Lovelace view buttons


Just redesigning my Lovelace views and encountered a little problem.
Is there a way to center the view buttons in the header ?
Kinda simple thing but I really don’t know how to do :confused:

Something wrong with my question?

I still don’t know the answer :confused:

You can’t unless you use a custom card.

Already tried with custom-header but you can only invert (Left to Right, Up to bottom etc.) the view buttons with this.
Or am I missing a function ?

you have to adjust the css styles.

Ohhh ok. I tried something like that:

  tab_container_css: 'padding-left: 50%;'

But its not exactly the middle of the header. Do you know another setting which is more accurate ?

try align-self: center;

Nop nothing happens with this one.:confused:

try display: inline-block; text-align:center;

or just


Nop sadly not.
But I know the problem, I think tab_container_css is wrong :confused:
I changed a thing with Inspect function ^^

Now it works! But do you know how I can put that in the config of custom header ?

doesn’t look like he exposed it. Maybe ask him yourself in the custom_header thread