Lumi.switch.n0agl1 not working in ZHA

Logs. (10 chars)

Sorry, I don’t know what you mean. Could you please be more specific?

Post your logs.

my logs are too big to pastebin and it appears I can’t attach a text file here? is there anything I can do to narrow down the logs and get you the specific information you’re asking for?

I’m not asking for anything, just telling you what you need to supply if you want a problem solved.

Restart HA. A new log will be started. Play with the switch. The logs should be short enough to post somewhere.

Did you see my note on that thread about the new variant of the switch, and the changes you have to make to the new models work ?

Could that be the issue for you ?

Simply use the quirk above and change the models line from this:-

MODELS_INFO: [(LUMI, “lumi.switch.n0agl1”)],


MODELS_INFO: [(LUMI, “lumi.switch.n0agl1”),(LUMI, “lumi.switch.n0acn2”)],

And it starts working.!

Initially Aqara T1 associates with ZHA showing only Diagnostic: Device Temperature and Identify (plus hidden LQI & RSSI).

Here’s how I got it working…

  1. Removed the device from ZHA
  2. Reset by pressing and holding the button on the Aqara T1 for 8 seconds.
  3. Started device discovery in ZHA
  4. Repeatedly pressed the button on the Aqara T1 during the interview process (about every second).
  5. After about 20 seconds many more entities for the device are reported

Controls: Light
Sensors: Active Power, Power Factor, Summation Delivered
Configuration: Previous Value

Thanks to @Ksi for the setup trick!

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Do you confirm you get actual values for the Sensors: Active Power, Power Factor, Summation Delivered ?
On my side, they are reported and available… but always at 0 value.

Can anyone confirm whether this trick worked to actually get values on entities like Active Power etc.?


Since HA release 2023.9.x (not sure exactly), you no longer need a local quirk to run this device, its baked into ZHA core quirks now.

I have a few variants of these T1s and it looks like the n0agl1 still doesn’t correctly report active power, but it does show as an entity, and ‘summation delivered’ does appear to work:


However, variant n0acn2 does work:


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