I need a bit of help with some lovelace yaml code. I’m a bit green to yaml. I have a HACS lovelace card, tab-redirect-card. This changes the lovelace view (tab) to tab 3 when triggered by motion on one of my cams. That works fine. However, I would like to revert to tab 0 after 45 seconds or so. I tried a few things, but that didn’t work for me. How do I accomplish that? Current yaml for the card:
Just for others that might search and find this, I got this working. The first tab, the tab I want as primary display, I used the tab-rediect yaml from the original post. I then created a boolean helper. That helps is the trigger for the tab-redirect card on the 3rd, cam, tab. When the cam is triggered I have an automation that sets that helper to on. Then a timer starts. When the timer ends the helper is returned to 0. Order of events: Tablet is on tab 1 → Cameras detect motion, send mqtt message → Tablet changes to tab 3 (with the cameras), helper is set to on, timer starts → timer expires, helper is set to off, tab-redirect card on tab 3 redirects to tab 1.
Sorry for this basic question, but where to put this yaml code? Have installed the card via HACS, but it doesn’t show up when using the “Add card” button.