Hi @Yevgeniy,
Thank you so much for this card, it is probably my favorite card in all of Lovelace, it gives so much more useful information than the standard weather card. I only have one issue with it, and that is that the day of week labels are wrong on the graph. This makes it a little hard to read, especially since the next segment of the graph can be anywhere from 1 minute to 3 hours away. The screenshot below was taken at 14:00 on Monday, but it’s still showing it as being Sunday. What would be ideal is if it showed the correct day and also time on the graph, as there’s no way to tell when the graph starts.
It’s got the correct data when you click for the detail, though:
Here is the configuration for my openweathermap. Hourly mode is ideal for me because the graph then shows the next 24 hours, which is exactly what I want.
- platform: openweathermap
api_key: !secret openweathermap_key
mode: hourly
I also have another one set up for the next 10 days which has the same problem (screenshot also at 14:06 on Monday, but it’s showing it starting on Saturday).
Here is the detail pane if I click on the top. It seems it might be taking only some of the days, as it’s also starting on Sunday instead of Monday.
Here’s the configuration of the weather component for this graph.
- platform: darksky
api_key: !secret darksky_key
name: Weather Forecast
mode: daily
scan_interval: 720
The time on my server is set correctly, but as CET whereas I am in CET+1. However I have the time zone correctly set in my hass config:
name: Home
latitude: !secret home_lat
longitude: !secret home_long
elevation: 260
unit_system: metric
time_zone: Europe/Prague
If you need anything else from my config, it’s up on github Would be happy to test any new versions which might be able to address these issues.
EDIT: I just noticed that it works properly on the Homeassistant app on iOS but not on chrome… The plot thickens!
Thanks again for a wonderful card!