It has been a while since I was here on the forums, but here you have a message from me again!
After finishing handling my sister’s legacy in January, I experienced some emotional stress as the grieving finally took over, as I had nothing to do anymore after two years. All those feelings and emotions started running through my head made me very tired. The normal day-to-day things were already a lot to handle.
But then something nice happened: I hadn’t updated Home Assistant for a while, and when I did I discovered that Home Assistant made ‘some’ breaking changes and nothing worked anymore
I had to manually switch lights, push physical buttons, even climb stairs to switch lights (no light button on the ground floor), and more
So, I had broken automations and about all the custom cards I use didn’t work anymore. It was time to get everything working again and so I started to work on SAK again for which had been no room in my head the months before.
In the last couple of weeks, I was able to publish a few releases
This had the Lovelace fix that broke most custom cards
The fact that others on Github already found and fixed the Lovelace problem was a great help to me. That made it possible to test that fix in my own environment and release v2.4.1. Thanx everybody for this
This one had a big change in my development environment and the return of the UserSVG tool styling.
The change in the development environment means that there is no need anymore to load external files (packages): everything is included in the distributed JavaScript file.
As loading sometimes didn’t work, or timed out, a lot of the “Card does not exist”, “i.setConfig is not a function” messages should be gone for the most part from now on!
Another change that came with the new development environment (vscode with remote docker containers, eslint for quality control, and rollup.js to build the resulting file) was the possibility to split up the single source file into - at this moment - 28 JavaScript files. This makes maintenance a lot easier.
The single package also makes it not necessary anymore to define cors_allowed_origins
links in the configuration.yaml
file to include all the packages loaded from
While catching up reading the Github issues and this forum, I saw some nice things made with SAK, like the stuff from @Djal, @D-Vine, @alisa, @jwaz73, and @ValMarDav to name a few.
I will make some separate posts after this one for some questions and remarks that I think should be Github issues (bugs, features).
I also have to update the documentation, which will also take some time to reflect the changes with the v2.x versions.