đŸȘ« Low Battery Notifications & Actions

I did solve the Todo item by adding the Todo integration. I still have the Notify issue.

That’s good news, do you have the “mobile app” installed to?

Blacky :smiley:

I do. With four devices. The image should appear below.

Well you have both services maybe ask Watchman.

If you are getting notified then you should be okay.

Blacky :smiley:

Yes, it could be a watchmen issue.

Watchman detects ALL coded functions in the blueprint, so if you don’t use those parts / functions from the blueprint it will detect there are missing.

ie if you do not have any todo lists, watchman will detect that a todo is missing, frenk says that there nothing he can do for this.

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Thanks Andy for providing the information :+1:

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks for all the help.

Absolutely brilliant! I’m reasonably new to HA and, having set up a nice dashboard with all my battery levels as colour-graded gauges, I thought it would be good to be actually notified (I like using TTS to my HomePod for notifications as I sit here in my home office all day) when one of them starts to run low but I have 18 devices with batteries and the thought of writing an automation for each one was daunting. Your Blueprint was the first thing that popped up when I did a search for a solution and it took me less than 15 minutes to have a beautifully working automation! The only real question left is how do I buy you a drink/coffee?!?!? :smiley: The ONLY (very minor) criticism was the inability to use an area for the exclude group as I really don’t want to know if any of my kid’s and/or partner’s personal device batteries are low (I have them all in an “area” called “personal devices”). Had to exclude them one by one but worth it! :wink:


Thanks for you kind words, I glad you like it. Now you have to check out my other blueprints.

If you would like support me then you can by Clicking Here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. If it wont let you donate then you just change your country (USA) as some country’s restrict donations :pray:


Blacky :smiley:

Done! Enjoy a brew (cold or hot! :wink: ) on me. I will certainly be checking out your other Blueprints as I build out my smart home. Thanks again.


Thanks Michael, If more people were like you the world would be a better place.

Thanks for your donation :beers:

Blacky :smiley:

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Today I’m getting the following error when the automation is triggered (by time) at the “Choose: Perform the custom actions” point:
“Error: HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=8123): Read timed out. (read timeout=10.0)”
Any thoughts on why this is happening and how to fix it? Thanks.


Hi Michael, I tested it here using time and a custom action. I am not on the latest Home assistant, I am on 2024.6.4. Please take this into account as it could be a newer version of HA that may be causing the problem. When I tested it I had no problem with any errors.

The error suggests that your Home Assistant instance is taking too long to respond to the HTTP request, causing a timeout. this could be a few things;

  1. High CPU or memory usage can cause delays in responses.
  2. New version of HA.
  3. Maybe connection to the speakers?

Try a reboot of HA as that just may help. I think you are using TTS so maybe disable the custom action and try a easy notify. If that works then think about your custom action and if the speakers are awake :thinking:

I am very interested as I hate bugs so it would be nice to know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

Updated HA Core today to 2024.7.2 and that seems to have fixed it. :slight_smile:


That’s good news, thanks for letting us know :+1:

Blacky :smiley:


Great blueprints. Just one question, when running the automation the message sent is about my Ring V2 Z-Wave keypad rechargeable battery being zero and other data. Is that because it’s asleep or something else perhaps?
Z-Wave shows it in th 90s percent charged.

Thanks! :+1:

I might asked this before, but I would like to configure the icon and the group for the notifications. This way I can easily group and distinguish the different notifications I get.


Hi Dave, looks like your onto another one of my blueprints :+1:

I not sure what other other data your are referring to.

If you get a notification the the battery is 0 then some how in your HA that will be true. Normally when something goes asleep it just keeps the last value but there are so many different set ups it is hard for me to tell here. First check it is the same entity so you don’t go down that rabbit hole. If you are 100% sure it is the same entity then you will have to monitor it, history is a good place to start. Hope you end up finding what it is.

Blacky :smiley:


Hi Fred, notifications are getting an upgrade. When doing so I have found a possible bug in HA that has stopped me developing it further. I have submitted a bug report to HA but no one as taken it up so I am just waiting.

Blacky :smiley:

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