Lovelace — Weather Forecast card

The windspeed shown is in m/s, I think it ought to be km/hr. I’m using Meteo France.
secondary_info_attribute: wind_speed

Please provide details, we cannot guess…I see you use the meteo-france integration as source but what card are you using? Where does it show incorrect, in the entity, in the card?
My meteo-france card seems to be OK

Thanks for the reply.

Here’s the code for the Lovelave card:

name: Current and forecast
show_forecast: true
secondary_info_attribute: wind_speed
entity: weather.saint_prive```

Here's and image:

The Wind Speed (top right corner shows in metres per second, that's really fast.

Entity, 5th item down …

I see and yes…using the ootb weather card I have the same, it assumes m/s and there are multiple posts on similar…I did not investigate them further but you could
My proposal is to use the card that I am using … Lovelace Meteo France weather card (via HACS)

Fine, thank you, I’ll try the ‘Meteo France’ card.