Lovelace: Versatile Swiss Army Knife Custom Card

Hi, Glad to see that it works, actually I destroyed my message because there was an error and I didn’t take the time to find it. I didn’t want to give you a solution that didn’t work. :grinning:

Just reading this thread, it’s quite an impressive UI.
Before I dig too far into it, and seeing that it’s no longer supported, do you guys think that it’s worth while installing or it’s just a matter of time until it breaks completely?

Hello Bernard, For me I do not have any issues with the card itself. More my lack of knowledge about the coding around it. You can use it but it does require some manual steps. Just follow the manual ( and tutorials.

If Mars has stopped development, we don’t know for sure, maybe another programmer can pick it up to continue the development. I believe the sourcecode is on github. It would be a pitty if such a flexible card would go to waste.


Hello all,

Now that the weather entities are working again I continued the design of my weahter-wheel. It is not quit perfect though. I was wondering if it is posible to put the weather camera on the background (camera.buienradar). I have seen someone on a Dutch forum who did it but there was until now no response on the how.

Can anybody give a hint on the how-to? If needed I will post the code.

Got it. Now just some make-up to make it look nice. :slight_smile:


how do install it from step 2? I have installed step 1 with HACS.
I don’t find the folders mentionned with File editor.


You have to download the zip file from github. (Release v2.5.1-dev.2 · AmoebeLabs/swiss-army-knife-card · GitHub), extract the zip file and place the content of ha-config folder in the corresponding folders of HA. DO NOT OVERWRITE CONFIGURATION.YAML OR UI-LOVELACE.YAML. Look, compare and only take those parts you are missing.


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I don’t have the same structure. I don’t have a lovelace folder.
My ui-lovelace.yaml file is located at /homeassistant/ui_lovelace_minimalist/dashboard/ui-lovelace.yaml

So, i will have 2 ui-lovelace.yaml files?

In the ZIP dev2 i have 2 folders for config: ha-config & ha-config-beta.
Wich one i copy?

If you don’t have a lovelace folder then create one. You do not use 2 ui-lovelace files. look if youy need any of the code provided in the zip file, if not just leave it. I guess the best for you is to use the ha-config folder and not the beta.

Hello all,

I am designing a new card for air quality and CO2 index. For the last card I was wondering if it is possible to add a second history on top of the first. The second should be a line. The bar represents the CO2 index where the line should represent the consumed fossil fuel. Did any one ever try this? On the amoebelabs site I can’t find any information about a second history chart on top of the first.

I tried it with two bars but then the card ‘disappears’ from the screen, so that does not work.

I’ve a issue with the card :

i.setConfig is not a function

With the code :

type: custom:swiss-army-knife-card
  - entity: sensor.dsmr_reading_electricity_currently_delivered
    decimals: 3
    name: Total
    area: Tha Moon
  - entity: sensor.dsmr_reading_electricity_currently_returned
    decimals: 3
  - entity: sensor.dsmr_reading_phase_currently_delivered_l1
    name: L1
    decimals: 3
  - entity: sensor.dsmr_reading_phase_currently_returned_l1
    decimals: 3
  - entity: sensor.dsmr_reading_phase_currently_delivered_l2
    name: L2
    decimals: 3
  - entity: sensor.dsmr_reading_phase_currently_returned_l2
    decimals: 3
  - entity: sensor.dsmr_reading_phase_currently_delivered_l3
    name: L3
    decimals: 3
  - entity: sensor.dsmr_reading_phase_currently_returned_l3
    decimals: 3

Core 2024.5.5 Supervisor 2024.05.1 Operating System 12.3 Frontend 20240501.1
File (configuration.yaml):
frontend: extra_module_url: - /hacsfiles/Bubble-Card/bubble-pop-up.js - /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js - /hacsfiles/swiss-army-knife-card/swiss-army-knife-card.js

Hi guys.

First of all: Thank you for creating such an inventive and versatile card. It’s quite amazing to work with.

I have a question and I’m not sure if it has been asked and answered before. I tried searching for it but no results came up.

When I use the Light example card (Example 2) and change the entities to my own lights, the card does not respond to the lights being switched off. It remains in the ‘on’ state showing both the active icon color and the brightness percentage as if the light was still on.

EDIT: If I refresh the page after switching the light off the card does turn to its ‘off’ state color scheme and layout.

This happens to both mqtt lights and also lights controlled by Tuya or Sonoff integration.

Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance guys!

I’m searching for a solution to this same error seen with the button-card, where it intermittently shows up maybe 50% of the time. I see it reported as bugs and forum posts SOLVED: My dashboard is haunted (intermitten strage error I can't figure out) and some of my button cards dont work but as of yet I have not yet seen a fix coming for it.

When I google for this error, it shows up on many home-assistant frontend integrations, with the same reported intermittent behavior. Does it point to some larger home assistant issue. Would any devs know what might be causing it?

Hi. Does anyone know if this is something new (the changes were made 2 months ago)

PS. Interesting links:

I noticed the changes too in the hope there would be some development. Or at least communication

Hello all. I was wondering if any one did get a light-card working where the icon has the same color as the light itself. p.e. the custom button card has this option: var(–button-card-light-color), does the SAK has something like this? I tried var(–paper-item-icon-active-color) but this does not do anything.

Hope Mars is still reading and find time to pick-up further development of this magnificent card.


This is not really related to Swiss Army Knife cards, but I really like the NM - Gonsboro theme made by AmoebeLabs (Marco). :grinning:

I’m having a very difficult time finding instruction on how to change from light theme to dark on these examples. Can someone help?

Normally a theme has two versions, either a dark section and a light section. In this case you must select it in the settings.

But in some themes made by Marco there is only the light or dark part.

This is the case of the NM - Gonsboro theme that I use which contains only a light part.

Check in the description of the theme you are using, what it contains.