Lovelace weblink in glance card

I have a lovelace glance card with weblinks. However, when I click the links they open the “more” card rather than going to the link directly. Is there any way to have the tap action open the link directly?

The configuration is as follows.

  - entity:
    icon: 'mdi:television'
      action: toggle
  - entity:
  - entity: weblink.telenet
show_state: false
type: glance

You can now do this easily with the new Lovelace feature requested for a url action delivered in Release 100. Here’s the link I use to include the legacy States page, making it accessible from Lovelace:

  - entity: zone.home
    name: old page with ALL controls
    icon: mdi:grid
      action: url
      url_path: /states

Thanks to the contributors who got this feature added!

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Can you please show if it is possible, when l click on the entity name it then goes to the details/history page. In that UI I would like to tap or double tap on the name and have a url action to navigate to a url outside homeassistant. The url is basically http://. The ip address should come from homeassistant mqtt integration. Also the entity id itself should be dynamically detected since l am on its screen. My entities are dynamically detected/created and added to homeassistant, l do not do any manual setup. I need this feature so that l can easily go to the external entity which runs a web server on port 80 and l can do further configuration on the entity using its own UI. I am not sure if anyone has encountered a need for such feature but it would be very useful for me.