Lovelace: vertical-stack and condition card how to merge?


I’ve been playing around with the vertical-stack function in my lovelace ui and it seems to do exactly what I was looking for. One of the things that I just can’t get working is the conditional card, while using it along with other entities.

I have this one, which works:

  - entities:
      - light.led_hobbyrum
      - input_boolean.disable_motionsensor_hobbyroom_automation
      - light.hobbyrum_ikea_light
    title: Lys
    type: entities
type: vertical-stack

What I’m trying to add is this, but no matter how I format the syntax it doesn’t work out for me:

type: conditional
  - entity: light.hobbyrum_ikea_lys
    state: 'on'
  type: entities
    - light.hobbyroom_led1
    - light.hobbyroom_led2
    - light.hobbyroom_led3
    - light.hobbyroom_led4
    - light.hobbyroom_led5
    - light.hobbyroom_led6
    - light.hobbyroom_led7

The above works alone.

How can I merge the two of them? I want only the LED1-7 to be shown if the condition is true.


Hi, not 100% sure, but the conditional impacts entire card, and not separate entities?

Here is an example of a vertical stack card that is shown only when it’s not summer.
The vertical stack has 3 other cards - an entities card, a picture-elements and a history graph card.

type: conditional
  - entity: sensor.season
    state_not: "summer"
  type: vertical-stack
    - entities:
        - entity: sensor.temperature
          name: Temperature
        - entity: switch.heater_switch
          name: Heater Switch
      show_header_toggle: false
      type: entities
    - elements:
        - entity: sensor.insolation
          prefix: 'Insolation '
            font-size: 17px
            left: 50%
            top: 55%
            action: more-info
          type: state-label
        - entity: sensor.heater_temp_0
            font-size: 17px
            left: 90%
            top: 10%
          type: state-label
        - entity: sensor.heater_temp_1
            font-size: 17px
            left: 90%
            top: 30%
          type: state-label
      image: /local/some-solar-water-heater-image.png
      type: picture-elements
    - entities:
        - entity: sensor.insolation
          name: Insolation
        - entity: sensor.ideal_insolation
          name: Ideal
        - entity: sensor.cloud_coverage
      hours_to_show: 48
      refresh_interval: 120
      type: history-graph