Lovelace Views - duplicated?

Currently I have approx. 10 lovelace views and one of the is “attic” with approx. 5 cards.

Once I added a new view for my 3d-printer (just the view without any cards), I see all my cards from the “attic” view in my “3d-printer” view and I am unable to navigate trough the views.

  - title: 3d-printer
    path: 3d-printer
    icon: 'mdi:printer-3d'
    badges: []
    cards: []

I added all my cards with the UI-Editor.

Once I delete the “3d-printer” view from the lovelace.yaml via raw-editor, everything is fine.

Does anybody had the same issue?

Yes I went through exactly the same thing. I had to manually (or through GUI) purge all cards and recreate what I needed. It seemed to have something to do with Lovelace getting tripped up on an group/tab being stored with no cards. Specifically when I also created a 3d printing group/tab

thx for the info…

I figured out that is has to do something with the URL of the lovelace view. Once you manually change to URL to e.g. 1/2/3 you can also solve this issue.

Seems to come from the view name, I have the same issue with the view 3Dprinter, I have renamed it by printer and everything is working well again