Lovelace: Weather card with chart

Another issue - might be related to previous one. The curve does not always fit into the chart.

I tried to debug myself but I’m not familiar with javascript.

HI @Yevgeniy
not sure if you saw my post, but please note the top left icon for humidity is not aligned properly. Ive checked in the card but all seems fine thooght. Any clues where to correct this?


Feature request: Could you add the option of setting the Chart Line and Bar colors, so that these could be styled to match the current theme.
I tried to do it myself in the .js file,but simply can’t figure out how to set the color for each chart line and the preceip bar.

found another error in the card, when using Buienradar, or any other weather component using meters per second for windspeed.

currently your card uses

      computeWind(speed) {
        var calcSpeed = Math.round(speed * 1000 / 3600);
        return calcSpeed;

which renders an incorrect speed when the unit is already m/s…

Ive changed it into

  computeWind(speed) {
    var calcSpeed = speed;
    return calcSpeed;

which is silly of course, but at least the card shows correctly now (since you have the unit set to m/s)



If you’d want the speed to be expressed in km/h you have to *3.6, but also change the unit to display that.

Hello to all. Unfortunately now I have less free time, however I will try to release a new version with fixes in the near future.

Will be fixed in the next version.

This is a chart.js issue and unfortunately I don’t know how to solve it.

The strings are centered. It was intended, but I will try other options.

Unfortunately in the current chart implementation colors are hardcoded.

Hi @Yevgeniy,

Thank you so much for this card, it is probably my favorite card in all of Lovelace, it gives so much more useful information than the standard weather card. I only have one issue with it, and that is that the day of week labels are wrong on the graph. This makes it a little hard to read, especially since the next segment of the graph can be anywhere from 1 minute to 3 hours away. The screenshot below was taken at 14:00 on Monday, but it’s still showing it as being Sunday. What would be ideal is if it showed the correct day and also time on the graph, as there’s no way to tell when the graph starts.


It’s got the correct data when you click for the detail, though:

Here is the configuration for my openweathermap. Hourly mode is ideal for me because the graph then shows the next 24 hours, which is exactly what I want.

  - platform: openweathermap
    api_key: !secret openweathermap_key
    mode: hourly

I also have another one set up for the next 10 days which has the same problem (screenshot also at 14:06 on Monday, but it’s showing it starting on Saturday).


Here is the detail pane if I click on the top. It seems it might be taking only some of the days, as it’s also starting on Sunday instead of Monday.

Here’s the configuration of the weather component for this graph.

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret darksky_key
    name: Weather Forecast
    mode: daily
    scan_interval: 720

The time on my server is set correctly, but as CET whereas I am in CET+1. However I have the time zone correctly set in my hass config:


  name: Home
  latitude: !secret home_lat
  longitude: !secret home_long
  elevation: 260
  unit_system: metric
  time_zone: Europe/Prague

If you need anything else from my config, it’s up on github Would be happy to test any new versions which might be able to address these issues.

EDIT: I just noticed that it works properly on the Homeassistant app on iOS but not on chrome… The plot thickens!

Thanks again for a wonderful card!

I solved the issue curve not fitting to the chart by calling reload(true) if any value updated. Also, I found it best to limit the temp axis range to 4 degrees because its not useful to differentiate values that inside one degree.

So, a few updates later and added the mode:hourly option to the hourly and now they seem to be putting the right labels on the graph on both my mobile and chrome finally.

But for some reason, my custom updater doesn’t seem to recognize your card, though it does all my other cards. I have:

    - cards
    - components
    - python_scripts

But my custom updater card still shows as below after many restarts (every card except this one shows up…):

Any idea why that might be?

…And of course as soon as I write about it here, it appears, though it was like this for many weeks after adding it to the config… Okay, as long as it’s there, I’m happy… Sorry to bother you, disregard the above, thanks for the great card.

Awesome work! German translation:

    de: {
    tempHi: "Temperatur",
    tempLo: "Temperatur Nacht",
    precip: "Niederschlag",
    uPress: "hPa",
    uSpeed: "m/s",
    uPrecip: "mm",
    cardinalDirections: [
      'N', 'N-NO', 'NO', 'O-NO', 'O‘, 'O-SO', 'SO', 'S-SO',
      'S', 'S-SW', 'SW', 'W-SW', 'W', 'W-NW', 'NW', 'N-NW', 'N'

Portuguese translation. Thanks!

pt: {
tempHi: "Temperatura",
tempLo: "Temperatura Noite",
precip: "Precipitação",
uPress: "hPa",
uSpeed: "m/s",
uPrecip: "mm",
cardinalDirections: [
  'N', 'N-NE', 'NE', 'E-NE', 'E', 'E-SE', 'SE', 'S-SE',
  'S', 'S-SO', 'SO', 'O-SO', 'O', 'O-NO', 'NO', 'N-NO', 'N'

Is there a way to convert hPa to mm Hg/s?
Как можно конвертировать гПа в привычные мм рт/с?

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Just wait for acceptance of this pull request:


It seems to me that mode: hourly doesn’t work.

I get this if i use that mode:


I am in favour of “Höchsttemperatur” and “Tiefsttemperatur” - that’s what a German wheater forecast would use.

Thanks a lot for this card. I was looking for just that. I made a tiny patch to remove the header, because that way I can have two charts, one short-term and one long-term, without duplicating the current conditions:

The patch is just this:

--- a/custom-weather-card-chart.js
+++ b/custom-weather-card-chart.js
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class WeatherCardChart extends Polymer.Element {
       <ha-card header="[[title]]">
         <div class="card">
-          <div class="main">
+          <div class="main" style="[[noHead]]">
             <ha-icon icon="[[getWeatherIcon(weatherObj.state)]]"></ha-icon>
             <template is="dom-if" if="[[tempObj]]">
               <div on-click="_tempAttr">[[roundNumber(tempObj.state)]]<sup>[[getUnit('temperature')]]</sup></div>
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class WeatherCardChart extends Polymer.Element {
               <div on-click="_weatherAttr">[[roundNumber(weatherObj.attributes.temperature)]]<sup>[[getUnit('temperature')]]</sup></div>
-          <div class="attributes" on-click="_weatherAttr">
+          <div class="attributes" on-click="_weatherAttr" style="[[noHead]]">
               <ha-icon icon="hass:water-percent"></ha-icon> [[roundNumber(weatherObj.attributes.humidity)]] %<br>
               <ha-icon icon="hass:gauge"></ha-icon> [[roundNumber(weatherObj.attributes.pressure)]] [[ll('uPress')]]
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ class WeatherCardChart extends Polymer.Element {
       config: Object,
       sunObj: Object,
       tempObj: Object,
+      noHead: String,
       mode: String,
       weatherObj: {
         type: Object,
@@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ class WeatherCardChart extends Polymer.Element {
     this.title = config.title;
     this.weatherObj =;
     this.tempObj = config.temp;
+    this.noHead = config.chartOnly?'display:none':'';
     this.mode = config.mode;
     if (! {
       throw new Error('Please define "weather" entity in the card config');

It adds an extra attribute chartOnly to the card. so

chartOnly: true

will remove the header.


Really nice! That way it can be combined with the animated wethercard (or any other) in a nice verticle stack! @Yevgeniy is it possible to get this in to your version?

Loving the card, I’ve been using seidler’s chart_only patch to setup long and short term forecasts. Just wondering are the weather icons stored somewhere, that I could update them for something with a bit more colour?

How did you limit axis range, I am also getting decimals on one of my charts.

I don’t have the code now, but I simply searched the part of the code (update function?) that calculates max-min and uses that value as range on y-axis. I just added one IF sentence that confirms that the range is at least 4.