Lumiere Bluetooth support

I’ve got one of the pendant lights from Lumiere Design (being sold in Germany at least), and they could be controlled via Bluetooth. It comes with a remote control (actually they sent me 2 different ones for some reason).

I’ve tried LED BLE integration, but it doesn’t discover it. Has anyone had any success in integrating it? Thanks

This integration works with devices that identify with the following names

What does your device identify as? (Damn that sounds woke)

Can you recommend a way I could do it? Thanks

People answer with another question so that they can help you. If your don’t supply what you have been asked, how can we progress?

The reason I am asking, because I am not able to find out how it’s identifying. I’ve tried Bluetooth Scanner Apps, but they can’t discover it. It seems like LED doesn’t have discovery enabled.

But I have a remote, which can be paired within the first 5 seconds when the lamp is enabled, so it seems to be pre-programmed for this specific lamp.

Hi, we also bought a Lumiere Design Lamp with Bluetooth support.
In order to control the lamp with HA, you need a ESP32 Board with a custom firmware, which basicly replaces the LampSmartPro App.

For instance: I use the following board: ESP32 NodeMCU Module WLAN WiFi Dev Kit C Development Board mit CP2102

Then install ESPHome locally and create a configuration with this custom component: GitHub - aronsky/esphome-components: Custom components for ESPHome

  name: livingroom
  name_add_mac_suffix: true

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

  # shorthand
  source: github://aronsky/esphome-components

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: ""

  password: ""

  ssid: "<your SSID>"
  password: "<your password>"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Livingroom Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "0hoY2ybafi7O"


  - platform: ble_adv_light
    type: lampsmart_pro
    name: Esstisch
    duration: 750
    default_transition_length: 0s

when this configuration is flashed onto the ESP32 and the ESPHome Integration in HA is complete, you can pair the lamp with HA by using a service (esphome.<name of esp>_pair_<name of light>). The service needs to be called within 5 seconds after switching on the lamp. The lamp will blink, once the connection was succesful.

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Hello @pschum,
thank you for your description.
To be clear, I am not a pro gamer considering ESP Home and stuff like this but have the same issue: a Lumiere Design Lamp with the need to control it via HA.
I have the same ESP32 Board like you.

I tried the following procedure:

  1. open ESPHome in HA
  2. generate “New Device” by chosing the ESP32 and click on Install with option “Plug into this computer” and close after final installation
  3. adopt the ESP into ESPHome
  4. edit yaml code
    4.1 copy the following snippets out of your code into my yaml
  # shorthand
  source: github://aronsky/esphome-components
  - platform: ble_adv_light
    type: lampsmart_pro
    name: Esstisch
    duration: 750
    default_transition_length: 0s

4.2 click on “install” → option “plug into this computer”

→ get the following error:
INFO ESPHome 2024.9.1
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/bridge-lumiere-leuchte.yaml…
INFO Unable to import component ble_adv_light.light: No module named ‘esphome.components.ble_adv_light’
Failed config

light.ble_adv_light: [source /config/esphome/bridge-lumiere-leuchte.yaml:45]

Platform not found: ‘light.ble_adv_light’.
platform: ble_adv_light
type: lampsmart_pro
name: Esstisch
duration: 750
default_transition_length: 0s

Can you help me what I am doing wrong?
Thank you a lot for your support!