Lovelace: Weather card with chart


Do you mind sharing your config for this card ? Looks very awesome !



Hi weemaba999,

sorry I am not using this anymore. As discussed above I was struggling with the adopting of the card to my screen size(s). I am using the same view on a phone and on various tablets. And I never go it to be easily readable. I am now simply using 2 cards “forecast xxx” and “forecast xxx hourly”. This always works :slight_smile: The background is “Caule Black Green Glass” - if you refer to that by saying it looks “awesome”. What you don’t see here is that the weather icons are animated (sun rotates, clouds move, …). This is achieved by installing “Animated Weather Card” via HACS.


I created my own version of this card since there where no development activities for a long time. It is supporting the new way of getting the weather data that was introduced in 2023.9. Also added a lot of other features: GitHub - mlamberts78/weather-chart-card: Custom weather card with charts.


nice contribution to the community, thanks for that!

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Hello, can tell me, why are language settings not fully applied?

this was fixed in version 2.2.4
Develop by mlamberts78 · Pull Request #60 · mlamberts78/weather-chart-card (

I get the error message?
Do you have an idea?


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Hey, where you got the animated icons?

In the HACS card there are other icons

I have the same Problem! Can someone advise?

Maybe @Yevgeniy himself?

Could this be part of the Problem:

vs. where it is really stored:

Obviously ! , so you just change in your yaml , not that i know why you have it there
Have you guys read the github documentation ?

Of course I read it. But it’s misleading. I followed the steps 100% but it wasn’t working and came with the not fund error.
Then I added the repo via hacs und installed it that way. This is where the automated process has put the file.

Edit: used the version from @mlamberts78 ! Works Fine! Thanks Dude! :heart:

Yes that’s where it suppose to be, better that all cards follow the same structure
But you have the url to resources in your configuration.yaml, it’s most common it ends up in the UI ( On a dashboard , you can click the 3 dots in top right corner, and click Edit then click them again, and choose Manage Resources )
Or you can click /Settings/Dashboards/ and click the 3 dots

However maybe you have a lovelace-ui.yaml, and don’t edit your Dashboards in the GUI

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Hey, It is possible to define a Card high directly or only over Cardmod?. Big Thanks