: <IP_HIDDEN>
    port: 8989
    ssl: false
    days: 7
    max: 5

If anyone can help, thanks