đŸȘ« Low Battery Notifications & Actions


That is a good question
 You have 3 ways to do this.

  1. The easiest way it to just push the blue button at the top of this post again and it will update it without losing previous settings. In the BP automation at the top there is a link back to this topic where you can check if there is an update. You can read the notes on the update and see if there is anything required to do and if your happy then press the blue button and follow the steps.

  2. In the blueprints area in home assistant, each blueprint has 3 dots on the right, click on it and select Re-import blueprint.

  3. Edit in YAML, but that is a more advance way
 I show this way in my sensor light blueprint FAQ with a step by step guide. If your interested then have a look there.

Blacky :smiley:

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Your welcome, glad you like it.

Blacky :smiley:

I guess the question is stupid, but how do you update a blueprint? I have version 1.9 installed, how can I update it to the latest?

Hi Martin,

I think this is what you are looking for:
Using automation blueprints - Home Assistant.

(Also, there are no stupid questions)

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You can follow the link @Sir_Goodenough provided or you can just click the Import Blueprint To blue button at the top again of the post and follow the instructions.

Blacky :smiley:

is it possbile to implement following: i wanna only check batterys from one other integration, i manage all batterys via “battery notes” it would be nice when i can add only these integration to check or exclude, currently i have alls batterys doubled :slight_smile:


I heard that battery notes makes 2 entities for every battery. The only thing I can think you can do is use the Battery Sensors - Custom Group and add all your entities you would like to track (just one of them). Then just select to use in Sensor Selection option Use Battery Sensors - Custom Group. Now just your selected entities in your custom group will be reported.

Blacky :smiley:

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Nice, but
 I like the idea with the “@ X%”, unfortunately it makes zero sense in German. That is the other thing. Having no way to customize the messages, this nice piece of software ist useless outside the english speaking nations. Basically I think, most people want to customize the messages.


Hi Roberto

Thanks for the info. If you would like to change it to anything you like you use the custom actions. I have a FAQ on how to do that click here. Read through that topic and take note of point 8 and 9. If you get stuck then just let us know.

Blacky :smiley:


Nice automation! Works like a charm. One question though. How can I change the title in HA notification? It is malformed, I tried renaming it in all the places I could find, but it still looks like this:


Thanks for your input. Yes the icon is hard coded, I will look at making it an option. If you are also looking to change the words you will find it in easy notify, title.

Blacky :smiley:

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Hi Blacky,
thank you very much for this blueprint. I configured it with a time trigger and the notification to my iPhone and it works as a charm! - Really GREAT!

Now I would like to configure the action buttons / tasks in the To-Do list, too, because I want to use this To-Do List entry as a badget in my Homescreen, then.

But I’m struggeling at this point.
Here are some informations about my config:
Homeassistant at the latest Version (2024.8.2)
Low Battery Notifications blueprint Ver: 2.5
Local To-Do integration is installed and I created an empty Task (named Battery i.e.)
then I tried to configure the action buttons:

  • entered the To-Do List selection
    but nothing happens when I choose “Add To-Do List Action Buttons”

Maybe you can help me with the configuration or give me a hint what’s going wrong with my steps, please?
Or is there perhaps a HowTo or FAQ for this topic, which unfortunately I have not found so far?
Maybe there’s another way to get the notification as a badget / info only to my homescreen when there’s something to do/change (i.e. Battery replacement)?

Kind regards and many thanks for this blueprint and your help in advance,


Please note: The default shopping list isn’t compatible due to its lack of description capability. You need to create a new one.

Could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

That is a good idea, I will create a FAQ with a step by step guide when I get back from holidays.

Blacky :smiley:


Thank you for your quick answer and sorry for my late reply. In the following post I send you my YAML.

Kind regards and thank you in advance,


alias: Batteriezustand
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/low-battery-notifications-and-actions.yaml
    include_time: time_enabled
    time: "18:00:00"
    battery_level: 15
        - sensor.iphone_ralph_battery_level
        - sensor.iphone_funda_battery_level
        - sensor.ipad_von_funda_battery_level
        - sensor.kfrapwi_battery_level
        - sensor.ipad_von_funda_batterie
        - sensor.iphone_funda_cloud_batterie
        - sensor.iphone_ralph_cloud_batterie
    include_easy_notify: enable_easy_notify
      - 411f29297aaf996be397b38e5aa93279
    notify_message: sensors
    notify_title: Batteriewarnung
    notify_okay_message: Batterien in Ordnung
    include_persistent_notification: enable_persistent_notification
    notify_action_buttons: enable_to_do_list_button
    to_do_list: todo.batteriezustand
    to_do_task_title: Batterien mĂŒssen ersetzt werden
    action_button_to_do: Zur To-Do Liste hinzufĂŒgen
    action_button_cancel: Abbrechen
    include_custom_actions: disabled_custom_actions
    custom_actions: []


Thanks Ralph, if you don’t mind I will look at this when I get back for holidays. Next Sunday or Monday. I will also do a FAQ on how to set this all up.

Blacky :smiley:

I really tried to figure it out, but can not

I have no idea where to add the custom code.

for sure
 don‘t hurry about this
 - it‘s only a nice to have
Wish you a nice and relaxed Holiday!

Kind regards

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That is okay
 hopefully I can guide you. Unfortunately I don’t speak German and I only have one friend that speaks fluent in German but we don’t talk about HA blueprints when we are together and they don’t even know I share them.

You mention “@ X%” makes no sense in German, could you guide me to what you would like to be displayed in your notifications in German. So what would @ be and what would 50% be?.. Or is there another way?

Blacky :smiley:

It would be awesome if there were exclude options other than just entities. Labels would be very useful!

I am jusing RFXCom for some devices I have around the house and the only way to painlessly add devices to it is to use “Enable automatic add” but this means that I have 4792 entities(!) from the whole block added with that integration. Needless to say I do not want to receive low battery alarms for all of them :slight_smile: And excluding them one by one is not going to work.

If it would be possible to exclude certain labels it would be great. Then I could add a label to all but the entities that actually are mine and get low battery alerts only for those.

Even better would be to have the option to pick a label to include.