Luftdaten integrations not working after restart

If I restart HA I always get the message that Luftdaten (via integrations) could not be loaded.

Can not load data from
Log Details (ERROR)

Sun May 05 2019 23:10:18 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Can not load data from

Log Details (ERROR)
Sun May 05 2019 23:10:18 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Unable to retrieve data from

If I delete them and add them again via integrations they are working again until the next restart.

Any suggestions?



1 Like

Same here with 0.97.2

Still having this issue on 0.102.2.

Any ideas? Is annoying

Since I kept getting these errors I switched to opensencemap to get the values from my Luftdaten sensor.

Not ideal, but hope this helps others.

Might you give some more insights?
I also see problems with the sensor I’m reading.
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.luftdaten] Unable to retrieve data from

From within Luftdaten you can send the data to opensencemap.
Then use the integration to retrieve the data.

Another solution could be by using the raw json data which Luftdaten is providing and using the following url:
Then you could use the rest platform to extract the data.
I know it’s a hack, but hey it works :smiley:

If you are unable to get it working please PM me so I could assist you in private with your own config/Luftdaten Id’s.

Good luck.

Hello @passie

Maybe it’s a long shot, but can you help me with an example on how did you extracted the values from the data.json of the luftdaten firmware? I’m currently using it with command_line sensor like so:

  - platform: command_line
    name: "Sensor PM10"
    unique_id: sensor_pm10
    command: 'curl http://luftdaten-esp8266.local/data.json'
    value_template: "{{ value_json.sensordatavalues[0].value | float }}"
    unit_of_measurement: µg/m³
    scan_interval: 180

I believe this is not the best solution, as is queries the devices multple times for multiple sensors (I want to get temperature, pressure, etc. from the device too).

Thank you!